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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. Judas Priest: British Steel (Screaming and Painkiller both piss all over it from a great height)

    As above, agree with this one.


    Guns n' Roses: Use Your Illusion (both of 'em ... enough good songs to make one killer album and a whole bunch of filler!)

    Well said, I should have mentioned these. Although I would slightly reword it to say, "enough good songs to make a fairly good EP".

    Maybe you're not such a numpty after all...


    Whitesnake: 1987 (I know the vast majority of people on here LOVE this album, but I just don't get it)

    On second thoughts, you need medical help.

    I think we established THAT a looooong time ago :) I know you adore '1987' with a passion, and would have its babies if you could, but I'm going to stay over here in the 'Really Don't Get What All The Fuss Is About' camp ... I'm not saying that I hate the thing, just that I don't see why people get so worked up about it ...While I'm here, how about Blue Oyster Cult's 'Agents Of Fortune'? Yes, I know it's got THAT song on it, but 'Secret Treaties' and 'Imaginos' are vastly superior, if you ask me ...

  2. Judas Priest: British Steel (Screaming and Painkiller both piss all over it from a great height)

    Nelson: After The Rain (I had the damn thing on vinyl AND CD ... two admittedly fantastic songs, but I'm hard pushed to remember anything else on the album)

    Guns n' Roses: Use Your Illusion (both of 'em ... enough good songs to make one killer album and a whole bunch of filler!)

    Black Sabbath: Sabotage (which is ironic when you think that two of my all-time favourite Sabbath tracks are on that album)

    Whitesnake: 1987 (I know the vast majority of people on here LOVE this album, but I just don't get it)

    Anything Metallica have put out after 'The Black Album'

    30 Seconds To Mars (Jared Leto may well be the most chiselled man to ever front a band, but there's only one decent song in their entire back catalogue)


    I'm sure there are more ...

  3. I love this CD, probably my favourite of the year but after a couple of months with it, and this is by no means negative, I can't shake the John Sykes vibe all over it. Whether it's the riffing, the heaviness, the solos, the fills and other lead work I just hear him (at his heaviest) from Whitesnake - 1987 and Blue Murder. There's tastes of his work/style etc. throughout the entire album and usually something on each song. Anyone else agree?


    I haven't got the CD yet (Gibbo has my copy and will be handing it over today) but if you're right about the Sykes sound, I'll be over the moon. That would be awesometastic news for me - Sykes rocks!!! :D

    'awesometastic'? You utter fanboy :)Luckily, I remembered to bring the CD with me this morning ...

  4. I'm sure we could all fill a complete set of encyclopedias with bands we miss but I totally agree with Bratta and White Lion and Saigon Kick.


    SK have a reunion in the works and I'm hoping it includes new material with Kramer. In the meantime Bieler has an ep out under the moniker Owl Stretching which features a 2011 version of the track The Lizard.


    I really couldn't. The only bands I genuinely miss are:


    Death (RIP Chuck; such an unbelievable talent)

    Metal Church (a la David Wayne or Mike Howe)

    White Lion (with Bratta)

    Tytan or Lion (Kal Swan at his best imo)

    Thin Lizzy (with Phil, best front man ever)

    Rough Cutt (Shortino's best by far)


    Yeah, some great bands have been mentioned, but I found most of them went bad before they stopped performing. For example, Dangerous Toys - great debut, but pretty average after that; Cinderella - a few good songs on every album, but nothing got anywhere near 'Long Cold Winter' for me; Warrior Soul - I hate the way their music went after the second album; Queensryche - O:M was easily their peak; Trouble - pretty good before the s/t album, which was amazing, but after that it went downhill; Crimson Glory - 2 incredible albums, 1 average one and then one pretty poor album; Carcass - 'Swansong' was awful, etc etc...



    You didn't like Trouble - Manic Frustration?? By far my fav Trouble release and as for Carcass...Swansong was the only release I liked....Trouble are supposedly working on a new release called The Dark Riff.....


    Manic Frustration was okay, but nowhere near as good as the self-titled for me. 'Heartwork' is one of the best albums ever imo, but I thought Swansong was terrible! :D

    'Swansong' polarises opinion among Carcass' fans ... although I've recently read a couple of things where it's been 're-evaluated' by the critics ... apparently, it's not the dog's dinner we all thought it was :) I'm guessing that these are the same critics who are now describing Celtic Frost's 'Cold Lake' as a 'brave departure', instead of 'utter bollocks' ...Aren't Trouble now fronted by Kory Clarke?

  5. Bands that I miss ...


    Warrior Soul

    Dokken (with George Lynch)

    Van Halen (with Michael Anthony)

    Helloween (the 'Keeper' line up will forever be a fond memory)

    Celtic Frost (no chance, but I can dream)

    pre-1987 Whitesnake

    Judas Priest (with KK)

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Thin Lizzy

    Rainbow/Sabbath/Dio/Heaven And Hell (I miss RJD!)

    RJD is at the top for me, absolutely missed.

    One of my biggest regrets is that I never got to see him perform live (other than on DVD) ... :(

  6. In the mail yesterday:

    Hardline - Danger Zone

    Eclipse - Bleed and Scream


    Hardline - One of my favourites for the year.

    Eclipse - One of the most over-rated of the year.

    They are both in my top 5!


    Oh man that Eclipse is awesome and not overrated at all IMO but hey to each his own I guess.

    The Hardline is really good too and don't have any bad tunes at all.

    The cover of the Eclipse CD put me off a bit ... but the disc is brilliant!

  7. Bands that I miss ...


    Warrior Soul

    Dokken (with George Lynch)

    Van Halen (with Michael Anthony)

    Helloween (the 'Keeper' line up will forever be a fond memory)

    Celtic Frost (no chance, but I can dream)

    pre-1987 Whitesnake

    Judas Priest (with KK)

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Thin Lizzy

    Rainbow/Sabbath/Dio/Heaven And Hell (I miss RJD!)

  8. I though Coverdale's voice was shot?!


    To be honest I've seen Journey twice with Pineda & they are great live.


    Nightranger is a no brainer - superb live.

    My cousin went to see Whitesnake when they toured with Def Leppard, and she told me that Coverdale did a lot of screaming but not much singing - mind you, she paid a small fortune to go and see Guns n' Roses recently, so I'm not sure we can trust her judgement! :)

  9. Lizzy / FM & The Treatment at the end of the month.

    A mate of mine went to see Lizzy a while back, and reckons they were really good ... I love Thin Lizzy, but I have real issues with the current version ... surely it's just a couple of guys who were in Thin Lizzy back in the day, a couple of blokes who weren't and Ricky Warwick? It's a bit like Dave Murray, Nicko McBrain and a handful of fellas going out under the name Iron Maiden ...

  10. Absolutely NO contest Tarja :wub:


    Good man. She is stunning. I presume Gibbo has seen the error of his ways, hence the lack of a retraction...



    Sorry, I've been busy ... if you give me a minute, I'm sure that I can also find two pictures that support MY argument and refute yours ... *chuckle* ...


    Ooh, go on then. I tried, but I couldn't find one of Floor that induced so much as a minor twitch...




    (Although she does remind me a bit of that Stacey you used to knock around with ... maybe that explains it ... :whistle: )

    Easy, tiger :)

  11. If Floor Jansen takes up the mic permanently, I'll be a happy man - love Nightwish, love After Forever/Re-Vamp ... and, sorry JimBob, Floor is far easier on the eye than either Tarja or Annette :)


    That may be but she ain't got the pipes like Tarja....

    Nah, Tarja's voice is far too operatic for my liking ... sometimes she could do with reigning it in a bit ...

  12. Erm ... so you haven't seen Sin City, then? ;)

    Yup. Seen it. Didn't enjoy it.




    Maybe it helps if you've read the books first. Or maybe you just have no taste. ;)

    Hm ... a little from Column A, maybe a little from Column B ... :) Sin City was recommended to me by a number of people ... they all raved about it ...


    That's because it's really good.



    Yeah, that's what they all said, too ...

  13. V For Vendetta, hands down. As an aside, my mate's brother is one of the Fingermen who gets his ass handed to him on a plate in the opening scene ...


    Hellboy was good, too ... not such a fan of Batman/Superman ... the first couple of X-Men films were okay, Iron Man was fantastic ...


    Um ...


    Erm ... so you haven't seen Sin City, then? ;)

    Yup. Seen it. Didn't enjoy it.




    Maybe it helps if you've read the books first. Or maybe you just have no taste. ;)

    Hm ... a little from Column A, maybe a little from Column B ... :) Sin City was recommended to me by a number of people ... they all raved about it ...

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