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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. Why do you buggers get all these festivals? There's absolutely nothing out here.


    It's about 200 miles away from me!


    It's very close to Nottingham; shame you can't do this and Firefest in the same trip!


    I keep forgetting the mentality out there. We wouldn't think twice about making the trek.

    Not so much the 'mentality' as 'the absolute arse of a journey' that it would be using public transport ... or even just driving ... I've driven in the US, and would think nothing of doing a long journey over there ... here in the UK, I'd think long and hard about driving anywhere more than 20 miles away! LOL!


    Please don't LOL yourself. :D


    But yeah, as I've said earlier, driving is a nightmare, especially here in the south east. Although we'd find a way if Willets, Filth and Gossow were all on the bill...


    Why not? I'm VERY funny!I would crawl over broken glass to see Willets, Filth and Gossow on the same bill ...

  2. As for Queensryche, I was never a fan of their style. It's only because the "Empire" CD got so much airplay, the songs eventually grew on me.


    I get this with early Queensryche, as albums like 'The Warning' and 'Rage For Order' seem to be highly rated, but do very little for me. However, I do think 'Operation: Mindcrime' is pretty awesome. 3 or 4 songs I really love on that one, including 'Eyes of a Stranger', which I'd kind of assumed any metal fan would be really into!

    Rage For Order and Mindcrime do it for me ... there are a couple of cracking songs on The Warning, one on their debut EP ... and two on Empire ... after that ... *rolls eyes* ...Sorry, back on thread ... Stick It To Ya by SlaughterAppetite For Destruction (I wouldn't cross the road to buy anything by Guns these days)

  3. Why do you buggers get all these festivals? There's absolutely nothing out here.


    It's about 200 miles away from me!


    It's very close to Nottingham; shame you can't do this and Firefest in the same trip!


    I keep forgetting the mentality out there. We wouldn't think twice about making the trek.

    Not so much the 'mentality' as 'the absolute arse of a journey' that it would be using public transport ... or even just driving ... I've driven in the US, and would think nothing of doing a long journey over there ... here in the UK, I'd think long and hard about driving anywhere more than 20 miles away! LOL!

  4. I think this will be the usual story for me; a few bands I'd like to see, but spread over the days so I probably won't go at all. The Sunday looks best, with Eclipse, Baton Rouge, Brighton Rock and Prophet, but the rest of the bill that day doesn't appeal at all, especially the 'former members of Vixen' bit, when I'd probably go out for a walk.

    You said 'walk', right? ;)

  5. I'm really young too, 'cause I like it. Seriously, just a cool catchy tune, BJ or not.


    Jeez the guys in the band are starting to look their age, though. Why is Hugh not in the film clips? What is the reason he has never become a permanent part of the band? I noticed the other day when reading through the liner notes that he actually plays as far back as on the Bon Jovi debut.


    I think the reason is that Hugh is always a session musician and also even though Alec wasn't part of Bon Jovi family, I heard that he was never officially replaced.

    They're playing Hyde Park later this year ... all the posters/advertisements show the four of them without Hugh ... As for the new song/album ... I haven't really bothered with anything they've released since 'Keep The Faith' (the odd song, here and there, has been okay) ... I don't see this latest release changing my mind ...

  6. LOL! Yeah, they were HATED for YEARS ... I remember reading an 8/10 review of 'Dimension Hatross' back in the day, but nearly everything else was negative ... now, everyone loves them!


    A kid in my class brought a copy of 'At War With Satan' in to school when it was first released, and he raved about just how warped this thing sounded ... I borrowed it, and the rest - as they say - is history :)

  7. I used to work with Al Barnes, and he was still in touch with Tony Dolan ... it would have been good to hear what Atomkraft could come up with now ...


    I don't worry too much about a band's nationality ... I just remember Onslaught being touted as 'the next big thing' by the press here in the UK (the same thing happened with Xentrix, Acid Reign and countles other thrash/speed bands) ... mind you, this is the same press that hated the early records by Slayer, Kreator, VoiVod, Venom, etc. before deciding in more recent years that they were, in fact, pretty good.

  8. Venom is bad ass, have you ever given Onslaught a listen?


    Oh yeah, Onslaught are bad fucking ass, yeah bro, I dug Onslaught, and Mayhem, I also like that other 1st Black Metal band, LOL

    Onslaught were never a favourite of mine ... their version of 'Let There Be Rock' meant that I never could take them seriously ... a shame, really, 'cause at the time the UK was struggling to produce a band to rival what the US bands were coming up with, and the press really made it sound like Onslaught would be the saviours of British thrash :)

  9. I've always thought that Venom's later material was pretty good (even the stuff they did with Tony Dolan) ... :)


    Absolutely, even though it sounded like Atomkraft, it still jammed

    I loved Atomkraft ... I heard a whisper that they were reforming, but it doesn't look like anything came of it ...

  10. My first gig was supposed to be Ozzy at Hammersmith (with Ratt supporting) in 1986, but my mate lost the tickets ... :(


    Instead, I saw Iron Maiden at Hammersmith, touring the 'Somewhere In Time' album later the same year ... Paul Samson (RIP) was the support ... they didn't play anything from 'Piece Of Mind', much to the disgust of the bloke standing behind me, who spent most of the night shouting for 'The Trooper' :)


    Sadly, my lack of funds as a teenager meant that I had to wait a year before my next gig (Marillion at Wembley) ... then in 1988 I went a bit nuts ... the highlight of that year was the Monsters Of Rock Festival at Donington - Helloween, Guns n' Roses, Megadeth, David Lee Roth, KISS and the mighty Maaaiiiiiden ... although the whole thing was overshadowed by the deaths of two guys in the crowd ... RIP.


    Ozzy - missed that but my bro went - great gig.


    Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time @ Hammy - was at that.


    Good to see another Marillion (Fish era) fan - Im sure I saw them that year but cant remember if it was Hammy or Milton Keynes....memories not what it used to be. On a side note you should really try to catch Fish on his solo tour this year - he plays stuff from Fugazi and Ive heard he's been playing Grendel again which would be just amazing.


    Donnington 88 - yep was there too. Was a great gig and you are quite right that the whole thing was overshadowed by the deaths. It was during the guns n roses set. We were sensible enough to stay way back - just sitting on the grass behind the main part of the crowd. What was literally terrifying was when their set ended and about 10,000 people just turned and headed towards us, covered in mud, shit, piss, blood, you name it and we had to just grab all out belongings and leg it! Also, at the time a woman I worked with at the local cash n carry said that she actually trod on a body under the crowd during the moshing, which is just grim. On a side note that was the era before mobile phones and we got home at about 6am in the morning to very worried parents who had read that 2 people had died at the gig and obviously thinking that it must have been us as we were AWOL. We had absolutely no idea what had happened!

    Same here ... my Mum had been awake most of the night, worrying :( I remember DLR telling the security guys to get off his stage (they were trying to get people out of the crowd) ... and Axl telling the crowd not to kill each other ... me and my mate headed for the back of the crowd when everyone started to push forward ... not good. Not good at all.I love the Fish-era Marillion ... they lost something when Hogarth joined ... I hope to see him again this year (maybe he'll play Riga again?) :)

  11. My first gig was supposed to be Ozzy at Hammersmith (with Ratt supporting) in 1986, but my mate lost the tickets ... :(


    Instead, I saw Iron Maiden at Hammersmith, touring the 'Somewhere In Time' album later the same year ... Paul Samson (RIP) was the support ... they didn't play anything from 'Piece Of Mind', much to the disgust of the bloke standing behind me, who spent most of the night shouting for 'The Trooper' :)


    Sadly, my lack of funds as a teenager meant that I had to wait a year before my next gig (Marillion at Wembley) ... then in 1988 I went a bit nuts ... the highlight of that year was the Monsters Of Rock Festival at Donington - Helloween, Guns n' Roses, Megadeth, David Lee Roth, KISS and the mighty Maaaiiiiiden ... although the whole thing was overshadowed by the deaths of two guys in the crowd ... RIP.

  12. What metal scene?


    Just my thoughts, man.

    Many years ago (when I was still young), there used to be quite a few local pubs and clubs that would have DJs/jukeboxes playing a decent selection of rock/metal, or that would host shows by rock and metal bands ... now it's all bloody dance music!

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