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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Good (almost) morning Jason, Keef, Eric B, Geoffington, Nick, Wes, and Pete and sorry I have been away but I have been Walking the Razor's Edge. I will give you fair warning. No one gets out alive. This place is an Animal House.
  2. Good Morning JustJason, Wes, Geoff, Nick, Keef, Pete, Eric Brittingham and anyone else that likes licorice snaps. The white ones are my favorite and my wife covets the pink ones.....so does Geoff. Go figure. Nibs
  3. I LOVE this disk!!! Like a modern day Southern Rock band.
  4. I agree!! A very good and underated album!!
  5. I quite like that disk. Different than Lizzy Borden but pretty damn listenable. Picked up Dokken~ Unchain the Night DVD and Live from Conception CD. Thanks for the heads up Chocularok!!! He steared me to this site.... Cheap Cd's and More
  6. Really? Awesome album! So are the bonus tracks worth picking this one up? When was it reissued? What is on the DVD? Can you tell I am curious about this one?
  7. The world is full of bully pineapples. I am glad that Nick got his revenge. Lots of pent up anger avenged on the fruit. You go Nick. You go.
  8. I did that yesterday though it was more like a run. At the end I was panting like crazy and she was sweating like a fiend. Good fun and exercise though. Damn she's cute. And I think she thinks I'm cute too. I hope. Didn't you just get married Geoff?? I bet your wife sleeps on the couch
  9. Koritni~ Lady Luck EASILY my top album of 2007 thus far!!!! This Mother Rocks Huge!!!! Highly recommended!!!!
  10. I dunno if it makes Wes feel better but it makes me Man, everyone is SOOOOO sensitive It's that time of the month for me. Thanks for admitting that it is a concern
  11. I dunno if it makes Wes feel better but it makes me Man, everyone is SOOOOO sensitive
  12. Good evening Nick, Jason, Lovely Lisa, Pete, Geoff, Eric Brittingham and to all the people that eat New England Clam Chowder soup on Fridays. Clams are all mouth. Choppers
  13. I am mailing it off to Germany tomorrow!! Swazi is next! Enjoy the cd Bernd!
  14. Sounds like you had a fun night Chad, and I feel for you having to go out and work with a hangover. I'm going shopping with the wife today and that is a nightmare within itself. I think I have an easier task my friend. Do you need any Tylenol??? Perhaps a nice pair of ear muffs??
  15. Good Morning Jason, Nick, Keef, Wes, Geoff, Pete, the ghost of Metal Jay and all others that have children. Barney is a big purple dinosaur that just so happens to bleed red when shot 897 times with a 30/30 rifle. Barney hunting is fun, just don't tell the kiddies what they are eating. Purple Stew
  16. I had a few beers and then tackled a bottle of spiced rum.....stupid spiced rum, it is so damn tasty. Gotta go blow snow now....with a slight headache (grabs bottle of Tylenol). Wish me luck.
  17. Me too......I hate snow. I often wonder why I live this far up North But the summers at the lake are fabulous!!!
  18. Yep. Just started about an hour ago. I suppose we have recieved about two inches already.....I have not had to use the snowblower yet this year. Looks like I might have to this round
  19. Everything is better with Monkeys Pete. That is a given. I watched World Trade Center today. Pretty good flick.
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