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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Heavy Pettin's Rock Ain't Dead. HATED it when I bought it back in the day. LOVE it now. Not sure what I was thinking, but it is VERY different then their debut. Especially production-wise, MUCH more polished.
  2. Purple Yep Purple Pride!!! Go Vikes!!!
  3. It's a solid cd not anything mind blowing but still good enough to listen to more than a few times. Backed. I have spun it quite a few times. Not bad at all.
  4. Good Evening, Geoff (tunemaster of the week), Jason (laying low), Keef (power metal head), Wes (just doing his thing), Pete (rockin' the boards), Rick (double helix), Jarred (vacation boy), Nick (man across the water), and of course me (father of the Dok that talks a mile a minute). I have a huge golf tournament tomorrow in the scorching sun. Beer hydrates.
  5. Maybe....what are drinking tonight Wes??? Spinnin' Brunette~ 1989-1990 Demos How was this stuff not released???? Great stuff.
  6. This was all part of his plot to steal the CD from Nick. Didn't the cd disappear around the same time as Nick's hair Coincidence? I don't think so
  7. Wot~ I read that in our Sunday paper that you would be getting the new Prince for free. I am going to have to buy it Yes, I am a closet Prince fan
  8. Swazi~ What is going on with the cd??? We want pictures!!! Keep it going!!
  9. Kevin Martin and the Hi-Watts Suprised me, I really like this album.
  10. Hey Geoff! I spent six glorious days at our lake cabin in Minnesota. Just a stone's throw from my home but very much paradise! I had my kids, my pontoon, tunes and lots of sun! The weather was awesome and the beer was cold!! Good times. Some fish were caught but mostly I just relaxed and played on the beach with the kids. Now Monday and back to work comes.....
  11. Evening all you HH'r's!!! Just got back from vacation. Tired. Very tired. And about 50 shades of darker golden brown.
  12. Chad, are you talking to yourself again? Yep. I do it all the time. Good conversation, a bit one sided though
  13. Good Morning Chad!!! (that's me) I used to think that Jay rocked my world. Now it is Daveworld. I do think this is temporary. Share.
  14. Heavy Pettin~ Prodigal Songs If you do not have this yet, you need to order!
  15. Good Evening Rock N Roll Wes, Sad But True Jason, Cousin Geoffmeister, Lord Nick C., Power Metal Keef, Melodic Chris, Porno lover Rick, Star Wars Dave, and Pete just because he looks good behind a guitar. My side hurts. Hit by a Titleist.
  16. Nice taste Wes! Spinnin' Stun Leer~ S/T First spin and me likey, thanks to G-Money
  17. Good Morning Keef the metal, Jason packin' his bags, Geoff the damn Austrailin', Nick the pub boy, Pete the hair guy, Rick, Chris, and Wesley. We are the youth but without youth. We are the thunder without thunder. We are fighting for the earth. Warrior.
  18. Bud Select!! Get the I.V. started.....
  19. Real nice avatar Rick! I drank my fair share this weekend as by bro-in-law was here from Wisconny. Good times and he hates the Packers so all is good
  20. Metal Heart!!! How cool was Screamin' for a Lovebite when you first heard it? Pretty damn cool. My fave of the Accept albums by a landslide.
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