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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Sans a few tracks here and there you are correct my friend. Queensryche gets my vote too.
  2. I voted for Love You to Pieces just because it was my introduction to the band and I love the rawness of that album. In all honesty, I listen to Master of Disguise the most. Great album. Love all of them actually.
  3. School of Rock. Damn, this is a good movie. Lots of laughs and rockin'.
  4. I have this on vinyl Spun up Iron Eagle Soundtrack today.
  5. KK is great. From hard rock to pop back to hard rock. Whatever. Still love the band.
  6. Ozzy. Bark At The Moon. Need I say more? Classic.
  7. Good Evening to my friends on this board. Damn, I wish I could post more. Two kids, ages 3 and 6 slow my production. Only slow it, they do not prevent it entirely.
  8. Yep. I like it. I really did not care for the first album and have not spun III yet. I definately like II though! Very much in the sound of Red Sea~ Blood Spinnin' Khymera~The Greatest Wonder
  9. I was chatting with Kelly Keeling two weekends ago and he hates that album. He would not really elaborate why but he said that of all the 30 something albums he has recorded on, everyone mentions that one to him. I of course, told him I really like the album Spinnin' The Dream Police~ S/T
  10. Motley Crue for me. They had me hooked when I seen the cover for Shout At The Devil. Then I heard it and that was all for me.....great band.
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