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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. Just now, Glen said:

    n the UK we've moved onto inflation, cost of living, interest rates, and nuclear war ;)


    Fuck, I hope Geoff doesn't see this.

    You're gifting him more things to complain about.

    Lettuce and fuel prices seem to have slipped under his radar.

    His fucking head could explode if he gets wind of more problems in the world that aren't being handled the way he expertly sees fit...

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Jeez you yap a lot for a lemming. 

    Anyway, nice Dan Andrews approved post. Your master would be proud of you. 

    Never question, just obey. The Cure The Sane way. 

    Interested to hear how I am a lemming.

    This, along with 'controlled by the news' are two of your most famous 'arguments'

    Couple of the lowest forms of arguments, to make statements that are false and to make assumptions based on your inability to understand.

    Don't start boring me now.

    You can do better than that. Feel your hatred of everything Australian flow through you. Don't be afraid of the dark side. Embrace it.






  3. On 9/19/2022 at 11:21 PM, Geoff said:

    it looks like the mask mandate on public transport will be lifted on Wednesday. 

    I would just love to hear someone tell us why Wednesday? What happens on Wednesday that makes it safe not to wear a mask, when we are still mandated to wear one today, and tomorrow?

    What about last week? Why was it unsafe then, but not on Wednesday? How about last month? Six months ago? A year ago? I know many aren't interested in answers, but I am a curious being. If I am told to do something there has to be a reason why, and the complete lack of explanation plays on my mind with vigour. 

    Wow, you find something to complain about in everything, don't you?
    What a sad life.
    The main thing you sook about is ending.

    Porper responces 
    "about time"
    "I'm so happy they've finally come to their senses"

    Yet, you still need to wah wah

    On 9/20/2022 at 1:33 AM, Glen said:

    is that your last restriction gone then? hopefully can finally draw a line under it ;)


    That was a joke right?
    He will fond something, anything, however small, to complain about that is covid related.
    Could be some sooking that China still has a quarrantine, or thatJapan has finally opened up, but it took them too long.
    Of course there are immeasurable things that he will find to hate in and about Australia.
    He really hates it here, but he just won't leave :( 

  4. On 9/17/2022 at 3:14 PM, Darkstone said:

    Hey CTS, 

    I'd like to think we can all move on from last week's unpleasantness.

    We should be concentrating more on the things we all have in common (impeccable taste in music), instead of our differences. 

    I would also like to apologise for your impending heartbreak this evening.

    I, Doggy, Auslander and yourself were lucky enough to witness an era of one Daicos playing for Collingwood who dominated the league.... DOMINATED!

    Now we have TWO!

    A new Black & White Dynasty begins tonight!

    GO PIES!!!

    Not sure why you're bringing stoopid shit to this post.
    You guys keep track of unpleasantness obviously more than I do.

    Anyway, this is a very unfortunate post for you.
    Talk of heartbreak imparted from the Wobbliest of teams?
    We just decided to save some energy for next week, and took the foot off the pedal tpwards the end :) 
    Or maybe the Swnas were thinking the same thing I was, which is....

    "What's better than beating Collingwood by 100 points?".....


    Grand Final here we come...



  5. On 9/16/2022 at 12:16 AM, auslander said:

    Reading back posts from years ago to score points in a present argument is a pretty beta move. It's all pretty pointless now. For a while it was like grabbing a box of popcorn and watching this unfold, but now it's gotten cringey. Time to move on methinks.

    I have indeed taken the low road, for the sole purpose of dragging Geoff along it with me.
    He fails to see that whilst embarrassing myself, he is dalso embarrassing himself.
    And that's the fun part, he's still trolling along thinking he needs to validate his opinions.
    I mean, I gave him to option of moving on from this. He said no. I can post his quotes where he is practically begging me to continue.
    I'm a pleaser, I don't want to let him down... ;) 

  6. On 9/17/2022 at 2:47 AM, AlphaMale said:

    Can we all agree that Covid sucks and the media fed the hysteria? The governments overreached with mandates on the vaccines that turned a lot of people off. 

    We all made it through. 

    Agree covid sucks.
    Media played a role, incited by government overreation but also general uncontrollable hysteria amongst the public was a big part.
    Government went in with a plan. Remember the term 'herd immunity'? Yeah, those targets were reached and nothing changed. They, they governments and the experts weho fed them their information, were wrong. I've always said mandates were wrong. (IMO) not vaccinating yourself is foolhardy, but in the end up to the person, and people losing jobs bacause of this is horrible.
    For masks, at some point there is a line, and it lies somewhere between wearing masks outside while walking yoiur dog alone and having to mask up in a hospital. Everyone lies somewhere on the scale.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Yes, I will definitely do that. 

    Have fun!

    Everybody else here should also go check out these accurately quoted posts.

    The contradictions, the hypocricy, the shame...


    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Geoff said:

    So you're going into posts to get a date tag, retyping them and then replying to your edit? 

    I'm sorry I called you petty and pathetic. This is actually very masculine and obviously absolutely hilarious. Plus it's an immensely valuable way to use your time. Wow.

    Haha, they are your posts. Go to the date tag and see for yourself.

    You think I have edited them because you can't believe you said these things.

    Ooft, now it's a party.


  9. On 10/29/2020 at 9:03 PM, Geoff said:

    No one is saying this thing is a minor thing that we should ignore... but how much longer do we put the world on hold? What if there is never a vaccine?

    Well, you are.
    And don't worry, there is a vaccine.

    Feel the refief and relax, you can now get the jab you longed for :) 

  10. On 4/21/2020 at 7:25 PM, Geoff said:

    The reason we're doing the shit we're doing in Australia is so that masses of people don't die. We like our freedom every single bit as much as anyone else, but we also understand that some really drastic shit seems to be the only way to make a dent in this thing. 

    Again, I've had issues with a lot of things in this whole thing, but obviously the greater the restrictions the better the results. 

    Anyway, who knows? I assume the people protesting in the streets aren't the same people criticising Trump, but jeez it's a weird look. I truly hope for America's sake that this approach means it's over in the US sooner than later, but at the moment that is a pretty huge death toll by anyone's standards and as far as I know it's not slowing down. 

    Just leave this here.

  11. On 4/6/2020 at 11:59 PM, Geoff said:

    The leaders of our countries have not faced something like this any more than we have and I just not a fan of people being crucified by heroes with the wisdom of hindsight. For the record, I've had thoughts on how I thought things should have been done here and there, but never once been critical personally of what Scott Morrison (Aussie PM) is doing, even if I don't understand some of it. But whatever he's doing, and whatever bits he gets right of wrong, the guy's just doing what he can in a situation that's immeasurably fucked up. These guys don't want to see their people dying anymore than we do, and it'd be a decent touch to see people - christ forbid - show a bit of patriotism and do their bit to help their country get through this shit, rather than constantly bashing their president/leader.

    Fan of our PM.
    You don't understand it. (lol)
    Show some patriotism! You, Calling for patritism?!?!? 

    wah wah

  12. On 3/11/2020 at 7:59 PM, Geoff said:

    There are kids on the forum these days. I'm just looking out for everyone. Fuck is well normalised, but c#nt (seriously, what is wrong with the U button on this laptop!) is still a bit harsh for the kids. 

    You've changed, man.
    Why don't you care about the kids any more?

  13. Pinocchio was shockingly bad.
    Watched it with my wife and daughter who also thought it was very poor. They like the original.
    They hated the woke stuff in it, and the changes to teh story.
    I just tuned out.
    even Tom Hanks was average.

    Thor was ok, the goats made it.

    Prey was pretty good, more like the original Predator. That something so tame, cultural wise, angered people is amazing to me. They want to erase history, or at the least prevent any representation of it.

    Elvis - meh, boring. Would prefer a proper Elvis biopic.

    The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent was really good. Nic Cage at his best.

  14. 15 hours ago, Geoff said:

    But you called your family fools. Before you accuse me of misquoting you, it's a couple of posts above for your reference. Sounds to me you look at them with the same disdain you look at unvaccinated people? Maybe I'm wrong?  

    You should definitely feel bad. Last night I couldn't sleep, thinking about how you'd triggered me and the pain you caused me. Around 5am, I tried to commit suicide because of what you said but I failed. Just like I fail at everything since you hurt me so much. You're one nasty man. 

    Yes, they were foolish not to get a flu shot IMO. Their choice, and they wished they had. Maybe they will learn, maybe not.

    As for the rest of your comments, I mean I can continue just being a 12 year old with you, and bringing you down to my level.
    Just let me know if you want me to continue or drop it.
    I'll stay away from this thread to some degree, because whilst it was fun annoying you, there certainly was no real purpose to presenting an opinion to you.
    But, if you're really cool with me jabbing away, I'll take it to other threads here.
    Every time I don't agree with you I'll let you know, in my 'subtle as a brick' way.

    It can be the CTS/Geoff show.
    Just giving you an out, but if you want to go forward with it, cool B)

  15. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    100% completely disagree with your point 1. Couldn't disagree more, in fact. In complete honesty, if you think unvaccinated people are cautious and scared of covid, why don't they get vaccinated? By your reasoning, are people who don't get a flu shot more cautious so they don't get the flu? What makes you think people live their lives in fear of runny noses and a sore throat for a few days? And enlighten me... what cautious measures to they partake in? 

    2. You really struggle to get your point across, don't you? Above, you are telling me you don't think mandatory vaccines are good and people are allegedly free to make their own choices on the vaccine, but now you want them to shut up, get a jab and move on? You display an incredible lack of understanding about anything outside what the media has fed you, suggesting that people who don't want to get vaccinated are scared of the vaccine. Why do you think they fear the vaccine? You honestly think that's why they don't get vaccinated? Due to a fear of the vaccine? But I agree, people are fucking stupid. I think we might be talking about different groups of people, though. ;)

    3. I've been called a fool. lol. So you didn't get the flu and your family did. Yowser. You sure showed them. What about two or three days later when their symptoms passed and life was all back to normal? Were you still bathing in your fully vaccinated sweet victory?

    Haha, you know what, I do hate needles. Am I afraid of them? Most certainly not. But yeah, hate the fuckers. So I guess this is another tick for you? You sure showed me. If I'd have known I was messing with someone who likes needles I wouldn't have started this. Squash me with your thumb, tough man. Can you send me a photo of your biceps? 

    I am not fond of the dentist, this is true. But I've never had a filling - still got all my teeth, touch wood. What do they do, put a needle in your gums? I'll be honest, I'd rather belt my head against a brick wall than experience that, but if it's necessary I'm sure I'll cope. 

    So now we've got that out the way, is this where I ask why you're so petrified of a cold? You afraid of tissues and a Strepsil for a couple of days? Can't bare the thought of taking a few cold and flu tablets over two days? Scared you'll choke on them? Man up and cop a cold or flu like the rest of us, you whimpering sac of vaginal discharge.

    Is that how we play? I haven't been 13 for a few decades, so just trying to remember how we rolled back then. But seriously, you walk around with this ridiculous fear of blowing your nose and you're taking pot shots at others? Irony is dead with you.  

    1. Don't care. Why do you? Just my opinion, maybe it's wrong, what does it matter?

    2. Yes, nobody should be forced or coerced via threat of losing their job etc to get vaccinated. And yet I think people who FEAR this vaccine are foolish. And I think that those who don't see the benefit of it are misguided and delusional.
    Don't GAR if you get jabbed or not, or what your reasons are, read two lines above as to why.

    3. I took no joy in seeing my family sick. The flu was bad, and they were all unable to function properly or work for 5 to 7 or more days. 3 got it bad, one was unjabbed and didn't and I didn't.

    WOW the rest of your rants in this post and the subsequents ones are kinda manic and unhinged. I feel like I've triggered you to a not very nice spot for you.
    I guess I was trying to provoke that, but I now don't feel any joy from it, I actually kind of feel bad that I managed to get you there.

    I mean your stances annoy me, especially the "I hate my country" shit
    At times I want to present an argument against what you are saying, other times I just like to jab you for shits and giggles, but now I feel like I've gone a bit far and should probably wind it down.
    I was happy to make lots of needle jokes, and continue with the wah wah stuff, just to be a cunt and bring the cunt out in you.
    You probably care how you are perceived here much more than I, so it was fun to drag us both to the lows of ridiculousness with stupid ongoing arguments.

    I shall try to move on from this and avoid readying your hate speech and sooking.

    Damn, see how indoctrinated the jabs are. I'll really try to wind them back :unsure:

  16. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    What about me makes you think I have friends? I guess I do have one or two good mates

    Why does that not surprise me :rolleyes:
    There's also the whole "doing the right thing bny society and protecting the ill and vulnerable, but we move on....

  17. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    This is the point you continually miss.

    That has to be the stupidest thing I've read all year.
    Imagine thinking that you can imply that there is only one point that Mr. NeedleFear always misses.
    there are SO MANY points he eitehr is aunable to comprehend or just ignores for his own country hating agenda.
    wah wah...

  18. 19 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    The only time I hear about Covid these days is on this site !

    Keep up the good work everyone !

    Kate Upton is a Cow Girl - BANNED Video in Some countries

    Happily, it's my fun relaxing time.
    Annoying Mr. fearofneedles is my happiness. Also when he's not wah wahing, he himself thinks I'm magnificent, see above posts, I think this may be some misdirected hero worship :)

    • Haha 1
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