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Everything posted by tts42572

  1. I just got this album and went looking for a thread to see what others thought about it... I'm pleasantly surprised with it....Had never really listened to this band before... I like the solid production, hooks, harmonies, riffs, etc....Obviously some Leppard/Tesla/80's influences coming through on this album IMO. Every now and then I go looking for something different to check out that is in my wheelhouse of tastes....And this is fitting the bill at the moment
  2. Doing some fishing around tonight....Had never paid any attention to Adriangale before but I'm digging what I hear from the Sucker punch album....riffs, harmonies, great production...Obvious Leppard & 80's influences on this album....Have heard 4 tunes from the album and digging each of them.... Not sure about their earlier stuff but think this one is worth a shot for me
  3. I'm with you...I actually thought about making this same post yesterday. I grew up a fan of the 80's scene, with Def Leppard being my favorite band and Hysteria being my favorite album of all time if I had to pick one. Also got into many of the other 80's bands like Crue, GNR, Bon Jovi, etc...They were all essentially melodic "Arena" rock IMO. For me, it's all about the harmonies, riffs, drums, hooks, layered vocals combined together with great production. However, I've also got to like the lead singer because there are quite a few bands I've tried to listen to that had many of the elements I mentioned but just didn't like the signer....Grand Design is one to comes to mind...Lots of good elements and Def Leppard style production....But the signer just doesn't do it for me. I tend to like the slightly heavier side of AOR...But not the real hard or metal stuff....I just tend to shy away from stuff like Survivor, Journey, Toto, etc. I know it can be a fine line sometimes.... Anyways, I've taken a huge liking to H.e.a.t since Erik joined the band...They are falling right into my wheelhouse. Really enjoyed ATN and TDTW is pretty much exactly what I want to be listening to these days and is honestly one of my favorite albums since Def Leppard's Hysteria... W.e.t is another band I've liked...Thought Rise Up was a pretty good album...But they didn't stick with me to the degree of H.e.a.t....I think I just prefer Erik's vocals over JSS...And find H.e.a.t's songs a little more interesting....More "hooks" or something... I've searched around a little for some other hidden gems along the lines of those two bands and haven't really found it. I've tried Crazy Lixx...They're okay...I thought the New Religion album was actually pretty good....But didn't like Riot Avenue at all so sorta moved on from them. I saw many raving reviews about Eclipse's latest album Bleed n Scream....Gave it a try and also didn't get into it. Great sound/style but just found myself not really caring much about the songs themselves...Too dark or political or something.... I've also gave bands like Treat, Harem Scarem, Hardcore Superstar, Crashdiet a try....Nothing really interested me. Frankly, I think I've gotten a bit picky these days and now find myself comparing everything to H.e.a.t....They are probably my new "measuring stick". Have you listened to Trixter's newest album...New Audio Machine? I know they aren't European...But I really enjoyed that album when I didn't think that I would...Bit different than their earlier albums IMO....right in the ballpark of the type of melodic rock I like....Machine and Tattoos and Misery are a couple good tunes to check out... I'll be interested to see some responses in this thread to see who others might suggest.....Perhaps people could suggest artists and some specific songs/albums to check out... Thanks.
  4. LMAO! For me personally, I'd flip flop TDTW and ATN...But both are fantastic albums. Completely agree on #3 though
  5. I loved Mechanical Resonance back in the day...Was always one of my go to albums....And loved GRC and Psychotic Supper as well...although, not quite as much as their first release. However, Bust A Nut never really got my attention....And neither did Into the Now....Then they sorta disbanded for a few years and I've never really found my way back to them. I remember checking out a few tunes on Forever More but never really heard anything that convinced me to buy it... So Divine doesn't sound too bad to me...Has a more classic Tesla sound that I used to like....Maybe I can get back into them with this album. This is one album I'll be interested in seeing some reviews and seeing how people think it compares to their earlier stuff.
  6. I agree with Howdy... Of course and album can be perfect....A review is one person's opinion on an album....If you like everything about it and it meet's all your expectations...And you think the artist did a fantastic job...Why can't you give them 100? Sure...it may not be perfect to somebody else....Everybody has different tastes....There are plenty of reviews that have been perfect where I couldn't stand the album....To be fair though...Most of those I probably wasn't a huge fan of the artist and/or genre of music to begin with. On the flip side, there have been a few of the 100's that I agree with....The new H.e.a.t album being one of them...Although, I know from the H.e.a.t thread that others obviously don't feel it's perfect. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion Music is subjective just like other forms of art. People pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for some paintings that I think look like something my 6 year old could do...But apparently somebody thinks they are "perfect" and worth all that money even though I wouldn't pay $10 for them...
  7. Just found this thread while killing some time on lunch break...Had to chime in as much is always discussed about the first two albums versus the last two albums...And with Erik vs Kenny... I honestly had never heard of H.e.a.t up until Address the Nation came out....Saw a review of that album, listened to a couple tunes....And I was almost instantly hooked. The music just reminded me a lot of the well-produced 80's sound that I liked so much from bands like Leppard, Bon Jovi, etc...It all just hit a sweet spot for me. And it's been more of the same with Tearing Down the Walls...Love the slightly heavier direction...Still a great melodic vibe with great production and great vocals....there isn't a single song I don't like...I even find myself really enjoying All The Nights in stripped down form...I think Erik just kills it. Anyways...in between ATN and TDTW....I went back and gave much of the earlier stuff a listen on You Tube....And just haven't been able to get into it. Kenny just doesn't do it for me....He's a good signer but his voice is just a little too mellow or something...can't really describe it....But I can honestly say that if Kenny were signing all those ATN songs and not Erik, I don't think I would've ever fell for the band like I did. And I surely couldn't see Kenny singing some of the TDTW songs...Inferno, Enemy In Me...No way....don't think those songs would ever even have been recorded. Same for songs like Breaking The Silence and It's All About Tonight on ATN...doesn't seem like anything I would picture Kenny doing... IMO. Sure...the production of the last two albums has been great and exceeds the first two albums. But for me, Erik definitely brings something that Kenny didn't...And I think these last two albums are a reflection of what Erik brings to the table. Obviously no right or wrong answer and it's all just personal preference. I'm sure there are many people that liked the band quite a bit with Kenny and can't stand it with Erik...And there are probably some that like what each of the guys brought to the table and like all 4 albums.... I guess I just don't think it's a coincidence that the band started taking a slightly different direction after Kenny left...And I like the road they're on Still agree with Howdy on most, though I am a HUGE PRODUCTION BUFFOON! but dont believe it has anything to do with what we are talking about, Erik is the link here, no Erik, not the same album.
  8. I did hear Shame...I pre-ordered the Japan version of TDTW way back in late February just hoping there would be a good bonus track...And there was I like that tune as well...Bluesy intro that kicks into melodic goodness That song was easily good enough to be on the album...Although, I'm not sure what I would've removed to get it on there...I like all the songs and their placement in the track listing...Album has a great pace to me. I had read somewhere I think that they had like 18-20 songs written for this album...Don't quote me on that though as I could've been dreaming it.... Either way...they probably have more stuff kicking around like "Shame" that is waiting for a future album... Yeah I know what you mean. I've been in that "zone" since the debut... Have you heard "Shame" yet? Another really awesome tune. Would have really liked that on the euro version as well...
  9. Thanks for the link...enjoyed reading that interview... Really hope they consider doing a live album...Or acoustic album....Or a 3rd album with Tobias There just isn't anything this band has put out since Erik joined that I don't like....It's not often I find myself getting in a "zone" like that with bands anymore....Where you like everything they do...But I'm in that type of zone with this band at the moment. Now just trying to get myself to Chicago to see them in October
  10. Thanks for posting your review of the show....So wish I could see them live. I'm hoping at some point they release a proper live CD/DVD...I think it would be the perfect time for them to record one of their upcoming shows and put out a package like W.e.t recently did. As such, us poor saps in the USA are left scouring You Tube for glimpses...I know they're coming to the USA for the first time ever in October for a show in Chicago...but it's really nowhere near me As for Mannequin Show...I agree with you. At first, it did remind me of Brittany Spears. But after a few listens, I've completely forgotten about it and it just sounds like a quirky, cool H.e.a.t tune. I just freaking love everything about this new album
  11. IMO, the "continuation" has more to do with the continued evolution toward more straight up, commercial melodic rock instead of keyboard driven AOR. I think it began somewhat on ATN with tunes like Breaking The Silence, Heartbreaker, It's All About Tonight, etc...And TDTW has moved even farther in that direction....And that's why some call it ATN Part II....at least that's the way I look at it Either way, I enjoyed ATN and I'm loving TDTW
  12. I think I come to this with a little different perspective... Personally, I was late to the H.e.a.t party. I honestly had never heard of the band until reading a review for Address the Nation a year after it had been out...Was looking for something a little different to listen to that sorta brought me back to the 80's rock scene that I loved growing up and quickly took a liking to them after giving a few tunes a chance. I wasn't looking for fantastic song writing or anything...Just something fun to pop on and listen to...And it definitely fit the bill. I will say though that after hearing Address the Nation....I tried getting into some of the older stuff with Kenny on vocals and just couldn't do it after starting with Erik. The songs lacked punch to me and honestly, I've found nothing from their first two albums that interests me.....For whatever that's worth.... My wish for Tearing Down the Walls was basically to get more of the same as ATN....and hopefully something a little bit heavier that still had good production, melodies, hooks, etc. And I really think this album delivers in spades. I just love virtually the whole thing....Although, Mannequin Show has taken awhile to grow on me. Many have complained about Shot At Redemption....But I love it. Again...Just find it fun to listen to and it's the type of song that even gets my wife singing along to it....And she has no idea who these guys are. I think it's the type of song that could easily be a hit for the band in the US and get them some well-deserved recognition...If it could ever get some airplay....I miss the days when bands like Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Bon Jovi, GNR ,etc were actually a part of mainstream radio here...Rock like that is a dying/dead breed in the US....which is why I find H.e.a.t to be a breath of fresh air.... Anyways...back to the album....Emergency...Point of No Return and Inferno are pure awesome....And I also really dig Eye For An Eye and Enemy In Me. I also really like the Japan bonus track...Shame. I just find myself cranking each of these songs up and tapping my foot or the steering wheel while they're playing. Tearing Down the Walls and All the Nights are okay...don't find them to be real great but don't mind their placement in the album and they change the pace a little which is fine I guess... I can understand though why people that may have loved the earlier stuff may not be digging this as much. I think this album clearly has a different vibe than the first two albums...which for me personally is a good thing Everybody has different tastes...but this album is exactly what I was hoping for. I sorta liken this album to a movie like Transformers....pretty basic plot but lots of cool visuals going on that makes it fun to watch....And in this case, I just find Tearing Down the Walls to be fun to crank up and listen to. I just wish this band could get more (or some) recognition in the US. I could probably walk down the street here and ask 100 random people if they've heard of this band...and 99 of them would say "No".
  13. Can't say I agree on everything....But respect your opinion I personally love the album from top to bottom. I love Shot at Redemption and have probably spun that song about 50 times since it came out...I just find it fun to listen to...sorta like watching Transformers. It's not a big thinking movie and it'll never win an Academy Award...But it's fun to watch....Eye Candy...Sorta the way I feel about that song and this album in general....ear candy I'm also really digging Point of No Return, Inferno, Enemy In Me, Emergency, Eye For An Eye....All just fantastic melodic rock that gets my blood pumping. I also like Under My Skin from the EP...and think it should've been on the album over Mannequin Show...Which is probably my least favorite song on the album. I'm also really liking Shame...The Japan bonus track. Sometimes you get certain bands that you sorta get into a groove with and like just about everything they do...I've gotten in that groove with H.E.A.T with Address The Nation and this album...They're giving me exactly what I'm looking for and like the direction they took with this album. I can understand why some would like it less than ATN though as it's got a tiny bit different vibe. Maybe I'm just easy to please and there is so much garbage in the US music scene these days that this feels like a gift from the Heavens Well I will be listening to that one tonight asap! Dudes, I need to be a little bit of a devil's advocate on this one, to be honest. First things first, I really dig the album. If I'm being honest, though, I gotta say it's not quite as good as I hoped, or expected it to be. Is that because my expectations were too high? Indeed, I do think this is the problem. I was expecting a 95% disc and I think this'll be around the 85% mark for me in the end. So in that sense, yes, it is indeed excellent, but I probably did myself in a bit by expecting the world from it. To explain in more annoying depth: 1. It's not as good as 'Address the nation.' To be honest, first impressions suggest I prefer 'ATN' by quite a lot. 2. imo, 'Under your skin' is definitely, without doubt, the best song HEAT have released in 2014. Why is it on that silly EP and not on the disc? 3. 'Shot at redemption' is by far the weakest song on the CD, the EP and one of their weakest songs ever. Why was it released as a single? Why? Anyway, to the positives. 'Point of no return' is a deadset f*cking monster. When I heard it I just said to myself that this is going to be the best CD ever released. Killer tune. I also love 'Inferno' and 'Emergency.' 'Eye for an eye' would be next in line. Unfortunately there's a few tunes like 'Mannequin Show,' 'We Will Never Die,' 'Enemy in Me,' and 'Laughing at Tomorrow' which are all very solid, but not quite as good as I was hoping for, or expecting from HEAT. Seriously, 4 good tunes, but these guys can do better than this. As for the ballads, I like the title track. Great song and probably my 5th favourite on the disc. But 'All the nights.' Gotta say, it's not really working for me. It really, really needed a full band arrangement, imo, and is definitely nowhere near strong enough as a basic piano song. Okay song, but I prefer 'She's like the wind' if we're talking HEAT ballads. To be honest, HEAT are not the best ballad band, and this is again proven here. Anyway, in a nutshell, I love the sound and style of the disc. I love 5 of the songs and think the rest are very strong. I thought it'd immediately be my favourite CD of the year and never even look like being toppled. But I'm not sure. Honestly, I don't think it's quite as good as the new Steel Panther disc. The best songs on the SP disc are better than the best on this disc, imo, and the weakest songs on the SP disc are definitely much better than the weakest tunes on this one. The mid-range tracks are roughly on par. I'd probably give the nod to SP again, just based on the lyrical interest. So yeah, overall, I prefer the SP disc, but this'll probably slot in at 2nd for me. Though, I did really like the States Of Panic disc... this could be as low as 3rd for me already, despite it being a very good album. Anyway, sorry for the novel. Just a few initial thoughts after having this spinning back to back all day today.
  14. I'm not listening to them until I get the CD in my hands....Sorta like Christmas....I like to get a few gifts that I don't know what they are I've heard about half of the album so far and I'm leaving it at that. It is sounding amazing to my ears though and i'm finding it hard to not play the songs over and over from You Tube..... I personally was hoping for just a tiny bit heavier album while keeping the signature H.E.A.T elements and I think that is exactly what they are delivering. Can't wait for my copy to show up in the mail...Haven't been this excited about a new release in quite awhile
  15. Looking forward to this release...I think they had a cool concept with this band and glad to see it will finally see the light of day. Hopefully the album and an appearance at MRF will lead to more from this band. Although...the Loud Lion Facebook and Twitter pages seem to be virtually dead. I'm surprised that they aren't pushing this release more on those outlets and trying to generate more of a buzz. Sure...it's a bit of a novelty...But still sounds pretty good and think fans of the 80's Def Leppard sound will dig this tribute.
  16. Name is really nothing except my initials and birthdate....I know it's lame but easy to remember "In and Out of Trouble" is my favourite off that album. Sidenote: what does your name mean? First time I saw it, I thought it was another run-of-the-mill spam accounts we were getting a few years back.
  17. I'm really not sure what I think of this song....I agree the beat is a total rip off...But I'm not sure if it was sorta intentional or not... I can't decide if I'm digging the song or not... don't like the fact that it reminds me of the B Spears song....But the song still seems to pull me in... I suspect this song will grow on me....especially when surrounded by so many other killer tunes on the album. I think it'll sorta wind up like In & Out of Trouble on the last album....Really didn't care much for that song on my first few listens but after awhile, I really started digging it.
  18. I heard Emergency and Enemy In Me this past weekend...They both sound amazing to my ears Anybody interested can check them out here starting at the 1:19 mark...Emergency...Followed by an interview...Then Enemy In Me... http://www.mixcloud.com/arfm/steve-price-rock-show-sunday-mar-9-with-heat-and-united-nations/
  19. Anybody out there pre-ordering this album? Where did you order from? Also, wondering if anybody has seen any mention of any bonus tracks being on any versions of the album ? (Japan, Korea, etc). Reviews I'm seeing have all been very positive....April can't come quick enough
  20. Personally, this is exactly what I wanted. ATN is one of my favorite albums....But if I could change anything, it would be to make it just a tiny bit heavier while keeping the great AOR elements..... So looking forward to this album! Love seeing reviews from others that have heard it and how it compares to ATN. These guys have gotten so little publicity in the USA....it's sickening. So darn much better than what is getting played on the radio....and even satellite radio for that matter. Somebody on satellite radio needs to create an AOR station!
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