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Everything posted by SideShow

  1. I'll throw up some more soon. That Farts poster is hilarious, BTW!
  2. Not bad at all! Yah, I've been after it for a while. Pitched a last second bid on it on eBay and managed to snag it for 4 Euros. I've only heard one song off it (Perfect Organism I think the title was). Sounded like a crazy mix of thrash, hardcore, and classic metal.
  3. Verwaint - It Now Remains For Us To Explain
  4. Whenever I read statements like that I want to die laughing. Selling a bunch of records does not mean the music is good. Boy bands, pop queens, and rappers sell shitloads of albums. Doesn't mean any of it is worth a shit... I'm not gonna rip on the "-core" bands. I don't care for 99.99% of them, but to each his own. However, you might want to stop using "they sell a bunch of records" as your argument for these groups.
  5. I have no idea. It was one of the many CDs I had saved as "Favorite Searches". I got an email this morning that a copy had been listed. Clicked the link and there she was for $8! Even though my jaw almost hit the floor, I didn't even hesitate in pressing "Buy It"!
  6. That's actually pretty cheap compared to the last copy I saw. It was over $100!
  7. I hope you didn't pay a lot of $$$$ for this one... Not at all. $7.99 Buy It Now from eBay. I've heard it before. It's alright, though a bit generic. The lyrics, Christian-based, are either quite childish or the bands grip of English was REALLY bad. Anyway, it's thrash and I'll collect most anything of that nature if I can find it for the right price.
  8. Would love to see these finally make it to CD: Deus Vult - Soul Assault (tape) Trashmachine - Breaking Through The Ranks (vinyl) Energetic Krusher - Path To Oblivion (vinyl) Animosity - Get Off My Back (vinyl) Sacred Death - Deadly Playground (tape) The Moshketeers - The Downward Spiral (tape) Acid Storm - Biotronic Genesis (vinyl) and about a million others...
  9. Wow, 4 whole copies, all for over 400 Euros. Yah, you must be right, it can be found ANYWHERE.
  10. sorry my friend but you actually wanted to say expensive and not rare...they're all over the place. i could sell you my redeemer copy, played once, for 500 euros. shipping is on me. take benefit of the high dollar+ my killer price which is at least 20% less of the 9-10 copies that are availiable at the moment from the usual dealers.... Actually, for ME they are rare. You say they are all over the place. Your located in Europe, correct? I'm in the States and I can tell you straight up that the chances of finding these anywhere here are 1 in million. Location has much to do with availability, my friend. You might be able to walk into 10 different used CD stores tomorrow and find at least 1 copy. I guarantee you that if I walked into 10 different used CD stores every day for the next YEAR I will not find a single copy. Add to that fact that I will not pay the stupid prices most "dealers" ask for. Oh, and according to SEVERAL sources I have IN Austrailia the Redeemer vinyl is VERY rare and almost impossible to obtain even for them.
  11. Absolutely LOVED The Last Starfighter! Was one of my favorite movies for a long time. I barely remember Black Hole. I know I've seen it, but I was really young and can't recall much about it now.
  12. I've got more, just need to get off my ass and upload them to photobucket...
  13. Are Boixos Nois & ripcord worth buying or not?? Ok, thrice through the Boixos Nois. Good stuff actually! Though it was released in '95 there is surprising little of the chugga-chugga groove sound. Solid power/thrash that mixes up between mid-paced stomp and heads-down thrashing. Very heavy riffage. The singer is a bit "weak" in my opinion. Sounds like he could have put more "umph" in his vocals, but it's only a small complaint.
  14. That JL Records place looks AWESOME! If I'm ever in Indiana, I am hitting that place with a vengeance!!
  15. I've always been a collector of some sort. I collected baseball cards as a kid. I moved to comic books in my early teen/teenage years. I then started getting CDs in my late teens/early adult years. This is actually the second time I've done my collection. The first, while it was only 100 CDs or so, was filled with some pretty rare discs (not rare when I got them, as that was '96-'99 or so) but it got stolen. Until about 5 years ago, I'd just pick up some discs when I felt like it. Don't know what started it, but I got addicted to it about 5 years ago and have been hammering away ever since.
  16. Memphis isn't really the best city to try and find used metal CDs. There are only 2 stores that carry a selection of any size of used CDs. Spin Street Music - I've been lucky here a few times, but not enough for my liking. I've been in Memphis for about 2 and a half years, and can probably count on both hands the number of discs I've found (with a finger or two to spare). Replays - I've had more luck here than at Spin Street. Still not enough, though. Metal just isn't that big of a deal in Memphis so it's tough to find stuff. I've never really gone pawnshop diving around here. Most pawnshops are in parts of town where whitey might not want to be...
  17. Just ordered today: Tishvaisings - Catharsis B.A.R.F. - Ignorance Chaos Suicide Machinery - Impulses Of Aggression And hammered out a trade for these: Massacre - From Beyond The Krixhjalters - Evilution Atomic - Breakpoint
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