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Posts posted by hardrockhaven

  1. Wowser. Heard this one last night - awesome stuff. Easily the best CD I've heard this year so far (including Wig Wam, Giant, Stage Dolls, State of Rock etc.). So far that's not too much of a statement, but this is really an excellent album. The only moderately weak song is the last track, 'The Chain' but even that is saved by a good chorus.


    Elsewhere, 'Never enough' and 'Endlessly' are two of the best songs you will hear this year - both are just stunning. And to be totally honest, the eight songs before these two were all great too. Really an excellent album and this is easily the benchmark for me so far in 2010. Nice find, Glen.


    And for the record, I can see the Steadlur comparison, but this is not "modern" rock. The biggest comparison I would make is to the harder rocking tracks from early Guardian or Adriangale. The vocals sound a lot like Jamie Rowe and it's got an awesome hard rock vibe, with killer solos on all tracks.

    I read a review last night that said that the band was actually aiming for a mix between the old 80's hair metal bands and the modern hard rock of today's bands like Nickelback and Theory Of A Deadman. I'd say they did a pretty good job of it. BTW, "The Chain" remake was the only sample I didn't get to hear yet so I couldn't comment on that one. I was definitely loving the hard edged approach with the big backing vocals. You don't get to much of that these days it seems like. I've got my hard copy on the way as I ended up having to order it off e-bay. I hope to get it and give it a solid spin by the beginning of next week.

  2. Don't know how I missed this one Glen. The album was released today and it is kickin' ass! These guys are all about the fist-pumping anthems and harmony vocals. There's hardly a bad track on the album. You can hear every track now on myspace. My favorites that I just listened to are "Time To Burn", "Save Me", "Fight Em With Your Rock", and "Never Enough". The video for "Time To Burn" is hilarious. They're based out of Las Vegas and sound a little bit to me like Steadlur crossed with Adelitas Way. But, I'm gonna say these guys are actually a little better than those two bands based on what I just heard. Nice find! Of course, I just called FYE and they can't find the only copy they have in the store. Sheesh.

  3. This really came as no surprise to me. I've been expecting these guys to reunite long before now. I checked out that minute and a half of demos they posted on youtube, but I wasn't really blown away. Seems like they lost the magic of classics like "All Lips and Hips". But, again, they did stress that those were demo quality. So, there's still hope.

  4. Man I hope I'm alone with my opinion on this (for the sake of the band), but I have to admit I'm pretty unimpressed with this. Can't see it near my top ten come year end, to be honest. Some killer songs (as always) but a lot more fillers than usual. Starting out with the first two songs - 'Do Ya Wanna Taste It' and 'Walls Come Down' and then ending with the last two pretty awful songs - 'Chasing Rainbows' and 'Gotta Get It On'. Four fillers right off the bat.


    'Wild one', 'Still I'm burning', 'All you wanted' and 'Rocket Through My Heart' will be four of the best songs of the year - but where are the rest that sound like these? These four songs, to me, is what Wig Wam is about but there is a severe shortage this time round. Love these, though.


    'C'mon everybody' is only okay and the title track is the fifth best song but like Jez said earlier the two ballads, 'Man in the moon' and 'From here' aren't that great. I actually like both songs, but both have pretty weak hooks.


    Anyway, only 5 songs really work for me on this album, which is a pretty unfortunate strike rate, imo. Still love the band, but this is easily their weakest disc, imo.

    Uh-oh...I hope you're wrong Geoff. I just put in my order for this at NEH Records. This is one my top bands ever. But, to be fair, one can't expect a band to bat 100% forever. I'll forgive them if there's a couple of fillers on this release.

  5. The song "Here We Go Again" was pretty solid, but the other tracks I listened to really didn't do much for me. Simple Plan is really the only band left that can pull this style off with good results now imo. Granted, I didn't hear a couple of the best tracks that you mentioned though.

  6. 01 - Ratt - From what I've heard from snippets, AMAZING!!

    02 - Crazy Lixx - Love this band, their debut was one of the best CD's in decades.

    03 - Saints And Sinners - Their debut was one of my top 25 CD's of all-time!

    04 - Wig Wam - These guys seem the always deliver!!

    05 - Reckless Love - Love what I'm hearing from this band, so much fun!

    06 - Crash Diet - Another amazing group with an amazing attitude.

    07 - Chris Laney Solo - The best producer/songwriter in the world at the moment!!

    08 - Giant - My favorite band of all-time, if Dann was leading the band again, this would be my MOST anticipated album of 2010 and daylight would be second, still very interested.

    09 - Airbourne - These guys are outdoing ACDC at their own game.

    10 - 21 Guns - Another all-time favorite band, look forward to seeing it these guys still have the skills to pay the bills.

    11 - GUN - Another all-time favorite band, look forward to seeing it these guys still have the skills to pay the bills.

    12 - Wake The Light - Great new band that people need to check out on MySpace

    13 - No Love Lost - Great new band that people need to check out on MySpace

    14 - Keel - Absolutely LOVE the samples, I am very surprise to be honest.

    15 - Farcry - Great new band on Kivel Records.

    16 - Jetboy - From the samples I've heard, sounds like their old stuff and thats gotta be good!!

    17 - Slash - Always interested in hearing what Slash has to offer

    18 - Bangalore Choir - Their debut was a classic, so lets see if they can back it up

    19 - Automatic Fire - A bunch of members from the great Silvertide, can't wait for this one.

    20 - Beggars And Thieves - Another amazing talented group, should be a great piece of songwriting.

    21 - Gary Hoey - Being cranking Gary's latest song "Only Human" for what seems like years now!! Great track, look forward to the full-length album!

    22 - FM - Another one of my favorite bands.

    23 - Vains Of Jenna - The first single off the new album "Get It On" is simply amazing!

    24 - Aldo Nova - Love Aldo Nova, not sure about another Rock Opera, but I'm always positive. Fingers crossed.

    25 - Nelson - Be interested in hearing what these 2 are up to. Great song writers but really need to harden the fuck up!!~!

    26 - Black Rain - Their song "Innocent Rosie" has to be in the top 3 songs of 2009 if you ask me.

    27 - Unruly Child - Loved their debut, not sure if Mark(ie) can still belt them out, we'll see, fingers crossed.

    28 - Beretta Jane - Another amazing new talent that just plain rock. Check'em out on MySpace.

    29 - Scorpions - Legends!

    30 - Charlotte - Eonion Records always make a mark with me, and this band should be no exception.


    If you can't get excited about about that, that would really blow!


    Kind regards


    I didn't know Saints and Sinners were doing another album. Is this going to be a brand new studio album or leftover demos from an unreleased second album?

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