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Posts posted by hardrockhaven

  1. Hey guys, is this one silver-pressed? Heard it yesterday and I really need to pick this up. Easily one of the best, if not the best sleaze hard rock disc I've heard this year. Hope more people get to hear this one. Demondoll is getting some pretty awesome releases on the label. Loved it.

    Yep, Debbie Ray is probably my favorite Demon Doll release so far. And yes, Geoff, it is a very nice looking CDR. Glossy artwork, printed label, the works. If it wasn't for the backside of the disc being a shade darker than a silver pressed disc, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. This band is well worth it though. I've still been playing the heck out of my copy.

  2. I picked this up the other day even though I had originally written it off as just a couple of good songs with too much filler. That opinion was based on the 30 second sound samples I had heard. Well, I'm definitely glad I went ahead and gave Winger and the boys the benefit of the doubt. While "Big World Away" and "Feeding Frenzy" are still my favorite, I've been groovin' to such other good tunes like "Stone Cold Killer", "Supernova", and "Witness" as well. So, while there is still some filler material mixed in as well (is an instrumental really considered a bonus track?), it is good to here Kip singing some catchy hard rock again.

  3. Gave her a full spin last night and I really liked it. The first couple of tracks are solid warmup tracks and then they really started cooking when they hit "Scream". They were throwing down guitar licks and style like they had plenty to spare. By the time they ripped through "A Thousand Years", "Radio Song", "The Laughing Dead", and "Judgement Day", I knew we had something special here. This is an excellent chunk of modern melodic metal with plenty of attitude. Very nice recommendation from Geoff. This band manages to blend a thick, meaty guitar sound with very good melodic choruses still. Thumbs up from me anyway.

  4. I just got this in the mail today from CD Baby. I haven't spun it yet to give a full verdict of the music, but I just wanted to let anybody interested in ordering it know that it appears to be another very well done CDR treatment. I know the purists out there might shun away from it now. It's very nicely done though with full glossy lyric booklet and everything. The only way to tell is the blue-tinged backside of the disc. Ok, back again soon with my worthless thoughts and opinions of the actual songs :)

  5. Got this in the mail yesterday and gave it a full spin last night. Very nice melodic hard rock aiming for that Def Leppard type sound. Definitely in the vein of Wildstreet like Geoff said. Sure, they faltered on a couple songs but there's plenty of cool anthems to make up for it. Don't let the lame album cover fool you folks. If you like the verse, big bridge, and even bigger chorus (and who doesn't), this band will more than fit the bill. And I love the spelling of the track 'Sheik Iddup'. Classic.

  6. Wow, I didn't even know that about the guitarist but now that I do it explains a lot. They mustn't have much confidence in the new guitarist as he is nowhere near as present as the last guy was.


    I do wonder about the "main song writer" having left the band, though. I assume the guitarist probably wrote a lot of the music, including guitar parts (I will check my CD in the car on the way home) but there is no mistaking that the lyrics and ability to pen an amazing hook and infectious chorus is still extremely present.

    That part about the main songwriters and lead guitarist leaving I read from a customer reviewer on Itunes. I never did verify it myself. But, whether he's gone or not, this sophmore release doesn't come anywhere near the debut. Can they really believe that this is what fans of the first release wanted to hear? Again, the couple of ballads are good. The rest of the album is a complete throwaway no matter how much I like the band.

  7. Yeah Chris, I think you'll love the ballads but I'm a little nervous having just spun 'Seven Second Surgery' this morning. I (rightfully so) compared that CD to the likes of SR-71 and Hedley. Who whilst being pop-orientated, do still rock hard enough.


    However, I'd compare this new album more to the likes of stuff like Boys Like Girls. Whereas the debut was just guitars, bass, drums and some faint keys, there is absolutely NO mistaking the electronic influence on the more uptempo songs on the new CD. And overall, it is softer. The ballads are flawless and untainted, but I am concerned what a few of you guys will think of some of these songs. Could be patchy affair for some. I seriously await your thoughts on it. :)

    WTF...I'll say it again, WTF. How did we go from 'Seven Second Surgery' to this? O man, to say I'm a bit disappointed would be an understatement. But, after reading somewhere that they lost their main songwriters and their lead guitarist, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. They were definitely a smooth polished rock band to begin with, but these electronic and pop influences just did not cut it. The saving grace on this album is that the ballads are still pretty good. 'You and I' was definitely the best of the bunch. I dunno Geoff, I think I might download two, maybe three songs, and call it a day on this one. I don't think I'll be tracking a hard copy down. WTF!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Well guys, colour my balls with purple paint, ogle them and tell your friends, but I got to hear the new album, 'Can't keep a secret' last night. Released on 10th of November, if I understand correctly. Here's the new tracklist:


    1. The Payoff

    2. G-Get Up And Dance!

    3. You And I Tonight

    4. I'll Be There

    5. Give Him Up

    6. Our Last Goodbye

    7. Lucky Ones

    8. Forever

    9. Never Coming Down

    10. Just What I Needed

    11. By Your Side

    12. I'll Be There [Ft. Jessie Farrell]


    Check out the magnificent ballad, 'You and I tonight'. Sadly, the other two new tracks on myspace are not overly representitive of the whole CD:



    As I was saying in the first spins thread, if you love the debut you'll love this. There are a few songs like 'The Payoff', 'G-Get Up And Dance!' and 'Give Him Up' which really see the band trying to break with a hit single... but the fact is I love these songs too. These guys just cannot write a poor hook/chorus. Every song is so freakin' catchy.


    Only negatives of the album are the slightly electronic feel of those 3 songs, the double-up of the amazing 'Ill be there' (there is the original version as well as a duet at the end of the album) and a cover song - 'Just what I needed'. But to counter these negatives, the 3 electronic songs are still great and the cover of 'Just what I needed' is actually magnificent.


    As for the rest of the songs... love them all. I was hoping the band would go in a little heavier direction and if anything they've gone in a little softer/poppier direction, but there's just no mistaking the ability of these guys to write a stunning hook/chorus. This will be in my modern top 5 without a doubt.

    I had no idea they had a new album out. Awesome, thanks for the heads up Geoff. 'Seven Second Surgery' was killer. I must now hunt down this newie. Thoughts and opinions to come shortly :)

  9. This fell into the 'decent' category for me. Nothing wrong with it, but it didn't blow my mind either. Surprising too as I usually dig the bands that Skidd Mills produces. Looks like he produced that 4 song EP according to their little bio. It's definitely got his touches all over it. I dunno, I think I would still prefer Saving Abel over these guys. Not bad though, don't get me wrong.

  10. Sure, it drives everybody crazy (myself included). But let's face it. It's all about money. If they can get you to buy the album twice or pay for digital downloads of bonus tracks, that's just more money in their pockets for them. The "pure" love of music takes a distant backseat to the corporate money machine. :cussing: Like phaffas said, it's almost not even worth it. It's only about 20% of the time that a bonus track is awesome anyway.

  11. Anyone who is in this thread with adoration, make sure you check out Grand Design - 'Time elevation' from this year. More Def Leppard than Def Leppard themselves.

    Hmm, I shall look into this one ASAP.

    Yeah, you definitely should mate. I love Wildstreet too, but imo Grand Design take it one more notch higher. 10 songs, 10 killers.

    Wow, another cool recommendation Geoff. I liked most of the sound samples I heard over at NEH Records, so then I went ahead and ordered myself a copy. Kind of a boring looking cover but the music definitely makes up for it. Love those vocals. You're on a roll now with this one and Heaven Below. Let's see if you can keep it up, lol.

  12. Anyone who is in this thread with adoration, make sure you check out Grand Design - 'Time elevation' from this year. More Def Leppard than Def Leppard themselves.

    Hmm, I shall look into this one ASAP.

  13. I like it.....nice find......now I'll have to track it down...where did you pick your copy up from..???

    Hey mate, this'd be your best bet:


    Thanks for the link Geoff. I just placed my order for a copy. I'm really digging the samples I've been hearing. Looking forward to giving this a full spin. This is the main reason I check this board out. I'm always looking for the next cool band I may not know about.

  14. Well, in a bit I'm taking off to partake in a buddy's stag. Gonna head down to the shooting range and fire off a few rounds, not exactly sure what's to follow, but Sunday morning, three of us are driving down to Seattle to catch a 6:00 flight to L.A. for a day. We're gonna see The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, and then bomb around the city, and fly back Monday morning. It's the product of having more money than sense, even if I don't have that much money.

    Let us know how Boondock Saints 2 is. Looks pretty good.

  15. Did anyone know Kutless have a new album out??? "It is well",,,

    I did see that the other day. Have you heard anything off it? Any good? I'm finding that kutless is good for one or two good songs and then seems to drop the ball for the rest of the album.

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