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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. That First Night release is pretty good and anything from JD Miller is worth cranking but I'm not familiar with the rest....
  2. Yeah, can you imagine if she had diarrhea...
  3. When you gotta go, you gotta go....at least she didn't interrupt the concert...
  4. Sometimes you need distance to truly see an issue so maybe being on the outside looking in is not such a bad thing when it comes to politics...I know for a fact that when it comes to Canadian politics I am definitely biased..... As for Glen, hopefully he will continue to post in these threads, not just because I agree with him most of the time but because these threads need more intelligent, common sense posts not less since many posts are done through a political lens which usually causes distortions....
  5. There are a shitload of pipelines running all over the US so do you mean Michigan Pipeline 5? Because that only affects Michigan as far as I know and I get why they want it shut down as if it ruptures it will cause a major disaster in Lake Michigan and the damn things seem to break on a regular basis....
  6. I've only heard about 1 and that was a pipeline that was going to be built....
  7. The Economy for Dummies.....
  8. If you're looking for someone to blame for high gas prices, we're here to help. Hint: It's not President Biden. Here's the deal: Gasoline prices have surged to seven-year highs and are likely to keep climbing. But, as my colleague Matt Egan writes, American oil companies are in no rush to loosen the spigots anytime soon. Why? Shareholders have cajoled oil companies to finally live within their means. "Stop spending like drunk sailors. That's the message from shareholders," said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James. A BIT OF BACKGROUND Drill baby drill: US oil companies used to ramp up production at even the slightest hint of higher prices. That kept prices at the pump relatively low. And it made the United States the king of the oil world, surpassing both Saudi Arabia and Russia in production. But the strategy was terrible for the oil industry's bottom line. The oil-and-gas sector was easily the stock market's biggest loser in the 2010s. These days, the industry's chastened by two big forces: Shareholders, who pressured the companies to cut costs, and, the whole, like, you know... historic mass reckoning with the environmental devastation wrought by fossil fuels. Even though US oil prices have surged by more than 65% this year, US oil production is about 14% below where they were at the end of 2019. So basically: Blame Wall Street. Oil and gas companies aren't producing more because they're focused on returning cash to shareholders.
  9. Just when I think I have issues , I read a story like this and realize how fortunate I am...I wish you nothing but good fortune in the years ahead....
  10. Quicksand put out some good music as well, I have their first 2 releases...Slip and Manic Depression...
  11. Love B-Thong and I have their 3 releases....as for TL I have Superevil and Satanic Panic although I haven't paid much attention to them lately....always up for some groove metal.....
  12. Love Power Trip....shame they are no more....here is a good one I just came across....
  13. Not bad stuff....not in love with the vocals though....
  14. Never got into pure hardcore but I have a few releases that crossover from metal....
  15. I never got into the whole rap metal thing but Downset sounds decent...may have to check into a release or two....love Pissing Razors and own 3 of their releases....
  16. I've always considered Raven to be an average band but they may be great live....as for the supporting bands , I don't recognize them...
  17. I just couldn't resist...you 'left' yourself open for it...
  18. Dead Planet

    NFL 21

    Holy shit!...last second 65 yard field goal attempt goes off the crossbar.....
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