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Everything posted by Studboy

  1. Bought these CDs this past week: Ambulance - Feel The Pain (If you like Iron Maiden then you would love this CD) Cuttlass - No Explanation Necessary (Thanks Delbert) Double D - S/T (Thanks Pascal) Gotthard - Human Zoo (Thanks Mark) Twisted Sister - Come Out And Play (Thank Mark) Vains Of Jenna - Lit Up Let Down (Thanks Mark)
  2. I'd go with Streat Ready as well. The title track is killer, however the rest of the CD (as well as their other CDs) are just average.
  3. Manila Thrills has to be one of my favorite CDs I've gotten in the past few years, listen to it all the time. Damn fine band! Damn glad you found it too then!!!
  4. Probably the best band out of Japan along with EZO! I had to go with Hurricane Eyes followed closely by Thunder In The East. However the song "Let It Go" smokes and is probably my favorite Loudness track, however the rest of Lightning Strikes didn't do much for me. I saw Loudness open for Stryper on their Hurricane Eyes tour, awesome band live (and LOUD as hell too, just like their name says)! I think I still have a skin tight concert shirt around here somewhere from that show as well. I say the shirt shrunk by my wife keeps informing me that its me thats getting bigger
  5. I have a copy of the Wildboyz - Unleashed CD but it is only because I found it use for $2, I think it pretty much sucks, absolutely no stand out tracks, its just boring.
  6. Just bought today on ebay, always have wanted to hear it and got it for dirt cheap so if it sucks that's OK : Ambulance - Feel The Pain
  7. Thanks a million to Happydude for helping me out with a few GREAT trades. Its been my pleasure trading with such a cool guy!
  8. Dream on man... I'll do the same, time to ZzZzee I got my refund yesterday, it had been pending for days but now it has cleared. All the money I spent has been put back in my Paypal account. So I may be one of the lucky ones so far. I hope everyone else gets theirs!
  9. I had to go with Ratt, one of the best all time great hair metal albums. Probably my favorite all time album besides Shout At The Devil.
  10. I haven't got mine yet.... I got a refund pending but it hasn't officially been put back in my Paypal account yet.
  11. OK, there are about 100 questions I could ask. What I don't understand is why wouldn't you look in the box to check out how the CDs turned out, all that work and the final product is right there in a box and you don't even want to open it up to see how they turned out? What about the Lawrence Archer CD that didn't get there either on the last ebay auction? This whole thing is just too much of a comedy of errors to even fathom believing all or any of it, especially after flat out lying instead of coming clean right up front.
  12. I don't think that page was ever down, it was his other pages that were down.
  13. ...And a butt whoopin' Damn, it took me over an hour to catch up in this thread tonight, cant access the messageboard at work. I agree, even if David/Lonnie or whoever he is today gives all the money back, he still tried to pull one over on everyone.
  14. I'll second that, he is definitely one of the good ones! I've had nothing but good experiences with Matt!
  15. I can appreciate how you feel Adriano. Just keep in mind that there are a lot of people on the HH message board who are good and honest people. I just hate losing a good trader like you to this great online community. I think we all need to learn a lesson from this and be more pro-active when it comes to people re-issuing or selling CDs, even when it is one of our own.
  16. I was just ready to post about the thread that Grabemall started! Good thing I read this first! My how our thoughts have changed within a few days! I'm lucky in that I'm not out too much...I did spend around $300 picking up cd's that Lonnie specifically requested for our trade, but I can always turn around & sell them. It's just a *&% hassle I wasn't planning on having to deal with. I can vouch for chocularok cuz I was one of the people he confided in. And yes, I gave Lon the benefit of the doubt cuz of my past experiences with him. So I can say chocularok is right, he has been talking to me about the bad luck he has had with Lonnie for well past a month now. Too bad I was wrong! I hope Lonnie is happy that he sold his soul to the
  17. It wasn't a threat Dan. I'd like to get my $160 back... JL You and everyone else. I'm just glad as hell I only pre-ordered 1 CD!
  18. And a little fuel to the fire...guess what one of the last ebay auctions he sold was? Lawrence Archer, one of the most expensive indies out there. And guess what???? The buyer apparantly didn't get the CD and left negative feedback. Thats just WAY to much of a coincidence (did I spell that right)? Look at the feedback on this item on Lonnie's ID, got a negative on it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=140071432527 ...and I even won a CD on this last batch of auctions and just count my lucky stars I got it cuz it was a $50 item! Just doesn't make sense if you as me? Anyone thought of this??? I've traded with Lonnie for at least 2-3 years with no problems. ALL the stuff I've ever gotten from him reek of cigarette smoke. Maybe he kicked the bucked and his nephew figured he could make some fast BIG bucks? Just a thought, just trying to make sense of why such a stand up collector could FUCK all of us!
  19. David, could you send us all the hospital info where Lonnie is at so we all can send Lonnie our get well wishes? I contacted the Blytheville Police Dept as soon as I heard the bad news today but they didn't have any information on an accident on Friday. I've also heard from others who want to send him their best. Thanks a million, I'd really appreciate it! Hang in there buddy!
  20. I just got this email from Lonnie's nephew and he wanted someone to pass it along to the HH folks so here it is: Hi Everyone, This is David, Lonnie's nephew. This was the easiest way to let everyone know what has happened. Lonnie was in a severe car accident yesterday morning. We have had an unusual amount of snow and ice the last few days, and he was on his way to UPS to mail some items as well as pick some up, when an 18 wheeler came thru an intersection and lowed him in the drivers door. Lonnie was airlifted yesterday afternoon to the Trauma Center in St. Louis, where he underwent surgery for a collapsed lung. I have not been able to leave to go up there due to the weather here, but i spoke with my grandmother(Lonnie's mom) and as of this morning he is in serious but stable condition. I would just like to ask each of you to say a prayer and pass this information on to all his friends, because i know there are alot more people out there that were not in his address book. I know he has alot of deals going on right now with all the Hurricane Reissues and all the other cd's we have been working on, so if there is anything outstanding please be patient and we will get it all sorted out for you. There are only 3 of us now, and with Lonnie being the "brains" of the company, we are all doing things we have not had to do before. So this is alot of unchartered territory for us. But I just want everyone to know we are going to do our best to keep things on par just like Lonnie would do. If anyone has any questions or needs any help with something please email us and we will get back to you asap. I know Lonnie is a member of the Heavy Harmonies community, so if someone could please let all his friends there know what is going on it would be greatly appreciated. I will email everyone again later today with the address to the Hospital Lonnie is in, in case any of you want to drop him a card or well wishes. And if any of you want to email them here I will be more than happy to print them off and see that he gets them. Lastly, if there are any outstanding orders please email me and i will get on that pronto for you and get whatever info i can to get it squared away for any of you. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will be in touch with you all soon. Sincerely David Holdaway Just for those who may stumble across this thread unaware, and don't read through it to the end, this so-called "accident" never occurred. It was an attempt at a diversion, after Lonnie and/or his nephew David ripped off the community members here (and others) to the tune of several thousand dollars for pre-orders of "reissues" that never existed and were never authorized by the bands involved. -Dan
  21. Just bought from NEH Records (first time ever buying from them): Brother Firetribe - False Metal Harem Scarem - Human Nature Dirty Rhythm - Never Cleaned Up Sweet Teaze - Groovin On The Backside
  22. Hey T-Bone, I'm not saying that he should be able to Ebay, and I wouldn't want him bidding with me either but I seriously doubt he would win a claim that way. My experience with Paypal has been if you have a tracking number you are covered. I've had a lot of experiences that way and never had money taken from my account. It would be better if Ebay would wise up & get rid of this guy once & for all... JL I think it is beyond whether he has paid or not. He is a known rip off artist so I wouldn't sell him a CD no matter how much he paid for it, even if he sent me cash.
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