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Everything posted by Studboy

  1. How is the booklet? The booklet is fine, just a simple single page booklet. This is basically a CD-R release with your basic artwork. Definitely nothing professional, but then again I didn't expect that when I bought it. Definitely don't expect a professionally done release, but it isn't bad for what it is.
  2. I bought 1, they are not silver pressed like he says, but I don't think they aren't boots, I believe this is the singer of the band selling them. I believe all the other copies that are floating around out there are boots. Anyone can chime if I'm wrong. Plus it looks like he is using my comment from HH on his auction now as well. I noticed that, it looks like James and Denis also purchased from him I guess we can wait to see what they have to say. There are actually quite a few people who are members of this board who bought this CD besides James and Denis. Funny I was just posting to this thread and James gave me a call and I asked him if they looked OK and he said he was happy with his copy. So I'm assuming that these are top quality. Yes, the quality is pretty good as long as you don't mind it being a CD-R.
  3. I bought 1, they are not silver pressed like he says, but I don't think they aren't boots, I believe this is the singer of the band selling them. I believe all the other copies that are floating around out there are boots. Anyone can chime if I'm wrong. Plus it looks like he is using my comment from HH on his auction now as well. I noticed that, it looks like James and Denis also purchased from him I guess we can wait to see what they have to say. There are actually quite a few people who are members of this board who bought this CD besides James and Denis.
  4. I bought 1, they are not silver pressed like he says, but I don't think they aren't boots, I believe this is the singer of the band selling them. I believe all the other copies that are floating around out there are boots. Anyone can chime if I'm wrong. Plus it looks like he is using my comment from HH on his auction now as well.
  5. Hehehe, watching the singer reminds me of Dee Snider's ugly younger brother trying to imitating David Lee Roth's karate high kicks. Great find Matt! Laughed for half an hour after watching this!
  6. Good, after reading through all the comments I thought I was the only loser who picked them
  7. Crashdiet - The Unattractive Revolution Holy Soldier - Last Train Rage Of Angels - S/T (Original Press) Steeler - Strike Back Sun Red Sun - S/T Whitecross - Hammer And Nail
  8. I've only bought a few CDs from Tony on ebay through the years and have been completely happy. Same with PJ.
  9. Hey mate, it's the same band (if it's the one I also own), just a hell of a lot weaker and more raw than the s/t album released on Frontiers in 2000. Is it the one with the brown cover? Yeah, it has a brown cover. Oops, my bad, it is the same band. I actually like the the brown cover one much better, has a much heavier sound to it, but the production could be a little better, it is definitely a lot harder to find than their 2000 release. Haha... I just remembered how I know it is the same band - because I got it from one of the band members! I was going to reply and say I agree it is impossible to find and I'm not sure how I even got it. But I remember now - it was way back when I was continuously raving about the 2000 release we all know over at melodicrock.com and a few of the band members were actually posters on the noticeboard there. I just got talking to one of the guys (Pretty sure it was Shane French) and he sent me over a copy for free. Pretty much the only time something that cool ever happened to me. In regards to the album, I must admit I was kind of glad I didn't have to pay for it because I wasn't a fan at all. It is heavier for sure, but completely misses all those killer hooks and massive choruses of the 2000 release, imo. OK, now I'm going to have to drag that out and listen to it again. I remember liking it as well, but I just like the heavier, rawer sounding music.
  10. Hey mate, it's the same band (if it's the one I also own), just a hell of a lot weaker and more raw than the s/t album released on Frontiers in 2000. Is it the one with the brown cover? Yeah, it has a brown cover. Oops, my bad, it is the same band. I actually like the the brown cover one much better, has a much heavier sound to it, but the production could be a little better, it is definitely a lot harder to find than their 2000 release.
  11. Got some great new CDs in the past month: Big shout out to Uncle Sax for helping knock these 2 big wants off my list... Dr. Grind - S/T Soren - S/T (original demo pressing) ...as well as these other CDs Bang Tango - Ain't No Jive Live Circus Of Power - Still Alive Grandma Dynamite - S/T Jailhouse - S/T Kik Tracee - Field Trip EP And here are the others I got this month: Chain Gang - S/T Holy Soldier - S/T (original press) - (Thanks chocularok!) Lazarus - Bombz Away Nasty Habit - Lick The Groove Rockupuncture - Penetrate Sacred Site - S/T Spanky Lee - S/T (Thanks whiplash!) Teer - S/T (this is the one with the brown cover released in 1996) Wednesday 13 - Transylvania 90210 XX Badboy - Fire In The Hole (band reissue)
  12. That article is actually how I found out about Heavy Harmonies. I even remember where I was, was sitting in the library waiting for a college night class to start reading through the article. That same night I went home and checked it out and loved it (and I still do!)
  13. Without a doubt its Motley Crue, they ruled the 80's!
  14. Few goodies the past few weeks: Distant Thunder - S/T Forte - A Dead Breed Hevansent - Imperfect Angels Lionsheart - Pride In Tact Manito Park - S/T Pretty Wicked - S/T
  15. Good one... Actually, I wasn't impressed, but that's OK, it was a Christmas gift, so it didn't cost me anything. I've got Testament: "First Strike Still Deadly" on the way, so we'll see if I like that any better. I don't like "Souls of Black" either. "First Strike..." is the re-recordings of all their early stuff. It sounds killer & definitely should be more your sort of thing... "Practice What You Preach" is the album you should probably get IMO... If he didn't like 'Souls' then I don't know if he'd like 'Practice'. I'd say that 'Low' and 'The Gathering' would be more his speed and maybe 'The Legacy' and 'New Order'. Dunno what it was about "Souls...." Just seemed like they didn't put their best effort into that one. I've heard some of the re-recorded tracks on "First Strike..." and they sounded pretty good. Hope to see it in my mailbox within the next day or two. And actually, yes, I do own (and like) "Practice What You Preach." That one and "Low" are the only two I currently own. "The Gathering" had some great tunes on it, but too many fillers to make it a keeper for me. As you can see, Testament is a hit-and-miss band for me; pretty much when I want a Testament fix, I just reach for "Low." Not sure they'll ever top that one. "The New Order" is pretty damn good as well I think it's probably my favorite Testament disc next to Practice. I'll agree, I think The New Order is excellent, probably my favorite but just barely. Practice would be second.
  16. Picked up these over the past several weeks, still waiting on some to arrive. Blackshear - Voodoo Groove Brian Jack - Promise Of Love Fear Not - S/T Kane Roberts - Saints & Sinners Lionsheart - Under Fire Robin Trip - Up In The Air Skyhigh - Tales From The Crib Triple X - Haunting Memories
  17. Blackshear - Voodoo Groove (pretty darn fine CD!)
  18. Keel (just because they won the coin toss over KISS).
  19. looks like this person screwed someone else over I bet: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sgt-Roxx-Push-Squeeze-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Brian Jack - Promise Of Love St Elmo's Fire - Warning From The Sky St Elmo's Fire - Powerdrive
  21. Dammit if these are a bitch to decide! Just cuz I wore this freaking tape out twice the year after graduating from high school in 1989 I went with Johnny Crash (and will probably be the only one to choose this band), otherwise it would be Judas Priest. Their CD (or cassette back then) just brings back such great memories partying with all my friends it always brings a smile to my face listening to it.
  22. I can't help but wonder how many kids he stole all those Furbies from
  23. Iron Maiden #1 (easily) Icon #2 Inside Out & Ivory Tower tied at #3
  24. I believe this is the same dude who almost screwed me on a Theatre - Sexy Lady CD, he sent me some other piece of crap CD with signature confirmation and then claimed I was trying to screw him and that I actually got the Theatre CD, luckily I filed a paypal dispute before contacting him which froze his account and pissed him off to no end so he caved in and confessed he sent the wrong item and gave me my money back.
  25. Early Warning - S/T (Thanks Lawrence) Love And War - War Rages On (Thanks Burt) LeCompt - Unplugged (Quarry Records Press) (Thanks Pascal) Uncle Sam - Heaven Or Hollywood (Thanks Mike) Dirty Deeds - Danger Of Infection Tornado Babies - Delirious Kid Wicked - Non Stop Primitive The Zeros - Names Vol 1 Poison - Poison'd
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