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Everything posted by Studboy

  1. By "found some other way", don't tell me you would have somebody burn you a copy...that would be ripping off the artist! And to answer the second part of that question...any high priced indie I've ever thought about bidding on/buying I've made sure I've previewed a copy. If it sucked, I wouldn't purchase it. A smart move on your part... But I think you would be willing to admit that alot of people do not do that... correct? And as far as ripping of the artist... Don't you think that if an artist is selling a new release for let us say $40 that the artist is the one ripping off the buyer? ______________)___________________________________________ That's completely up to the person but in reality has no real bearing on this thread. The point of this thread is paying $160 for a rare release that ends up being a cheap boot. Getting ripped off is the entire point of this thread. I believe it does... do you yourself collect for the actual music or so you can hold an actual copy of a particular CD? What's the difference? If I think I'm buying an original pressing and end up getting a boot, does it even matter why I'm collecting? That has absolutely no bearing on why I'm collecting, its a matter of if I got ripped of or not. You and Sam keep twisting this entire issue around. Just asked a question... didn't twist anything here. If you are a "hard-core" collector you should know how to detect a bootleg. If you suspect something is a bootleg... don't buy it. That way you will never be dissappointed. That's exactly why I've only bought 2 CDs from Sam (and the first time was the only time I was ever burned). First was the Bashful CD I got burned on. Thats the only time I was burned on a boot. Second time I bought from Sam I knew it was a boot going in (however he didnt' tell me upfront, I just expected that it was and my expectation came true). And I also don't consider myself a hard core collector, those are your words, I have many a re-issue and not an original pressing.
  2. What's the difference? If I think I'm buying an original pressing and end up getting a boot, does it even matter why I'm collecting? That has absolutely no bearing on why I'm collecting, its a matter of if I got ripped of or not. You and Sam keep twisting this entire issue around.
  3. Obviously the "music" isn't worth that much, but that's where supply & demand comes into play. There were what, 16 million copies of Hysteria sold? Great cd, but a shit load of them out there, right? What does a copy of it sell for...$3.00? So if there is a great indie out there, but only 500, 1000, whatever copies made, & there are 100 people that want it, the price goes WAY up. Simple arithmetic. Simple arithmetic I agree. Then why is it some people need to pay the large amount for an original? If it is out of print... wouldn't a CDR copy be just as good? Maybe the same reason that you have a car instead of a bus pass? You *prefer* to have your own car. Not the best analogy in the world, but hey, I'm on my 4th beer. Or for that matter, using that logic, why not sell all your cd's & just transfer all the music to your Ipod? Isn't that the same reasoning you're using? All I was asking is if someone could tell me if someone is in it for the "music" then why pay those prices if there is a cheaper alternative? I have no problem with people who really dig a particular release or band and pay more to "collect" those. But buying every high priced, and in many cases over-rated releases, makes no sense if you collect for the music. To me that seems like it's all about the image of the collector. I've got many original CDs (many rare), I will not even say how many, and I have never spent more then $35 on any one release. And that happened to be a new release and it happened to be my favorite artist. But I tell you... Simple arithmetic... If they had wanted much more then that I would have found another way to have gotten "THE MUSIC". Just a question for anyone to answer... If you payed $160 for a rare release and after you listened to it thought is sucked... whould you sell it or keep it? That's completely up to the person but in reality has no real bearing on this thread. The point of this thread is paying $160 for a rare release that ends up being a cheap boot. Getting ripped off is the entire point of this thread.
  4. Obviously the "music" isn't worth that much, but that's where supply & demand comes into play. There were what, 16 million copies of Hysteria sold? Great cd, but a shit load of them out there, right? What does a copy of it sell for...$3.00? So if there is a great indie out there, but only 500, 1000, whatever copies made, & there are 100 people that want it, the price goes WAY up. Simple arithmetic. Simple arithmetic I agree. Then why is it some people need to pay the large amount for an original? If it is out of print... wouldn't a CDR copy be just as good? I'm pretty sure that you haven't grasped the fact of what the term collectible means. The fact is no collectible is inherently worth what it goes for be it music or any other type of collectible. Why do people pay tens of thousands of dollars on a picture of Mickey Mantle on a piece of cardboard. Why would someone pay millions on a stamp with an upside down plane on it? Rarity is the reason. And why would you want to own such a rare item? To brag? To make money? Just to collect? Could be all 3 or none of the 3. The fact of the matter is that it is there prerogative to spend whatever they want to and hopefully not get ripped of in the process. However the world is full of bootleggers so the reality is as long as there is money in ripping people off then bootlegs will exist.
  5. Dave wins some free boots And you win a free boot too!! RIGHT IN THE ASS. Sticks and Stones Sam
  6. To back that up....QUESTION - Why is it that some of the highest price indies that suck still fetch big bucks?... ANSWER - Because those releases make a collection "look good"... it makes the buyer feel like he is better then other collectors. It's about the VALUE... not the band or the music. That wouldn't even hold up in court. Complete assumption. Who's to say something sucks? I like plenty of CDs that I'm sure others think suck. Its all in the eye of the beholder. To back that up....QUESTION - Why is it that some of the highest price indies that suck still fetch big bucks?... ANSWER - Because those releases make a collection "look good"... it makes the buyer feel like he is better then other collectors. It's about the VALUE... not the band or the music. Dave , you win hands down tonight. Your posts are right on the money bro. I'm hooking you up with some free cd's. Dave wins some free boots
  7. I'm pretty sure that is implied. People don't collect stuff otherwise. Why do I feel like I'm explaining something to my 6 year old? See , someone always has to pipe in with a fucking insult. NO it is NOT implied. You either collect cd's for value or for the music. Or must I explain it like you ARE a 6-year old???? Why does anyone collect anything? Cuz they like what they are collecting. If that's not implied then I don't know what is. I'd be better off trying to explain this to my tree in my backyard. It's not an insult, it's common sense.
  8. I never said anything about caring about the band? I've bought a TON of cassettes and CDs over the years to support the bands (and have spent a pretty penny on all the concerts and swag as well). Bottom line is I don't like getting ripped off. I don't give a crap about what my collection is worth. I do care about getting what I've paid for. And if I think I'm buying an original I expect to get that, not some piece of crap knock off.
  9. I'm pretty sure that is implied. People don't collect stuff otherwise. Why do I feel like I'm explaining something to my 6 year old? I never said anything about caring about the band? I've bought a TON of cassettes and CDs over the years to support the bands (and have spent a pretty penny on all the concerts and swag as well). Bottom line is I don't like getting ripped off. I don't give a crap about what my collection is worth. I do care about getting what I've paid for. And if I think I'm buying an original I expect to get that, not some piece of crap knock off.
  10. I'm pretty sure all the used record stores across the nation aren't sharing their profits with the bands so why the hell should someone selling a used CD that is still in print. If you bought it then you should be able to sell it, the band has already gotten their money from the initial sale of the CD. Bootlegging is something completely different than what you are talking about cuz they never got their initial cut. It isn't illegal to sell used merchandise, but it is to bootleg. For me I don't give a rats ass if I own a rare CD that is re-issued or bootlegged. I don't buy an original rare CD for investment purposes and I don't give a shit if the value goes up or down cuz I don't plan on selling any of my CDs. I do it for the joy and fun of collecting them just like any other hobby. And if I do sell them then whatever it sells for is fine with me. When it boils down to it, it's all about 1 thing. Money (and/or Greed). Fuck "its about the bands", Fuck "its about the music". Its about the money and if you say otherwise then your fooling yourself. If there isn't money in it then I'm pretty sure nobody would be doing it out of the kindness of their hearts or for the love of the bands/music. Hell, that's why the band is in it as well (well, maybe for a piece of tail as well but that's an entirely different matter ). Money makes the world go round. Its a business. End of story. Sorry if I offended anyone but its the truth.
  11. I think you are missing a fundamental point, many of these bootlegs are produced solely to fool people into thinking they are the real thing so they pay top dollar for what they believe is a genuine copy when what they are getting is a knock off copy of the original.
  12. Picked up a few this past week that I've been wanting for a while now: Gemini - S/T Gene Walk Group - S/T (the 2003 release) Heart Throb Mob - Eat Your Heart Out
  13. Yep, that's gotta be him. Whenever he would send me trade lists, they ALWAYS looked like that. All caps with the "..." in between. And as anyone who's traded with him can attest to, it's no surprise there's a pack of smokes in the picture, either. Maybe he did that on purpose, leaving little clues behind? Yep, all the stuff I ever got from him reeked of cigarette smoke. I think good ole' Lon is going to be on the same level as Arwine around here. We'll be tracking him down and warning people about him forever.
  14. Sure as shit this is Lonnie's auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=170094147355 It just screams it, same town, new seller, uses all caps. Family store my ass. Same CDs that he commonly sells. I'd be pissed as hell if I were out any money and this little fuck is still around spending it, I'd certainly consider a road trip to pay a little visit. Does he think we are that stupid? What an asshole.
  15. I don't think the devil would see his reflection , oh wait, that's a vampire.
  16. So would this be the appropriate time to do the fund raiser for those ripped off big bucks? I know there were many people out there including me willing to pitch in.
  17. I've never heard the Riff Raff CD but it looks interesting!
  18. Picked up a lot of stuff recently from all the people liquidating their collections: Big Cock - S/T Bombay Black - Anger Management Broken Teeth - S/T Broken Teeth - Guilty Pleasures Danger Danger - Live Nude Donatello - Where Do We Go (original pressing) Harem Scarem - Voice Of Reason Harem Scarem - B-Side Collection Mad Margritt - Shot Through The Heart Midnight Circus - Hard To Swallow Racer X - Second Heat Spiral Fetish - Whatever Happened To Fun TNA - Branded Trixie - Shelter Tyketto - Shine Wednesday 13 - Fang Bang
  19. So is now a good time to call him a cocksucker? JL Damn, you go right to the point don't you
  20. How can I find out if this is Jame's new ID: mntmn1959 Kind of fits the pattern and is brand new and bidding on crap all over the place.
  21. I think the first album is excellent, I've been luck enough to have found 2 copies of the Rockhill pressing, one which I traded and the other I still have. I'd say its one of the top 10 indie hard rock CDs ever released. I actually don't have a problem with the 2nd CD, I actually like it as well, not as good as the S/T but still a good cd. Don't kill me for saying that
  22. Nice win. I was trying to pick up an extra copy myself, but the price got way to high for me to justify it. Yeah, I bit the bullet and just bought one, it seems to be selling for more than it used to these days. It is definitely a kick ass CD! I know Stormspell was worried the 4 copies up lately were boots and I know his worries are warranted. I'd be a little shy about buying it from the seller from Canada. However 3 of the 4 sellers all were from the Kansas City area which is where Banshee is from as well. The guy I bought mine from sent me scans of the CD and inserts so I was able to verify it was an original cuz I used to own it at one time. Plus he lives really close to me so if it is a boot I'll go kick his ass
  23. Just bought Banshee - Take Em By Storm today for the second time, wish I would have kept the copy I found in a pawn shop for a few bucks many years back, this one cost me a lot more I have always kicked myself for trading it off.
  24. Adriano has every right to be pissed as hell, I would be and I'd probably be sending you emails every day as well. Even if we all believed that the "Blues Brothers" or whoever were behind the Hurricane fiasco (which I'm sure noone does), what you did to Adriano and the poor sap who bought the Lawrence Archer CD from you on ebay was completely separate from that. You basically just straight up rip them off. That was all 100% you. If you don't want threats then here is an idea, DON'T RIP PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR MONEY!!!! I don't think they owe you the courtesy of being polite anymore. You made your bed so freaking sleep in it. Don't you get that. Man I wasn't going to post on this thread anymore but give us a break!
  25. I've still seen him logged on from time to time so I know he is still around. I got my refund several weeks back but then again it was only $20 from 1 CD I pre-ordered. Of course he owes you a LOT more, I sure hope you see it my friend!
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