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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. Pete, since you're going to have to come up with some songs for the next album, I thought I would help you out and give you some song title ideas to get you started...


    What's That In Your Mouth

    Worshipping Jimbo

    Pull My Finger

    Sharon, Cheryl, Ike


    Your Song Title Here


    And a bonus CD title: Higher Gear - Cry Farther



    You're welcome. :)

  2. What's really weird is that Pete signs every CD in his collection to himself.


    On his Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Rising Force CD: "Hey Pete, I really enjoy this neoclassical metal stuff, don't I? Pete Fry."


    On his Burning Rain - Pleasure to Burn CD: "Yo Pete, Don't worry about not being as good as Doug Aldrich. He's never even heard of you. Pete Fry."


    On his Cliff Richard - Love...the Album CD: "Dear Pete, Jez was right. Cliff Richard IS really sexy. Pete Fry."



    It's sad, really... :D

  3. First of all Pete, you sure are brave asking the nutjobs on this board what they think, myself included!


    I had said on an earlier thread that I thought "High Gear" was a bit uneven, but what I meant by that wasn't that the songs weren't all great (which I think they are) but that they don't sound like they were all done by the same band. The disc has a sort of "bag of tunes" quality instead of a single "sound" throughout. (Not a complaint, just an observation.) :)


    My opinion is that the band should write more tunes and cover maybe one outside song. (How about "Stepping Stone" by the Monkees? Just tossing that out there.) :D


    My vote was for "Love Won't Wait", "Those Were the Days" and "She's Crazy". More tunes like those, with lyrics that relate to us over 40 types, would be awesome!


    Where do I send my check? :)

  4. I disagree. I would rather have the artists autograph the front cover and the cd's themselves if possible. I think it is an honor to have the bands sign them. If they want to sign wherever, its their call. It's their music and they should be able to sign the covers. I actually prefer they sign the covers. I think it adds class to the cd's.


    To me, I think it not only adds to the cd covers but creates very good memories of the music and bands.



    I'll third that one aswell. My most prized ones are my New England signed covers, but I have a fair few others.


    On a side note - I had a cd turn up this morning by some band called Far..something, the name escapes me, and the guitarist had written shit all over the back cover in gold pen for fucks sake - Talk about ruin it! :D





    I would love to have some more signed CDs, but the only ones in my collection are the above mentioned FarCry and Blizzard of Ozz signed by Ozzy. Of those who get signatures on their discs, how did you get them? (Don Dokken or New England would be AWESOME!)

  5. I finally got my copy and I can honestly say it's awesome! The first song "Love Won't Wait" is such a killer, radio-friendly tune that I can't get it out of my head! I also love "She's Crazy" and "Those Were the Days". The rest of the album is a bit uneven in spots (more self-penned tunes by the band might have helped correct this) and the drums are solid, standard fare without much flare, but the guitar sound and Pete's unique style and enthusiasm tie the project together and makes it work. The packaging is fantastic, better than some bigger labels' releases. And the production is professional and classy, yet unobtrusive, a high compliment in my book.


    Let me just say in closing, any small criticisms above are just that--small. If you are a fan of excellent hard rock, AOR or melodic metal, there is something that will excite you on this album. Get it now! :band:

  6. I love every single song on this album! :headbanger:


    (Full disclosure--I haven't actually gotten the CD in the mail yet, but I'm pretty confident the above is still true.)

    It's coming my friend, I packed and shipped it myself!


    Awesome! Thanks Pete, I'll keep an eye out for it today or tomorrow! :)

  7. The "Masked Magician" is the guy on tv who exposes how famous illusions are done. He now has a weekly show (at least here in the US). Next week he promises to show how Chris Angel levitates between buildings. Although I always find the secrets behind the illusions fascinating, watching the show actually makes me feel a little guilty. I wonder how many illusionists this show is putting out of business, and if I should care?


    What's your take on it? :unsure:

  8. Having not read the whole thread, forgive me if this one's been posted:


    A mother calls down her three boys for breakfast and asks each in turn what they would like to eat.


    "I'll have some f@*king French toast," says the oldest. The mother boxes his ears, tosses him by the collar onto the floor and sends him to his room until lunchtime.


    "Well, how about you then?" she asks the middle boy.


    "I guess there's more f@*king French toast for me now, ain't there?" says the boy. The mother clubs him over the head with the frying pan, kicks him in the seat of his trousers and sends him to his room until supper.


    Finally, she eyes the youngest boy and says, "Alright then, what do you want for breakfast."


    "Well," says the young boy thoughtfully, "you can bet your ass I don't want any of your f@*cking French toast!"

  9. Wow! Fantastic news!


    From my own personal experience, here are a few tips:


    1. It takes a two year old ten minutes to blow his or her nose, but only ten seconds to grab every tissue out of the box when no one is looking.


    2. Dirty diapers smell. Unless you're really tired, then they don't.


    3. Your wife will not die from a lack of sleep. But she will be tempted to kill you.


    And finally, being a mom is hard work. Help her, hug her and heal her when you can. That's what being a dad is all about.


    Good luck and God bless, Mark! (And Mrs. Mark!) :)

  10. The lawyers for Bon Jovi ought to look into suing the State Of New Jersey for persistently using the name of a Bon Jovi album on all its stationery.


    It's really terrible to watch so many musicians get famous and turn into pompous asses with no regard for the fans that made them rich. Common sense would dictate that tribute bands, especially respectful and talented ones, sell more CDs for the band they are paying homage to.


    JBJ = :butt:

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