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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. Is it wrong that since I'm not going out tonight as planned, that I'm sitting here eating a cheese plate I made and drinking beer?


    If it is, then poo on you!





    That kind of language is frowned upon by those of us who do not wallow our lives away in the consumption of unrefined dairy products and alcohol... -_-

  2. I've had nothing but great experiences trading. Although I've only had a few trades, these folks have been so much more than generous:


    TIM - The first guy to take a chance on me. A super trader, a super human being, and a person with excellent taste. My love for Emergency, Jillson, AKA and Love/Hate all started here two years ago. Thanks, man!


    Blue Charvel - How could I have lived without Q5 and TNT all these years? Thanks for sending me about a million CDs to check out, Pete. And Shotgun Alli ROCKS!!


    Rockhead - My UK connection. I sent a couple Nightwish CDs for him to check out and he cleared out his entire collection and sent it to me on his dime. Nick, I'm STILL pouring through those damn CDs!  Thanks!


    JLPRocks - I mentioned I had an interest. You hooked me up. Thanks, Jim. You're a credit to society, and you're a Buckeye Fan!


    And a special thanks to MJ, my email sample buddy. You've saved me at least $50 on stuff I was on the fence about. Thanks, Marla.


    And on a related note, I will say once more, Mark Allen (metalmaniac777) is a great person to buy from. Honest and professional. Thanks for the Winter Rose, dude. Keep up the great site.


    Honorable mention to folks who've answered questions above and beyond the call of duty - T-Bone, whiplash1972, Dan and koogles.


    Heavy Harmonies is the best site on the web because of you guys.  :banana:



    Dang it! (Sorry for the language, but I forgot a GREAT trader.)


    hsf - Good guy, great trader. Thanks, Jay. I still laugh at Metal Shop (and my kids are still not allowed to listen to it! :D )

  3. I've had nothing but great experiences trading. Although I've only had a few trades, these folks have been so much more than generous:


    TIM - The first guy to take a chance on me. A super trader, a super human being, and a person with excellent taste. My love for Emergency, Jillson, AKA and Love/Hate all started here two years ago. Thanks, man!


    Blue Charvel - How could I have lived without Q5 and TNT all these years? Thanks for sending me about a million CDs to check out, Pete. And Shotgun Alli ROCKS!!


    Rockhead - My UK connection. I sent a couple Nightwish CDs for him to check out and he cleared out his entire collection and sent it to me on his dime. Nick, I'm STILL pouring through those damn CDs! Thanks!


    JLPRocks - I mentioned I had an interest. You hooked me up. Thanks, Jim. You're a credit to society, and you're a Buckeye Fan!


    And a special thanks to MJ, my email sample buddy. You've saved me at least $50 on stuff I was on the fence about. Thanks, Marla.


    And on a related note, I will say once more, Mark Allen (metalmaniac777) is a great person to buy from. Honest and professional. Thanks for the Winter Rose, dude. Keep up the great site.


    Honorable mention to folks who've answered questions above and beyond the call of duty - T-Bone, whiplash1972, Dan and koogles.


    Heavy Harmonies is the best site on the web because of you guys. :banana:

  4. Both Jim and Mark are right about $7 being a reasonable price for a CDr with full artwork and jewel case, and I haven't been able to find the original post from the person in question (deleted?), but I think the point cook jaime was making is that the (completely unsolicited) offer was that the guy would make anyone on the board a free CDr to show his good will and humanitarianism (in so many words) no questions asked.


    That's not halibut you smell.

  5. The Quonsett Hut went out of business this weekend. There goes another CD shop worth visiting...


    Anyway, at twenty-five percent off I picked up Black 'N Blue "Without Love" and Pink Cream 69 "Endangered". I also had the Producers two-on-one CD in my hand but had to put it back when I realized I'd forgotten my wallet and had just enough cash in my pocket for the other two CDs... :(

  6. Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't think they are what I'm looking for. Not looking for blues based rock ala Black Crowes. I'm looking for ...ok, call me crazy, but I was thinking I'd love to hear Thorogood covered by Black Label Society! heh.. THAT kind of

    'heavier'!  There may not be anything like that, but also, Four Horseman was a good suggestion but I'm looking for something less simplistic, and something with swagger, attitude, and that 'beer smell' to it, you know? An amped up SRV would be another description.. Hell, maybe Thorogood is just in a league of his own. Thanks again, and it you've got more suggestions, lemme have 'em!





    Do you have anything by Love/Hate? Black Out in the Red Room or Wasted in America would seem to fit the bill...

  7. Seriously though....I remember a movie called "Hardware" that I thought was absolute shit when I saw it in the theater...and I'm a 'movie' person...very hard to get me to 'hate' something....but I hated that one....


    Wasn't that the one with Dylan McDermott? That was definitely a dog. I rented it, watched it for ten minutes, then immediately drove it back to the store to get something different.

  8. OK, here you go...here is the list as it stands of what topics have been done:


    NOV 9--Guns

    NOV 9--Colors

    NOV 9--Drinking

    NOV 10--Ladies Names

    NOV 10--Cities

    NOV 11--Transportation

    NOV 12--Animals

    NOV 14--First Names

    NOV 15--Body Parts

    NOV 16--Instrumentals

    NOV 18--Communication

    NOV 24--Time

    NOV 30--Food

    DEC 3--Kinds of metal/gold/silver

    DEC 6--One-word titles

    DEC 8--Weather

    DEC 13--Rock/Stone

    DEC 20--Rules

    DEC 21--5 Senses

    DEC 27--Violence

    DEC 29--Numbers


    Very helpful, thanks!


    Two Steps From the Move - Hanoi Rocks

  9. Worse movie?  There are too many to list but two i know of off hand are both based on video games:


    Super Mario Bros



    Mortal Kombat was cool, but the second one????


    Wasn't Capt. Lou in Super Mario Bros. the Movie? Know what would have been better? If it was Ron Jeremy!




    (Can you imagine the porn world making a movie of Super Mario Bros.? :lol: )


    Possible porn titles for video games?

    "Super Mario Boners"

    "Fudge PackMan"

    "Womb Raider"


    More possible titles:


    Ron the Hedgehog

    Mortal Cumbath

    Donkey Dong

    S & M Gear Solid




    Don't forget about Assteroids!



    I so thought of that one too. But with my earlier entry(Resident Anal), I didn't want people getting the wrong idea.




    Too late.

  10. Worse movie?  There are too many to list but two i know of off hand are both based on video games:


    Super Mario Bros



    Mortal Kombat was cool, but the second one????


    Wasn't Capt. Lou in Super Mario Bros. the Movie? Know what would have been better? If it was Ron Jeremy!




    (Can you imagine the porn world making a movie of Super Mario Bros.? :lol: )


    Possible porn titles for video games?

    "Super Mario Boners"

    "Fudge PackMan"

    "Womb Raider"

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