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Posts posted by Jimbo

  1. I sent Zinatra a PM reference some of his wants and he never returned my email-so go figure!!


    I have traded through this site and have sent discs for free in the belief that one good turn deserves another and for the most part most of the people on this site are great and I trade/give as a token of friendship.


    I know of no other site that I would do this on and this down to the freaks that frequent this site.


    If people want to throw dummies out of prams-their loss in the long run.





    Nick, I love ya man. (BTW-Roadmaster ROCKS!), but I think you have Wotty disease. I couldn't understand a thing you just wrote there... :blink:

  2. hsf, I can only say one thing about your apparent :wub: of The First Power.

    You're a raging lunatic that says completely assinine and totally un-PC stuff while being a self-depricating dick because you're totally insecure with yourself and know you can't hold a candle to your peers.


    Oh, and you like bad movies.



  3. 1. Reptilicus - Denmark's answer to the question "What would happen if a big rubbery snakelike thing came out of the ocean to attack our homeland?" Answer: not much...


    2. Troll - Only scary if you kept your ticket stub with the price of admission on it.


    3. The First Power - At least Lou Diamond Phillips doesn't lip synch in this one.


    4. When the Screaming Stops - "These footprints seem to lead to the water." "Do you mean it's some sort of aquatic creature?" "Hmmm..." Plus a rubber monster hand that doesn't quite cover the actor's arm.


    5. Exorcist III - Boom mics fall into the frame, blurry camera work, a pointless cameo by Patrick Ewing and no story. Spectacularly bad.


    6. He-man - It's He-man... Nuff said.


    7. Manos: Hands of Fate - You will need to take a bath after seeing this slimy, puss oozing pile of gaspacho.


    8. KISS Meet the Phantom of the Park - Excellently horrible. "Rip, Rip... Rip and destroy!"


    9. I Shot Andy Warhol - Me next, please.


    10. Last of the Mohicans - I would rather not stay alive, no matter what occurs, and don't try to find me.

  4. Hey Captain,


    My comment about Boxcar Willy and Zamfir was my (apparently unsuccessful) way of indicating that I realized I was starting to take the whole argument too seriously and that even though I'm a huge KISS fan and disagree with your assessment I respect your opinion. Even though it's wrong. ;)


    Keep rockin'... And in your case, WITHOUT make-up! :P



  5. Anything they did after removing the make up is better than the make up days!

    Carr & Kulick were far superior to Criss & Frehley!



    Point One

    Great musicians do not necessarily mean better songs.


    Point Two

    Bruce Kulick may have been more technically proficient, but he is a cookie cutter guitarist. Nothing is unique. Ace Frehley has a distinctive sound, even if part of that sound is missed notes and pentatonic scales.


    Point Three

    Peter Criss gets knocked for being a crappy drummer, but he created some very interesting beats that were actually integral parts of some songs. Listen to "Detroit Rock City" and "Goin' Blind".


    Point Four

    KISS with make-up was cool. KISS without make-up was just like every other lite metal band in the 80s.



    BTW, I picked Crazy Nights which I like just slightly better than Revenge. But my faves are still the 70s albums...

    Point five:

    Only America gave a damn about them (with some interest in Australia & Japan) when they wore make-up, but when they took it off they gained a massive world wide audience!

    Crazy Nights is probably their biggest selling album worldwide!


    Check their album sales in the 70s for Germany, Canada, Australia, Japan and England and I'll bet you'll be surprised. I guarantee they sold more albums than Boxcar Willy and Zamfir combined! :headbanger:

  6. Anything they did after removing the make up is better than the make up days!

    Carr & Kulick were far superior to Criss & Frehley!



    Point One

    Great musicians do not necessarily mean better songs.


    Point Two

    Bruce Kulick may have been more technically proficient, but he is a cookie cutter guitarist. Nothing is unique. Ace Frehley has a distinctive sound, even if part of that sound is missed notes and pentatonic scales.


    Point Three

    Peter Criss gets knocked for being a crappy drummer, but he created some very interesting beats that were actually integral parts of some songs. Listen to "Detroit Rock City" and "Goin' Blind".


    Point Four

    KISS with make-up was cool. KISS without make-up was just like every other lite metal band in the 80s.



    BTW, I picked Crazy Nights which I like just slightly better than Revenge. But my faves are still the 70s albums...

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