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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Just picked up the new Trans-Siberian Orchestra "The Lost Christmas Eve"......sooo...I'm listening to it right now!
  2. I think she looks better now than in those pics. I saw an interview with her recently...and these pics don't really do her justice.... Yes, Jay....Shania is very HOT!! hehehe
  3. That IS a great song, MJ! On the way in to the office today, I was jammin' to: Saxon ~ "Lionheart"
  4. Yep...now it's time for me to get that Christmas cd!!! Or Mike...maybe you can get one for me.............puweeze??!!! haha
  5. Mike, I was the one that made the smart-ass remark about the radiator hose. Sorry if I pissed you off with that - I really just thought it was kind of funny. Who knows, maybe the guy is a member of the band and moved to Vegas (and happened to have an extra radiator hose lying around)... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was cute!!....and you're right, Chris....I was just laughing about the whole *in my best John Kerry voice* "This is a bootleg seller.....don't buy from him. I have a plan....I mean an original. Blah..blah...blah.." without all the chips being put on the table. Hell...all I know is I sold MY original Touris about a year or so ago for like $65 to Ripper. In hindsight.....BIG MISTAKE!! LOL But....as happens, the HYPE for the cd wasn't as big back then and no one really knew of it...so it only garnered that much *although I knew I could have asked for a bit more*.
  6. haha....the conspiracy police are out in full force!!! Because you can only actually go back to the sellers last four transactions or so and look and see what they sold prior....how can you make such a statement that 'is selling HTF cd's after selling a radiator hose.'...?? Otherwise, you have no idea what the seller sold prior to that...... *shrugs* I don't know if the seller is selling legit cds or not.....but isn't always interesting when someone who only has had NO posts prior on this board comes on here and starts shouting 'bootlegs'....!!! LOL Didn't we already do this once before?? Is this Deja Vu???.....or is it just a 'coinky dinky'.....
  7. I was just going to ask you about that. The title of the album alone is great! How is the music? Worth the asking price? ($25, not $80) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know the guys in the band. most of them now play in Decibel with Lance King on vocals. Lance is the singer in Pyramaze, and has also done the first 2 cd's with Gemini, 3 cd's with Balance Of Power, and also some vocals for Mattsson, Empire, Kings Machine, and many others. Lance also owns Nightmare Records If I remember right, Mikey told me the title is latin or something for killing someone while having sex. Or something like that. I was a little tanked that night I got mine from Metal Mayhem for $15 Lance has both Conditioned Response cd's on his site for sale. Just type in the word Conditioned. Many people don't know this, but the band was originally called Pavlovs Dogs and the cd was called Conditioned Response, but because they found out that another band had already used that name, they reversed the titles after a few cd's had already been made up with the name as Pavlovs Dogs. They're hard to find that way <{POST_SNAPBACK}> T-Bone is correctamundo. I have that cd when the band was still called Pavlov's Dogs.....it's good stuff.
  8. Shit, Danny...if you only knew!!! LOL But yeah...thinkin' about takin' an 'extended vacation'!! LOL Played at lunch... Wildside ~ "Sheet Music"
  9. Was playing a truly cool Indie today on my way in to the office before I suffered a flat tire............. LOL Dirty Blond ~ "Cardboard".....excellent....EXCELLENT stuff....
  10. Way to go brutha! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, well, don't get too excited, 'cause I thought it sucked. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  11. $4 is too steep to ship a cd? Sheeesh....you guys give the word frugal a scare!! LOL If you ship it in a an envelope with first class or even regular mail it's going to run you over two dollars. Why shouldn't there be an extra buck or so for the seller to have to pack it and take it to the place of shipment? ESPECIALLY if it were an auction type sale....
  12. Ok....now that I'm a little awake... A Flock of Seagulls ~ '20 Classics of the 80's' kickin' it off with "Space Age Love Song"
  13. Early on a Sat. a.m......it's..... Enya ~ "The Celts"
  14. I see a jingle somewhere in there 'mmmm, mmmm, boobs...mmmm, mmmm, boobs...that's what pretty girls have....mmmm, mmmm....boobs....' Silly...I know...but hey, I'm in a truly 'mature' mood today....
  15. Here's one ya'll will probably laugh at....but hey...who ever said life was easy? haha Kajagoogoo ~ "White Feathers"
  16. I would really love to hear your opinion of the DeMartini disc. I've never purchased it...but always wanted to...but was fearful that it would be so severely different than his work in Ratt that I wouldn't like it...
  17. You completely missed the point about integrity. The fact that others are now questioning his integrity (yes, me included) does not in anyway take away his ability to choose for himself. Ultimately, it's his choice whether to continue to deceive or come clean. Every seller has this opportunity everytime they post something for sale. Anyway, I didn't intend to get into a pissing match with you. We'll just have to agree to disagree. The only thing that really pisses me off tho is that my name is spelled Jody and not Jodi! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh shit.......to be honest with you, I have to apologise about using your incorrect spelling for your name. THAT is such a pet peeve of mine..........seriously...
  18. "2) I don't have any patience or sympathy for artists or labels that don't feel used CDs should be legal. Their opinion is shifty & dishonest, IMO. The artist doesn't make money off them? So fucking what? Honda doesn't make any money if you sell your used car, so how is that any different? Big Music seems to confuse owning the copyrights to something with physically owning the disc. So long as I don't retain a copy for myself, it's none of their fucking business what I do with my discs. If I want to sell my used car, clothes, stereo gear, firearms, DVDs or CDs, that's my call- once I buy it it's mine to do with as I choose. Why the hell should the artist sell a "product" once but get paid twice, thrice, or even more often? Nothing in the world works that way. No one is forcing anyone to sell their "product," and if you can't take an item being resold, don't sell it in the first place." THAT is an excellent analogy......! I agree 150 percent!
  19. Yes, I agree Dan....with the first point I've tried to indicate that it is what Vegasmetal has said...and yes, without the band posting here..it would be at 'face value'... On your second point....quit blaming yourself for God's sakes.. lol ..but seriously....it may be a difficult task to prove unless one of the band members or copyright holders backs that claim. Why? Because regardless of the source...unless it's from the 'horse's mouth'..so to speak...it would be heresay. I would dare say we've had quite a bit of that at this point...haven't we? *and on a side note...I think I've made my points in this matter fairly clear...and I'm going to step aside now and let this episode handle itself*
  20. My statement of 'vehemence' was not born from that which you directed toward Sam....but to me. My 'vehemence' stems from the fact that you stated that my insight into the situation was 'twisted'...and devoid of 'logic'. And I responded in a manner in which I felt was filled with enough ire to present the situation...as best as one can on a message board...in its 'angry' context without spouting vulgarities, etc. Why? Because you were not correct in that assumption. The situation about the cdr traders was simply put. And in the context of this discussion was an insight into their 'legality' of trading...and NOT what the buyer on the other end was getting. I was comparing their trading to Sam's misrepresentation to put things in a sort of heiarchy of 'wrong doing'. The cdr traders are probably actually defrauding..in scope...more people...and for more money than Sam will EVER make. And that point was to show the level of 'wrong doing' that Sam was accused of...as to other acts that I feel are far more worrysome. And I wondered if all of these people who were attacking him so eagerly...were just doing so to 'jump in'...or if they truly believed in justice.....so to speak. This statement speaks volumes. "They should all show more integrity than they are, but that's up to them." You stated this when talking about other sellers on eBay. Isn't it ironic that it's up to 'them' to police themselves...but yet...you felt the need to jump into the foray to attack Vegasmetal? Well...you weren't one of the 'attackers'...so to speak...but you definitely held one side of opinion in the matter. So, it's not really 'up to' him....is it? "The one difference with vegasmetal is he opened himself up to the criticism from others by registering for this messageboard and proceeded to swear, bad-mouth, bitch, complain, etc.... " Yes...I wholeheartedly agree. He did open himself up to criticism. Of his personality....of his lact of tact...and verbage. And I had no problems with people being angry about that. I know how he can be.....so it doesn't affect me as greatly...but I can understand how others felt. You keep saying that something Vegasmetal did was 'wrong'...and I was putting this into perspective. How 'wrong' was it? Many felt that by not disclosing certain info in his auctions that that was 'wrong'. I pointed out....and they are sellers you very well have seen....that do not 1.) Put the year of release in their auctions because they don't want the buyer to know that it's not from the 80's etc. 2.) Post NO info at all 3.) Use exaggerations, implications and otherwise to get the buyer to think the piece they are looking at is maybe more than it is. All of those examples are seen on eBay EVERY day without one word on this message board. Should we all START threads calling these guys out before you respond? Is that what you need to see where I'm coming from? What I was trying to illustrate with that 'logic' was that people come here...many who are NOT regulars...to jump into the foray concerning the matter and I was merely pointing out that this isn't the only injustice on eBay...or in music....but I never see anyone 'jumping' to fix that problem. "No, he's not the only one by far, but he is what this thread is about." No..this thread was about having perspective...and accountability as seen through someone elses eyes. And if you want to go back to the original topic....it wasn't about 'reissues' at all. It was about 'Bootlegs'. Interestingly enough..the whole crux of the argument started because someone 'alleged' that Vegasmetal was selling 'bootlegs'. Why not shoot the messenger too? They were obviously wrong...but I saw NO ONE call them out and say 'hey...doesn't look like you are correct'. I didn't see ONE person ask this person any questions. NONE. And why should that have been done? Well, much in the same way we do things in this world....more often than not, the allegation stirs the pot...no matter how valid it is. And...even if there is no truth...it can stick. We see this all the time....in politics, etc. Is it right? No. I felt that even though Sam was wrong to not indicate in his auctions that the discs were 'reissues' that the magnitude with which this whole thing took off was absurd. And yes....'Sam' didn't help things with his attitude or his lack of tact. But....the bottom line was not those personality traits. This wasn't a contest....this was serious, possibly LEGAL, allegations and I didn't like the way it was handled. THUS, my 'defense' of Sam....as you so wish. "Lastly, whether you believe so or not, you are defending him." Actually...not entirely true...but if you don't see it then I'm not going to convince you otherwise. I'm not here to convert anyone to either side...I'm merely pointing out some observations that really I felt no one even considered...or cared to.
  21. Actually, Dan....I wasn't really referring to you. What I did do was try to impress upon those accusers that the other scenarios do exist and if they were so vigilant in condemning Vegasmetal then they should take up their cause with others...otherwise it would seem they have an agenda specifically directed at Vegasmetal. The actual cdr traders that I was referring to come to the message boards SOLELY for the purpose of trading cdrs.....and I've seen tons of lists of new releases on these guys' trade lists. In my observation, those guys take the money out of the artist's hands...directly. Vegasmetal was being accused of such...and I wanted to see if those accusers were ready to stand tall against all injustices...or if they simply were concentrating their energies on this one seller and, in doing so, would seem truly hypocritical in their actions.
  22. Is it just me....or does Tinkerbell have a nice rear end??!!
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