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Posts posted by stormspell

  1. I just got the shaft today also. Paypal took $75 out of my account for this jackass who said he didn't receive his stuff. I don't even think his ID is current on Ebay anymore and they still gave him his money back. Total bullshit & I am pissed off!





    That's a real bummer man! GAYPal are soooo bloody idiots! They fuckingly protect fraudulent buyers and fuck sellers like this! :2up:


    In my case I DID lose the $54 and the NZ guy got his PayPal account permanently locked up! The Russian conner walked gaily away with some cash and LPs :2up:

  2. A ballsy move on Sam's part. Ebay will suspend a seller INDEFINITELY for using another ID while their principle one is suspended. They send you out an email stating that you CANNOT sell under a different ID. When I was suspended back several years ago (didn't pay the bills), I got this warning and took it very seriously. Would hate for eBay's "#1 seller of metal and hard rock" to go down in a cloud of disrepute and shame, now wouldn't we?


    ...unless you deliberately terminate the account and switch to a new one hoping to escape from the negative attention you had generated under your previous moniker...

  3. The discs in question:


    1. BB Steal - On the Edge

    2. Alien - S/T (1988 version)


    Those are recent Greek booties from the same guys that release Hot Metal and all "collectible" series. They released a huge batch of 80es metal recently, including MORGANA, CORTINA DE FERRO, ASTAROTH / LORDS OF CRIMSON ALIANCE, CROM, EXCESS, GOLIATH, OLIVER MAGNUM, ATHEIST, etc, etc.


    They even booted AMULANCE and it is a very low-grade LP (or even tape) rip - you can hear huge distortion on song 2, bleh!


    I wonder what trigerred this huge recent activity...

  4. :angry: I'm new to selling on Ebay, and since I live in a border town in Canada, I thought I would mail the cds won by my American customers, from the States. I pull up to the customs booth, and instantly get attitude from the U.S. Customs officer. "Why are you mailing these cds over here?" was the first question. I tried explaining that  I was going to the U.S. to shop anyways, and thought that it would be a good idea to send them out at the same time, since they would get to my customers sooner. Then the officer asked why the bubble mailers were sealed."How do I know that you don't have drugs in those envelopes?", he then asked. Thankfully, I forgot to seal one of the envelopes, so I handed that cd to him, upon which he studied it for about a minute. "Did you burn these cds?" was the next question. I explained that these were used cds that I had found in my pawnshop hunts, and that they doubles of cds that I already have. He then warned me that the next time I tried bring in sealed envelopes that he would rip open every package. As I cleared the booth, thankfull that they didn't force me at gun point to spread eagle on the hood of my car, I was waved over to secondary inspection. This time I had 2 gung ho customs officers walk over to my car. I was ordered to open the hood and trunk of my car, and to stand about 7 feet away, on an adjoining sidewalk. "Get your hands out of your pockets!" barked one of the officers. Finally fed up with the attitude, I barked back "Canadians don't carry guns on them!!". At this point, about 3 other customs officers turned around and looked at me. Pissed off at myself that I lost my cool, I then calmly said, "Look, Canada is your neighbour...why do you treat your neighbours this way?" To my shock,  the officer who had ordered my hands out of my pockets apologized to me! After finishing their search of my car, I was told to go into the Customs office, and pay a five dollar user fee, just like a truck driver making a delivery into the States. Man, what a crappy experience!!


    Thanks to a certain president very soon you may not be able to cross the border for whatever reason :angryfire:

  5. Yeah, I knew these were boots - but be awfully hard tracking legitimate releases of most of these titles down.


    Out of the thirteen 3-on-1 titles I picked up I have ONE out of 36 bands on them that I have the actual legitimate demo tape release of!


    Most of the artists on these were obscure when the releases were current & are even more so now...


    I agree with you. Those are very tempting titles, along with the "HEAVY METAL OBSCURITIES - The Vinyl Years!" - tons of rare demos and 7"

  6. Did you get Forgotten Metal #9?


    Nope, got #6, #10, #14, & #15.


    Who's on #9?


    I was told #9 is either scarce, or one of the bands on it complained and the Greeks pulled it out... the greeks have been booting them so fast I ended up getting some (#9, 16, 17, 18) along with bunch other "series" before realizing they are boots.


    on #9 are:

    Hammerwitch - Return to Salem

    Trop Feross - Resurection

    Cassle - Midnight Fantasy

  7. Indeed - He does have quite a few attractive titles in his catalog, but won't be dealing with him again after this one.


    I ordered every one of the Hard'n'Heavy Rarities & Forgotten Metal Gems 3-0n-1 titles he had listed which amounted to a pretty sizable purchase. Without GEMMs shield guarantee I'm pretty sure I would've got burned!


    Most sellers on GEMM have inflated prices on their titles, but it's always a risk-free transaction there. If ANYTHING is not to your satisfaction you can get your money back, which is not always the case on ebay!


    Did you get Forgotten Metal #9?

  8. I just emailed him yet again.  (Cause the 10+ other emails - many of which contained my address - probably never reached him............."What we have here is a failure to communicate.")


    I'm glad I still have SOME degree of a sense of humor about this (afraid to see what would happen if i didn't.)


    Yeah, I mean, if you scroll up you can see almost identical post from Feb 13, so this is his bi-monthly "dude I'll fix this and will send you some more shit for the trouble" e-mail excuse to you :P ...and I do hope he wont take it literally, because shipping excrements in the mail is federal offense, lol :D


    Seriously, I dont believe someone can be so unorganized not solving this issue for so long, even Davesemetal himself would have shipped it! This guy is either beyond all human standards, or just pulling your leg to see how far you will go...

  9. I read that today and just got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing that although that guy is a loser and an ass he will probably still prevail with Paypal if there is disagreement between you two. :(



    PayPal are total jokers! :2up:


    Last month I bought 2 LPs (russian bands) from a russian seller - his auctions stated "I accept paypal, but please ask for paypal e-mail"

    I inquired and he provided e-mail of an New Zealand person, explaining he is his personal friend who collects his paypal payments for him since Russians cannot open paypal accounts, blablalba... the usual situation a lot of people doing, so I thought it was okay. BTW the seller have very good feddback, so this convinced me too!


    So I contacted the NZ person and asked if it is okay to pay to him - he was a bit startled, but said "fine" so I paid...


    Now, to make the story short - I gave it a month, but did not received my LPs, and when asked the seller what's going on he said "oh they bounced back, I'll resend them soon to you..." I have paid for registered shipping and seller failed to respond providing shipping proof, so I filed paypal complaint...


    Now is the funny part - natuarally the NZ guy (the paypal recepient) contacted me asking what the hell is going on, and it took us some e-mails to figure out that we were involved in hellish "Merry-go-round" situation... I was told the NZ guy is a personal friend of my seller, what I didnt know was that my seller appeared buyer to the NZ guy, and have told him that I AM his (my seller's) personal friend and will pay on his behalf for his purchase!. So the NZ guy accepted my payment thinking I'm paying for his sale, I was thinking I'm paying for my purchase, and the Russian guy didnt pay anything and collected his purchase from the NZ guy :crazy:


    So basically now we (me and the NZ guy) are two losers who dispute over paypal, while the Russian scammer laughs his arse over and enjoys his free purchases! :2up: and he will get away with it!

  10. wow JL, you should always send your packages with a tracking #, in the U.S. atleast, the international ones need to be registered. I always sent him stuff with a tracking #, I know he filed a claim against one of my friends in canada, claimed he did not get it, and there was not tracking #, and he got his cash back. People like this make me want to stop selling. just protect yourself in the future. and ban every id of his he has. that does not always work since he creates new ones, but I email anyone bidding on my stuff who is a new member, or with 10 or less feedback posts, regardless of how good it looks, if they don't get back to me, or it's him I cancell thier bids and block the user id. hope it works out.




    I hope one day he will buy something from me AND will pay for it for a change! I'll send him empty jewel with delivery confirmation and will keep his money - he owes me so much already for all screw-ups it would be very sweet revenge! :angryfire:

  11. Guess what? This fucking loser paid for my cd's last month and has now filed a claim that he didn't receive them. I made the mistake of not using a tracking number (which I do on everything now) so he is probably going to get his $75 back. Is he still a registered user? If he is not, will Paypal take that into account? Thanks for the info!




    Go and notify PayPal that this person repeatedly re-registers on eBay and gets NaRUed every time shortly after! PayPal is a division of eBay and if hes unwelcomed on eBay they should take care of removing him from PayPal too!


    it may not work though, and if you havent included delivery confirmation on the package you are going to lose the case unfotunately

  12. Funny, new email doesn't work (my mail was returned) and the gemm catalogue has been removed.


    Seems like the man wants to get away from his responsibility.




    Just keep trying to contact him. Dave is nice guy, but he's VERY unorganized person, and that always keep his business on the verge of disaster... he obviously doesnt keep track of things and in 50% of the cases he simply "forgets" to ship the stuff - he calls it "I'll ship you another item" :)


    If you remind him he usually follow up and fulfill your order... eventually

  13. He has 10 positive ffedbacks so far on that name so I can only hope he doesn't start his bullshit with me. He has until the 4th to pay as listed in my auctions. I'll keep you posted on whether or not he pays. Got a bad feeling though............





    He always generates some positive feedback before getting NaRU-ed because he is like bidding on 1000 items and cherrypicking to pay for the few he wins at favorable price.


    I really hope he will pay you, but if he didnt yet I have bad feeling too :(


    Lets hope for the best

  14. I just had this guy use the buy it now feature on one of my auctions, and the name he is using now is pttsbrgh2005

    Oh boy!

    So rabidmadman isnt james after all... but its another idiot for sure as I got my email box full with his whinnings for canceling their bid yesterday... and he STILL refuses to tell me his shipping address!


    ......is there any way i can cancel this idiot?


    Nope, unfortunately you can't cancel winning bid and will have to go through the hassle of reporting NPB and requesting FVF


    What you can do is report him to eBay as "Suspended bidder is bidding under another User ID"

    The moment eBay NaRU-es him you can request FVF and they will grant it instantly to you (you still HAVE to apply for Final Value Fee's refund, otherwise greedy eBay keeps the money :2up: )


    You can report him here: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/rfe-pr...-suspended.html by clicking on "report the member" link

  15. Possible J Arwine reincarnation: rabidmadman


    This guy registered today and immediately jumped on my auctions. I asked him to provide shipping address in advance or I'll terminate his bids - he failed to respond and I cut him off.


    I also discovered that eBay block feature doesnt work the way it says it does :angryfire:


    Block buyers who:

    1. Have a feedback score of -1 or lower

    2. Are currently winning or have bought 1 of my items in the last 10 days and have a feedback score of 0 or lower


    This shmuck was winning one of my auctions, had (0), AND still was able to bid!


    I know that it's in eBay interest to have as many bidders as possible and that's why they let it slip, but I dont want to deal with (0)-es at the moment and they should provide a means for that. I know its unfair to all good newbies, but life's a bitch anyway :)


    I'm going to write to eBay according this!

  16. I've had newbies hit the buy it now and then e-mail me saying it was an accident and Sorry. I told him that either he paid for the guitar or eBay action would be taken and he would get negative feedback. I never heard back from him so he got a negative. I relisted the guitar only to have another shithead tell me i was "Pissy" because I said any bidders with less than 5 feedbacks will have their bids cancelled unless they e-mail me first. He bid anyway so i cancelled him. Little prick sent all sorts of nasty e-mails after that.


    There are all sorts of "James Arwines" recklessly bidding out there. Its good eBay added the filter which will let you keep away people with low feedback from your auctions. I set mine not to accept bids from (0) buyers and enjoying it so far.

  17. The other day I was browsing the TV channels and saw part of a movie where a man and woman was fighting some evil ants - she was killing them with riffle :blink: and he was using fireburner (turned off, only the lighter infront the nozzle was on) - obviously the director didnt trust him enough to let him use it, hahah!

    Dont know what the name of the movie was, but it was instant winner for this topic

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