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Posts posted by stormspell

  1. But then again, he could just mean THAT CD, like maybe another one he's got has a little scratch.  We could go on speculating forever!  :wacko:



    I agree, but if its said in such obscure way probably there is a reson for that... or maybe I'm getting too much eBaynoiac :crazy:


    ...but still, why someone would say "THIS IS THE ENTIRE CD IN ITS FULL LENGTH FORM" - like you can get half-cd, or cd with only 30 minutes on it (like audio tape recorded only at one side), is this an usual English expression (English is not my first language, sorry)


    I'm just blabbering here out of curiousity anyway, sorry about that...

  2. But as I recall antan7 had listed Finland as his residence on eBay... and there are several major US powersellers that sell predominantly Russian licenses/boots and unless you are aware (determine what they sell from looking at their inventory), or specifically ask, you probably going to get some Russian CDs sooner or later if you buy from Ebay often. <_<



    Here is a US based powerseller (flexteam2003) who has 100% feedback and yet sells ONLY Russian pressings for $6.95 (both licensed and bootlegs). I know for sure as I have asked him questions about several of his auctions and he had the courtecy of admiting they are Russian pressings.

    Also he hosts his pictures at http://russianshanson.com/ which is a private site belonging to a Russian person living in Los Angeles (according to http://russianshanson.com/me.htm - written in Russian).


    If this is not enough, just ask yourself who could afford selling MAJOR BRAND NEW releases for $6.95 and yet making profit?


    And that Venom 2-on-1 with AAARRG Records logo blew my mind - the funniest bootleg i've ever seen :devil:

  3. Ladies and gentlemen,

    I need your advice.


    I am very picky with AOR/Hard Rock and I never buy CD just because they are expensive or because of the hype. However, I feel that I purchased everything I was planning to and right now I am  looking for some bands that might interest me.


    Just to let you know -I am currently loosing my head over:

    HURRICANE-All of it

    TREAT-Pleasure Principle ONLY!!

    KUNI-Looking for Action ONLY

    ROKO-S/T; Open Invitaiton ONLY


    FATE-Scratch'n Sniff ONLY

    DALTON-Injection ONLY

    SKAGARACK-Hungry for a Game ONLY

    KARO-Heavy B-Day






    1. Does anyone know by any chance what other AOR/HR bands sound like FATE'S "Scratch'n Snifff", GALAXY'S self titled album? For some reason I find some similar patterns in the guitar technique and I am wondering if any other band has the same sound guitar-wise  :band: and vocal-wise :band: . I might also add HURRICANE-"Over the Edge" here for a very original sound and production.



    2. Also, SKAGARACK-"Hungry for a Game"; BLUE TEARS-S/T; BON JOVI-SWW;ROKO-S/T;

                Anything of the sort at all?


    3. And finally: does anyone know anything about CZAKAN-"State of Confusion". wHAT DO THEY SOUND LIKE?




    Thank you in advance for your assistance.



    Hey ashen my friend,

    if you love Galaxy you probably have to check RED SQUARE (Krasnaia Ploschad).

    I'd also recommend BTR - "Bending the Rules" 1993, as they are very similar to Galaxy vocalwise, but it is very tough one to obtain and was released on MC only as far as I know. I'll rip a tune or two and will post them in the music section of this forum for everyone interested.

  4. Okay, I may pushing the panic button too early but I won this Brian Jack cd Early last week. No big deal right? Well, this guy had one up for auction the week before and I lost in a bidding war (that doesn't happen often:)) It went for $202 I believe. He put another one up a couple of days later and I thought maybe he got lucky and found a couple somewhere (after all he is from Baltimore where Child's Play hailed from). I bid on it and won it for $50, much cheaper than before. I am obviously very happy because I saved money. I sent a money order certified so he would have to sign for it since he didn't accept Paypal. Well, he's been kind of a dick since then but said he received the money order today and is shipping it out Thursday or Friday due to a lot of snow that hit Baltimore. I am still fine with this until today. I see that he has another one up for auction. Now anyone who knows anything about this cd knows they don't grow on trees. Is it possible that he actually came across this many? He has 12 positive feedbacks and 1 neutral with no negative. Should I be freaking yet? His user name is Ronnie537. If anyone knows anything about him please inform?


    Thanks In Advance



    Thisi s a citation from his auction description:




    I kinda get a bit nervous when someone talks about "entirety" and "specific copies" of such rare products, as it could have double meaning, justifying if you receive CD-R, or other alternate pressing...

  5. No matter how many great deals you find on eBay, there's always crooks lurking around. My only negative came from a guy that wouldn't answer the 9 e-mails I sent him about the Kane Roberts cd I had won for $3. My guess was that he didn't want to sell it for that cheap so he didn't bother responding. I finally left hoim negative feedback after I noticed his recent eBay history was horrible. W#ithin 2 hours, he responded with a negative towards me. Ebay suspended his account 2 1/2 weeks later. This guy was going downhill quick judging from his feedback  <_<


    Yeah, I agree with you here. I got only two negs so far - one was from UK buyer who paid for US domestic shipping and when I refunded his payment so he can submit a new corrected one, he left negative! The other one was from a dork who accused me after never receiving his money order...

  6. Hey, Delber and MButt, thank you for the info-that's a good thing to know.


    Here is the news: the seller contacted me yesterday via e-mail . He apologized for the delay saying that he had to deal with " with a email/hacking scam with my web provider (3 months now)"-which is understandable. Shit can happen to all of us.

    I promised to hold the feedback till the moment I get the CD. However, if it doesn't arrive for another two weeks-I'm not even going to warn him: I will leave horrible feedback and file a complaint with paypal and e-bay-I think it will be fare.


    I'll keep you informed on this situation.





    I wouldnt take this for an excuse if I was you - he could have easily contacted you using eBay contact feature, or a web-based e-mail address, or even call you on the phone if he has to. I've heard so many lame excuses on eBay, and so far no one have lived up to their promises, not a single person, go figure!


    Plus, if you have paid on December 13-04 and wait another two weeks you will cross the deadline and wont be able to request PayPal refund in my opinion. It is your call though.


    I wouldnt leave neg now (you always can do this at a later stage up to 90 days), but definitely would file with PayPal right away.

  7. There is some problem with Canadian customs recently. I heard that for security reasons they started returning all mail without full sender AND recipient names written on the package, why they would insist on that - beats me!


    I got problem too, as a Canadian buyer recently proclaimed he never got his package from me, and it was sent airmail 27 days ago.

    That was my first problem with Canadian buyer ever.


    Could this problem be because of evergroving popularity of americans purchasing cheap medicines from canadian online pharmacies? I dont know... that would sucks though


    BTW, your seller is registered user again, so you still may have some chance of receiving your purchase, good luck!

  8. I'm not one to get caught up in a bidding war over a cd that costs that much, but i have bought "bootlegs" in the past because I knew they were to begin with. I've bought bootleg dvd sets of TV shows I remember as a kid that I haven't seen since then. I know that it's illegal to sell them, but sometimes it's just about the only way to get your hands on them.  :angel:


    As for the Bootlegs being passed off as originals, I feel that is a completely shitty way to try and rip someone off and I think they deserve to be booted off eBay. I know that they're very similiar situations, but at least some of the sellers will not lie about them being bootlegged so you know what you're getting yourself into  :drink:


    I agree with you about TV rips and I'd gladly buy "Blue Summer" if I ever see it on homemade VCD/DVDs for sale (not sure if it was aired in USA at all, though).


    My comment about the guy was he stretched arm and leg presenting all those super-rare CDs as real deal, but got kicked just because was a bit too greedy and tried sneaking obvious bootleg stuff inbetween. Quite silly in my opinion, if this was indeed the case why he got NLaRU-ed at first place, of course.

  9. Storm, www-kissmydisc-com is PJ's account name and endangeredcds is Tony's/koogles account name, they do work together but seperate accounts and 2 different folks. 2 Very good guys who there is never any question about! hope that helps. Michael


    Thanks for the clarification. I never questioned PJ or koogles, just somehow asusmed those two accounts are PJs and got very puzzled seeing both bidding on same auction :) .

    I appologize if I offended anyone.

  10. I can't believe I got so overwhelmed that I  started  bidding without even paying attention to all the "fishy" factors mentioned above!! Hell ye it's a scam!!

    I just did something I have never done in my life:retracted my bid. I was bidding on Surrender and was ready to go as far as...well doesn't matter now. That could be another good lesson for the future. Special thanks to one of the HH members for the friednly e-mail. I won't mention his/her name just because maybe he/she doesn't want to go public. If you are reading this message-THANK YOU SO MUCH.


    I just got so overwhelmed, that I totally forgot: 10 rockers cannot be wrong.

    And one more thing: even if you here something  from the guy who won one of those "rarities" still be careful-they might be playing together.



    I think a lot of people got excited about that Sgt. Roxx Cd. I see that even PJ tried his luck on it too, and almost won it for $137... I'm a bit puzzled, though, as I always thought both www-kissmydisc-com & endangeredcds are his own aliases, but both were bidding on that auction, huh? Maybe I misunderstood and they are different persons?



  11. i see we have a new ebayer gracing ebay with alot of very very sought after cds.. here is the link to his/her auctions  http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQgotopageZ1QQsa...osortpropertyZ1 


    from my experiences with alot of scammers..this guy/gal sounds too good to be true...i would preceed with caution.....but if he\she is legit i will be the 1st to publicly appologise to them......but i will take a wait and see stance.......


    I bet my 2 cents a lot of people are going to receive CDr's, if anything :).


    If you really drooling over some of the CDs, the best bet in my opinion would be to inquire if he/she accepts GayPal and pay using CC. GayPal is very seller unfriendly, but offers good buyer's protection and one would be able to get their money back, or can initiate CC chargeback as last resort. In any case it would be tedious, but you can get your money back if screwed.

  12. My 2 favorite shops at the moment:


    HANGLOOSE - They have a lot of stuff and are very aware of the genres in general...Only problem 'bout Hangloose is that they sometimes take a looooong time getting your CDs shipped


    Haha, tell me about it! I have set a trade with Jurgen [one of the hangloose co-owners] more than 2 months ago and still waiting to hearing on the final details from him :angry: and he was the one who hunted me down on the trade, so go figure...

  13. Hey, Stormspell, you were right-those  Galaxy CDs were sold from vendor's web site, not from e-bay.


    I told you. yes.gif I'm through talking for this Galaxy CDs though - надоело мне! I tried to explain everything about it, but despite all efforts people went elsewhere and ignored my item :doh:


    Listen, do you know by any chance why nobody mentions famous Black Coffee(Chorniy Cofe) and August(Avgust) here.As far as I know August had two albums, but they never got released on CD, but Black Coffe did release their material on CDs and as far as I know lots of people know this band.

    Many thanks in advance.


    Beats me. Maybe they dont know Avgust as they werent released on CDs as you said, who knows. It is their loss, though, Avgust are very classy Christian hard-rock, in the same league with Galaxy, Gorky Park, Krasnaia Ploschad, etc. I have then for sale on LP, but not many people are much into vinyl anymore I guess... Maybe I should rip them off on CDr and trade them for original cheapo CDs as someone else was doing here, hehe


    The good news are that Avgust are back together again, and hopefully they will re-release their first two albums on CD, and have new one in development already. There are some new audio samples on their official site - go check them out, sounds very good imo.


    Black Coffee should be popular - solid Christian (or should I say Orthodoxal) hard-rock, similar to AC/DC and Heaven to name a few. Not exactly my cup of tea, but worth checking out, at least first several releases from the mid 80es...


    I have big bunch Russian CDs waiting to be put on my site, but I carry mostly the more extreme side of Russian metal: heavy to black (Ashen Light included). There are some very classy slavic sympho-pagan bands like Arkona & Pagan Reign, and a great euro-power metal from Kazakhstan of all places, very similar to Aria and Iron Maiden :banger:

  14. I did not say the Russian's cheated me. What i'm saying is the sellers who do not let you know they are Russian pressings {Which are legally not to be sold outside of Russia } are nothing but an absolute  :ahole:  and maybe the record labels should be keeping a closer eye on it  or don't they give a fuck as long as they are getting their cut  from it .?????????????


    I agree to that 101% :drink:


    It is labels/copyholder's responsibilities to sign for eBay's VeRO program and boot out all these auctions!

  15. No connection between the 1972 Olympics and 2004 pirated CD's?  You're fuckin'kiddin'???  No shit, Sherlock Dofstoyevski... It was a simple analogy that the Russians cheat in the open market the same way they cheat in basketball and everything else.  Got 501's?


    /me shrugs - Russians can cheat on basket, table tennis, or curling, I can't care less about it. Since I moved to live in USA I feel badly cheated by US sport channels in general, they are very ignorant, never show events live or in their entirety, and treat the viewer as coplete idiot. I pay like $80/month to Comcast for my bloody cable and all I can see on it is PBR bullshitting and endless celebrity bassfishing and elkhunting! Where are my wintersports,? FIS skiing? Hell, they even screwed the hockey season this time around in their evergrowing profit lust! what's next? NASCAR pay-per-view?


    In this specific topic, however, I honestly dont see how Russians cheated you "in the open market" - the majority of the CDs in question are licensed and the Russian companies paid the proper fees on them. The problem here is that cerain greedy cellers stretch their arm and leg to import them, AND misrepresent them on eBay as the original releases - that's the problem! You have to blame the approprite party in the process, that's all I ment in my previous posting.


    After blasting such posting I feel oblidged saying I'm NOT Russian, or affiliate to them in any way. I just usedto live in Moscow for 2 years as teenager and know they are just the same people as everybody else. I've also lived in US for 3 years now and can make comparison and tell here are some pretty crappy things here too, so lets not judge so easily before walking in someone's shoes first, at least for awhile.

  16. WOW man :crazy: ,

    I believe if you think for a second you will see there isnt really connection between those two topics.

    It is not the Russians that cheats you on eBay, but the greedy eBay sellers NOT reporting what they sell to you. As far as I can see both discussed sellers in question here are an American and Finnish... and I'm sure they both know exactly what they are selling, and how/from where they got it imported...


    The proper topic should be "the capitalist bosses trying to make living on communist production" :rolleyes:

  17. I hope you didn't pay to much for them i know there is a lot of them here http://www.musiccdvideo.com/cdlist/cdlist.htm

    most at $11.99 and when ordering five CD's you receive sixth FREE OF CHARGE!

    i bought some form there they sound good to me the 2-on-1 like Judas are marked made for Russian but the one cd disk i got was not


    That's corrct, many of the AGAT and almost all "Monsters of Rock" etc. 2-on-1 series are not marked in any way, but nevertheless all are booties.

    I've seen some of those in Bulgaria retailing for between $2.50 up to $5, they have street merchants offering those to the public all over the place, go figure what part of $2.50 retail price go for licensing fees :rolleyes:

  18. The 2 in question are "Big Bad Wolf" - Self Titled and "Wicked Sensation" - Exceptional but i also had Alice Cooper - The Eyes of Alice Cooper - Digi Pac , Voodoo Hill - Wild Seed Of Mother Earth and both Burning Rain albums already ordered before the first ones arrived so i am waiting to see if they are Russian copies aswell and i will be mighty pissed off if they are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The sellers ebay store is Antan7 CD DVD and ROCK STUFF.

    His ebay i.d is antan7


    Yeah, I noticed that seller already! He has like 10,000 CDs for sale, wow, beats even vegasmetal!

    I've noticed he carries Russian bands (Arida Vortex, Conquest), plus I was interested in his Living Death 85 CD, but if you pay close attention to the artwork scan you can see that the sticker on it is written in cyrillic, so this one definitely is Russian (licensed or not). and all those funky HUGE CD SETs with 2-on-1 like Judas, Queen, Alice Copper, Krokus, Kiss, Ozzy, purple, etc. for $9.99 - those are bound to be booties man! The famous AGAT 2-on-1 boots, or "Monsters of Rock" or whatever else Russian "company", they have plenty :).


    Plus he has Cemetary - Evil Shades of Gray CD 1992, which is very rare OOP and sells instantly for $30+ if you can find it, and he has 9 avaialbe for $9.99 "buy it now" in his store :blink: - go figure if they are the original Black Mark releases or not

  19. Actually, i take some of what i said back because Mario from MTM Music has now got back to me on several occasions and has actually shown alot of concern in regards to this matter and also wanted alot of details in regards to this seller and where they were shipped from.

    So to Mario and MTM , i thank you for your offer and concern and your willingness to look further into this.


    Who was the seller and what releases are we talking about?

  20. A 3.2% disapproval rating, when you think about it, is pretty small.  Especially when you take into account the spectrum of your typical metalhead.  Dave not only offers great cds at affordable prices, but he's a cool guy in person too.


    There are metal sellers with vast clean feedback out there, so its not entirely to the "metalhead" buyers for Dave's negatives I guess

    I agree with you that Dave is a cool guy in person, but he is very unorganized and unfortunately its always a gamble ordering from him.

  21. I just emailed MTM Music in regards to these Russian pressings of their releases and they have told me that they are licensed out to Art Music in Russia and are legal but Art Music are not allowed to export these releases.

    I let them know that these copies are slowly starting to flood ebay but  MTM are saying there is not much they can do about it but the sellers of these CD's and Art Music should be notified that what they are doing is illegal.

    Do you really think they would give a shit ???

    You would think MTM or any other label for that matter would take this up with the companies they give the license to but i suppose they are still getting their cut of the money and thats all that matters to them. :2up:  :2up:  :2up:  :2up:


    I believe Art Music doesnt have to do anything with this. It is all 3-rd Russian parties that buy from them legally within Russia and then export in bulk to the eBay powersellers elsewhere. For instance if you go to the official Irond, or Soyuz websites you cannot purchase their licensed CDs outside the designated region and they wont even bother reply to your inquiery, but there are plenty other russian online stores that gladly will ship to anyplace.


    MTM can at least try shutting down the sellers that repeatedly sell this stuff in bulk. It is their responsibility after all.

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