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Posts posted by stormspell

  1. Scoobydoomelinda


    OMG, I'd never buy form a seller with such ID name :P


    No, seriously, that's what makes eBay the prime cesspool on earth - all those foul cheathing tactics of ripping customers with "handling" etc.


    Now saying that I recently bought two LPs from GEMM for $22.99 and $12.99 plus shipping (undetermined on GEMM receipt), GEMM charged me a whooping total of $51 several days later, and I got the LPs today with media mail sticker on them for $2.50... who got the rest $12 and for what, no one knows :2up:

  2. check out the "what cd's did you buy this week" section...I did pick up the kidd wikkid over the weekend at a great price......so I dropped out of the bidding and retracted my $700 bid, I paid $350 including overnight shipping.......... :P


    Mmm guys, I definitely dont want to get between the hammer and the anvil, but I think you are going too far in this... some forum werbal war is okay and I can see both points in this argument, but once you start making hostile ebay attacks it could get very ugly in a downfall... better stop for a second and think about it,

    just my 2 cents

  3. this is a grea site, I use it to reference alot of my music.

    But people....you can get much of this stuff for free.

    I currently use e-mule and Ive increased my collection by 20 gigs in 3 weekes alone....




    I dislike the P2P clients in general for all the piggyback ad/spyware they sneak onto your PC. eMule is okay because they do have binary version, but it is a bitch to try downloading something with it.

    I tried it to download some English premiership soccer games, and got people leaching form me the very second I connect to their network, while in contrast I had to wait HOURS to get someting coming to me with the whooping speeds of 0.5kbps ... and then if you dont download something very popular the chance of getting stalled is very real and makes it worthless. It is very frustrating to spend hours downloading to 96% and get stalled, so in 2 words, or one emoticon -> :2up: p2p


    Oh yeah, almost forgot, Music can be free, but that's called STEALING and is a bloody lame! :fu:

  4. "proper" re-issues?  Ask some of the people over at melodicrock.com how they feel about Wounded Bird re-issues and then you can start throwing that word around.


    As everyone can see my comment is solely based on ALL positive responses left here regarding Wounded Bird re-issues. If everyone here who left feedback and stated they are proper official silverback releases lied, then scowl at them, not me :lol:

  5. Yet again Stormspell puts his foot in his mouth.  According to him EVERYTHING is fishy and EVERYONE is booting.  You really need to get a life.  There are about 6 or 7 LEGIT re-issuing companies in the world right now.  Accept it and move on.  The ebay police-thing isn't working for you.  Are all Russians this 'fishy'?


    Haha dude,

    I was just questioning the logic in re-releasing WINGER - the most popular bargain bin cd ever to be found. Especially the way they did it without any new bonuses or new artwork or whatever - very unwise investment in my opinion.


    Anyway, seems I was wrong and I'm first to apologize to Wounded Bird if they are indeed legit label. More power to them! I'm glad there are still people who put money into PROPER re-releases :)

  6. These guys out of New York specialize in re-ssues. They've got some Kix, Loudness, Bulletboys; even Maynard Ferguson for Dan. Can anyone vouch for them?




    Now that's what I call FUNNY label name :)


    but now let's see... Who in their right state of mind would re-issue WINGER - In the Heart of the Young - the most popular $0.99 bargain bin find ever???


    I smell something fishy

  7. Ron and the band are working on getting the whole back catalog reissued, and also releasing a live cd from their last tour of japan plus alot of other things.......He is quite pissed over the Greek Bootleg as well as the one "century-moon" is selling......But actually with them being in other countries there is not alot he can do about it.......But like you said, the least they could of done was recorded it........


    Well, advise him to sign up for eBay VERO program and to terminate every bootleg auction! It is very easy and the most effective method of fighting back the bootlegs, as none of the power sellers would risk the chance of getting their hefty accounts permanently suspended.


    Once he signs up for the program then he can authorize someone else to monitor eBay for him, if he is busy traveling, but he needs to do it, because once the market gets presaturated with the bootlegs it would be pointless of re-releasing them at all.

  8. Its called shillbidding and is forbidden by ebay rules. But then ebay had proved they tend to close thir eyes for some bad stuff, and yet overjumped the gun for something absolutely pointless. Thus scumbags like James arWHINE will always be permitted to make new accounts using the very same name adn address and credit card. It is just good for ebay business I guess


    thanks for the heads up on redkatalin2005. I'm about ready to post some cool AOR/Melodic stuff on ebay and people like karl or jamez would be the first to come and screw. Now at least I can block karl temporarily

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