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Posts posted by stormspell

  1. www_shreddvd_com is another seller that used to make DVD-R's of real dvds and sell them. I notice that he hasn't been too active lately




    Buyer: "Not original but copy, False advertising.. I gonna cry"

    Reply by www_shreddvd_com: "Original DVD will be mentioned.DVD comes w/ high quality cover,isnt it?"


    I hope he didnt forget to print barcode and sell them unsealed in used condition, hahaha :P


    What bugs me is that this seller obviously was selling only DVD-Rs, and still ONLY 12 people had the guts leaving negative out of 196... unbelievable!

  2. While we're on the subject of where to get things......Where can I buy CD-R's that are plain on the front, like the back? No company logo or anything. I am also looking for the best program to buy for the computer to make my own artwork. Any suggestions there too?






    This is not an easy question to address:


    In my opinion the best software is Adobe Photoshop + Illustrator.

    You can get only photoshop if planing to scan and print existing artwork. But if you really want to create your own artwork, you really will need vector-based software too (Illustrator, corel-draw, etc.)


    The more important question would be how you plan on doing it: are you going to invest some money in decent inkjet printer which can print directly onto the CD-R, or will settle for peel-and-stick paper labels that could be printed on any regular inkjet... there are so many different options and possibilities you can invest weeks in researching with no end :).

  3. Not that anybody gives a hoot, but I thought I'd update y'all with the latest.


    The other day, I got another invitation to add Mick's band as a friend on myspace.com and, since each email I've sent Mick since his promise to send one out and give me a confirmation has gone unanswered, I responded to this email saying "WTF would I ever join his page for since he screwed me over?"


    The person in charge of running that page wrote back and apologized and asked what happened.  I, succinctly as possible, updated the situation to him, telling him about this thread and that I had ALL of the email correspondence between Mick and I.  He said he apologized for Mick, and that he had to hire some people to make sure things were done correctly because he had too much to do by himself.  He took my address and said he'd send out a CD.  I'm anticipating it before next weekend.  We'll see.  (Haven't heard anything from him since the promise, though, so, I'm not getting too excited.)


    This saga will NEVER end! :crash:


    Hahaha, you should have told the guy to rename their band to "eBay Robbery" or something similar :P

  4. Yeah, I used to offer Buy-It-Now, but I found myself offering the items at too low of a cost sometimes. I guess I just underestimated. I've had quite a few auctions end within an hour of posting.... <_<


    That's okay with me, if I get the price I wanted to sell the item for.


    My problem with "Buy it now" is that eBay changed its pricing and now it costs you arm and leg to include it :angryfire: and provided that in 60%+ it gets dismissed almost momentarily its not worth paying for it.


    Maybe if eBay makes it so "Buy it now" stays active untill the price is met I would reconsider using it again, till then though, I'm through with it!

  5. Yes, believe it or not, he DID pay for the KRAZIE ACE CD.


    Yeah, I guess you were happy to be at the beginning of his tantrum, and he usually pays for selective CDs he managed to get for decent prices...at least at the beginning to collect some feedback... its snowballing after that and he ends up with hundreds of auctions to pay in a week... THAT's what I call a greedy person - wants to buy the whole eBay for himself :P


    Well, anyway, eBay listened to my call for a change and NARUed him early this morning (this was fast, way to go eBay!) and now we have to start looking for his new reincarnation :).

    I dont think he will abandon his crusade of buying the whole eBay :D and because of that I think I'll block (0) bidders for a while just in case - sorry newbies, nothing personal!

  6. This dude is crazy! (James Arwine) I have had numerous dealing with this guy, and even when he pays he is trouble. my last dealing with him, he bid on some of my auctions, (after I blocked his other half dozen id's, paid for half the stuff he won, left the rest unpaid), I made it real hard on him, I held the cd's he paid for and would not send them until he paid for the rest, I took forever to send his stuff, made him feel like he would never get it, then I sent them, delivery confirmation/insured so I knew he got them. Then once he got them he called me every name in the book and said he would never bid on my stuff again! FINALLY, he got the message! my last auction he stayed away. Every seller who values a quick response/payment should block this guy whenever they hear of a new id he is using. I have alot of friends who email me the minute they see his name on there auctions, I do the same, but its tough since he creates a new id every day. If you have heard him go off on one of his tantrums, it is something to behold! This dude is crazy!


    Geez! :blink:

    I just reported him to the safe harbor as "Suspended bidder is bidding under another User ID" so hopefully his recent reingarnation will expire within 24 hours AND eBay people will start monitoring for his returning IP address!

  7. How the hell do you look into what another person is bidding on?


    On eBay home page look in the top right corner and click on "advanced search" (text link located right under 'search' button). Then select "Items by bidder" from the left menu, fill in the bidders ID, and check "Include completed listings (last 30 days)" You can even choose between "As high bidder only / Even if not the high bidder" if desired.


    Hope this helps

  8. This is the ugliest dead bidder I've ever seen.


    3 months ago an idiot with id: redljma bought Znowhite CD off me for $30 and never came through with the payment (he got laid off, his dog died, his mom went to hospital, etc. etc.) At that point I checked his bidding activities and not surprisingly he had bid and won like 500+ CDs for more than $10,000 within 2 weeks <_< ...you can guess the outcome... that's right - he got NARUed shortly after and I thought this was it...


    Well, it wasnt... today someone called fentynja won one of my CDs - guess my nasty surprise when I relazied it is the same quack J ARWINE from Red Lion, PA 17356. This idiot registered again and went on new "shopping spree" - just go and see what he has bought for the last 2 weeks! Bummer!


    So guys, be aware and if you see this joker bidding on your stuff - block list him immediately!


    eBay ID: fentynja - J Arwine - Red Lion, PA 17356 USA

    e-mail: fentynja@aol.com

  9. 2.  I will not disclose in my auctions that some pressings i sell are Russian , why? because too many people have misconceptions that Russian cd's are horrible quality.  99% of people who get Russian discs from me are happier than a pig in shit.  I will not disclose country of origin unless asked.


    In this case, my friend, just shut up and stop pretending being honest :fu:


    It's not about the quality, I for one also think that some of the Russian licenses are superior to the originals, BUT it is to the sole fact that people are getting something that is NOT what they expected it to be, and that' what counts in this case! You may have 9 out of 10 leaving you positives due to the fact they are not aware and live with the idea they got the originals, but that doesnt justify anything.

    And frankly, selling something that wholeasales at $2 presenting it as the original product is what I call cheating and have no sympathy for the seller, no matter what his reasons are!

    As I said it long time ago, I wouldnt have said a word to you if your auctions stated what the origins are, or at least indicate the re-release company or something, so whoever is interested will know what they are buying. Until that happens I'll entertain myself pointing that fact to you over and over again, cheers :D

  10. There's always loopholes.  And the Russian stuff i have seen is usually better than most domestic releases in quality and BONUS TRACKS. 

    "Dodgy" labels - uh no. 


    Funny how you guys keep talking about how Record Companies should do this and do that....


    Maybe if domestic releases and certain Imports weren't so f_____g expensive , people wouldn't need to resort to buying from other areas of the world.


    Why don't you start lobbying against $17++ discs instead of worrying about how cheap they are elsewhere.


    You are focusing in on completely the wrong angle.


    If you are such "price liberator" why dont you sell them with Buy it now for $5, but instead misrepresent them as originals and enjoy seeing people outbidding themselves to the full CD price and beyond... <_<


    Now you're gonna talk about how the artists are getting cheated....why don't you talk to some artists here in the States who are lucky to see $1 off a $17 disc.


    Now THAT'S getting it in the  :butt:


    And how much the artists get from the licensed releases? $0.01 perhaps, if any...

  11. The sad thing is that people don't even read auctions anymore. I've even gone as far as to list my terms FIRST (sometimes in big red lettering) before the item description and I still get the stupid ass questions about payment options and where I ship to. I don't even bother responding to them people anymore.


    I totally agree with you here!

    It never happened to me by international bidders, but the domestic ones hardly read anything :angryfire:

  12. What do you mean by charge back?





    He uses CC when paying through paypal and then disputes with his CC company. I assume he's account is unconfirmed, so the seller does not have protection, and paypal automatically withdraws the funds from the seller's account and handles them back to the buyer's CC company...


    To add insult to the injury, in such occurence PayPal also charges the seller additional $10 penalty fee for the hassle :)



    :eek::blink: Dude, this is extremely bold statement for a person who just sold, among other things, 25 (TWENTY FIVE) Hard & Heavy and Forgotten Metal "rarities"


    Do you really think you are the only one on this forum who knows the real origins of "rare imports" like Hexx, Rapid Tears, Cloven Hoof, Cruella, Desolate Angels (which is gone form eBay database, undoubtedly VeROed by Miskatonic or a band member), or what about all those Stormwitch 2-on-1 "originals" you have sold recently? I already read on other forums how far Battle Cry had to go to stop you selling them!


    Dude, once you called me "hypocrite" for selling Heaven - "Bent" CD (Heatsink Records release I've bought from crook'd Dave before even knowing it is bootleg!), tell me how shall I address you? WHO'S HYPOCRITE NOW?


    You know what, I'm through with talking to you - you are bad, evil person, and I dont want to have anything in common with you!

    We have a proverb in our country saying "the beast can change it's skin, but not it's nature!" - think about it, and please dont bother responding to this posting.


  14. It's not hard to relist an item and get the fees back from ebay.


    That's correct, with the exception that eBay refunds ONLY the final fee and the seller has to suck the loss of the insertion fee because of the non-paying buyer. It isnt really a big loss ($0.35 or $0.60) but when it happens on regular basis it may really piss you off.


    I would not leave negative to a person like Dave who apologises and tries to work thigs out, but get mighty pissed when someone refuse to pay and casually tells me "oh come on, offer it to the next bidder or just relist it"

  15. On the 6/12/04 , i bidded on and won 5 auctions from different sellers and when i went to pay for them , i realised one of them was not with paypal which i honestly thought they all were. { I only buy from sellers with paypal}

    The one which was not with paypal was a 2 euro , cds from a seller in Germany and the shipping was 8 euro. So i thought , well it was my mistake so i took time off work and went to the bank to convert some money into euro's and post it to him.when i got to the bank i was told i would have to convert a minimum of $100 Australian dollars with  a $38 fee included {that = 79 euro's}.

    So that option was out. A Direct Bank Deposit was the next option but after them explaining the charges and fees , that to was going to cost the equivalent of 30 euro's for a 2 euro cds which i was not prepared to do.

    I then went to the post office to enquire about an IMO only to find out it was going to cost me roughly the same as a Direct Bank Deposit.

    I then contacted the seller to advise him that i could not pay any of those ways , explaining all the options and what it was going to cost me ,so i offered to pay him with a 14 euro ebay gift voucher or pay the money into  a paypal account of someone he might know aswell as covering any fees and charges incured.

    He replied saying you can get euro's in England and still to post it to him. I then replied that i am from Australia ,not England and euro's is not our currency.

    He did not reply after again emailing him with those offers so i emailed him again saying that if he wont accept any of those offers , there was no other way of getting the payment to him at a reasonable cost and sincerely apologised for any inconvience and hoped he would understand and that he should offer it to the next highest bidder.

    He did not reply and now 3 months later , he has left negative feedback which has really pissed me off because even though it was my fault not checking properly that he did not accept paypal , it was a genuine error on my behalf that i apologised for on many occasions and did every thing possible to try to complete the purchase and because he did not reply to the last email on the 19/12/04, i thought he was okay with it but obviously he was not !!!!!!!!!

    Remember , this was for a 2 euro cds.

    Prior to this , i had a 100% positive feedback record.

    I would like the opinion from some sellers on this weather negative feedback should have been left !!!!!



    Well, the whole affair sux, but technically he had some reason for feeling screwed (granted his auction clearly stated he doesnt accept PayPal and the payment MUST ne in EURO only, etc.)


    In Europe you can excange money at every street corner and people never realize how hard it is to get EUROS in USA/Australia... here I can buy them only from my bank (ugly overcharge fees) and at the Airport exchange (at a very gross rate). Bank transfer sux big time too (in Europe its very common and almost free of charge, but here the capitalists wont let you do that without ripping your skin off your back, haha!)


    I probably whould have sent him a nice letter with US$2 inside to cover for his seller's fees. You still can do that and probably he will agree on mutually withdrawing the feedback...

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