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Posts posted by stormspell

  1. So...after coming here and reading all of this crap, I can't help but wonder...who emailed me and is this really his daughter posting all of this crap? Not that I care, but think about it...he changes eBay id's all the time. He obviously gets off on fucking with people. The guy has no life. What would stop him from posting here as his daughter to further mess with those he knows are trying to stop him? At any rate...


    Well, if she is he, or whatever, I personally dont care a bit. The board is for fun and if he gets the buzz of pretending to be 14 yo gal, so be it, hahaha.


    @ Jamez, if this is really you, just dont post your picture in lingerie, all the rest would be fine :P

  2. 4)Stormspell. I don't know if it's a passion for the music or just needing to be involved, but you seem to constantly interject yourself into these sort of topics.


    Sometimes I wonder why I'm doing it myself. It's certainly not that I want to be involved in such gruesome affair, that's for sure. Maybe its combination of stubborness, heat of the moment, and some stupidity I cannot ovecome... I know it would be better to stop and count to 10 before posting, but somehow I always fail to do that in this part of the forum... maybe I need to be baneed for my own good... :taz:

  3. Do you mean "effort"..?  Speaking of third grade... :P


    Good one.

    Provided I moved to USA 5 years ago and English isnt my first language, yes, I take all the blame for making typos and grammar mistakes. If this offends you too much, please feel free to write to me in Russian or Bulgarian - I'm more fluent on them than English for sure. I also manage to communicate in Macedonian, Czech, and Polish, so I can take the effort if it will suit you, take your pick.


    Again StormlessSpell.... you speak without understanding. If Dan is gonna come down on me for me having a copy of anything that is in print... then he should come down on those who supply. Some of you who stand up in here and act so moral are the same ones who have supplied me with "in print" material. Look in the mirror.


    Why sould I look in the mirror? I'm certainly NOT the one who traded you any sort of CDR. Nor I EVER traded any of the SunCity releases to anyone on that matter. I dont even own any of David's releases :).


    Anyway, Dan came down on you post-factum in the context of your previous post. He didnt bash you for CDR trading in general, I think this is more than obvious. If not, ask him, he will explain himself better I can do with my broken English, yeah.


    PS: I don't care what what Dan or most of you here think of me personally... I don't give a rats ass. Could it possibly be you StormlessSpell who supplied me with any of these...?


    Dude, trying to tell I had traded you whatever CDRs is an utterly low and stupid lie! I'm in awe a person can go so low on this forum!


    I'm expecting you to come out and apologize to me for blaming me for someting I havent done!

  4. At least all the bands on David's label actually KNOW their stuff has been "reissued". So Mr LV, why don't we try to stay on topic here instead of trying to divert the attention elsewhere?  :drink:


    I agree with T-BONE!


    First of all, Matt Mathews is here on the board himself and clearly stated SAM has ripped them off -> http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.ph...ndpost&p=134593, so that, and the fact no one from Retrospect and crew had responded speakes volumes on the issue!


    Also, the attempt on switching the attention to some poor private trader who had the misfortune to trade Sun City stuff to LV KIX, from a mass-bootlegger who produces hundreds of copies which sells for his own profit is nothing but hilarious!

    I don't know who the person which traded LV the stuff is, but the comparison on this particular issue between him and Sam is like comparing apples to pears. 3-rd grade efford at best

  5. I think I started this.....so its my screw up.....I won't intending on starting anything....as far as how the cd is pressed or whatever.....I was just implying how good of a cd this was.  So, sorry guys.


    No, it is not your fault man.

    I'll take the blame because I should have followed in the original thread.


    So I apologize again to everyone.

  6. You've obviously got the right to ask whatever you want, BUT why didn't you just go back to the thread you had originally asked the question in, and bump it back to the top if you were still honestly looking for a reply?  :blink:


    I just saw the oppotunity here since someone else was speaking about Galaxy. I adimt it could be wiser to purshue this in the original thread, for which I take the blame and apologize.

  7. Of course...when making statements such as the one you just did.....perhaps, it was the 'thinking out loud' that detracted you from your proper train of thought??


    It's suppositions....and innuendos....and sketchy inferences and things of that nature that really show your bias...and perhaps..intent.....when discussing a very positive thread about this label. I'm not perfect....but I try to err on the side of 'keep my mouth shut unless I know what the hell I'm talking about camp'.....but, hey....that's me.....I like to keep my suspicions credible at least.


    And I'm sure the offer STILL stands for you to call Sam and simply ASK him about the Galaxy Group cds he does have.....


    *on a side note* I still laugh my ass off at Koogles' assertion that Sam owned a manufacturing plant in Russia......


    The problem is, Stormspell, and I have no beef...or anger toward you, but everytime you cry wolf......well......you cry wolf. And.....usually.....when you do that a few times and there's no wolf.....then when you really see one, no one will believe you.....


    Dont want to repeat myself, so go read the answer I left to Whiplash


    The only other thing I want to point is that this particular posting wasnt "cry-wolf" whatever. I said very clearly what my suspicion is, and I did it because he ignored my polite request to shed light on this particular CD 8 days ago, that's all!


    And every time I Cry Wolf, I do know what I'm crying for - why dont you go and elaborate on my numerous postings in which I've given LINKS to the bootlegs Sam repeatedly sells on eBay? Why dont you? Writing me long postings with so many words spiced with dots and so little meaning doesnt do anything to me, except for the fact to irritate me to no end. Please try to be more specific next time, thank you.


    P.S. I did exchanged several PMs with Sam and he said he is not going to stop selling bootlegs, so I dont see ANY reason whatsoever to call him on the phone! Its easy as I told you already - if you want to shut me up, make him drop the bootleg sales, then I'll be more than happy to quit, but not before that.

  8. <sigh> ...and this thread was going along so nicely  -_-


    Okay dude, just for your information, I seized the oportunity and asked about Galaxy Group here, because when I initally asked 8 days ago (in "Retrospect... what do people really think?, Let see what the masses really think!" thread, post #33) my question was left unanswered.


    I feel I had the right to ask because I know the Galaxy drummer and consider him a friend. As you can see 80es responded and we've kept everything civil this time - no shouting, no profanity. What's the problem with that?

  9. I should also add that GALAXY GROUP is NOT a Retrospect release.  It is a silver-pressed original.


    Okay, I should add I didnt stated you re-pressed it, but since you appear to be the only one having it in shitload quantities, I'm naturally suspicious.


    I spoke to the drummer and he assured me there hasnt been official re-pressing.


    One have to ask himself what are the chances a rarity of such proportions suddenly to appear in big quantities only in Restrospest store?


    Just thinking aloud here

  10. I don't know how in the hell I overlooked "Galaxy Group" on Retrospect.  That is one awesome cd.....if  you guys haven't heard it,  check it out.  For, I didn't quite get into to it on the first two tracks, back after that it got good.  Wasn't this one of the rarest out there to obtain?  Its been so many , I can't remember them all.  Great cd, nevertheless.


    Ya, it was rarest until someone obviously re-pressed it without band's consent <_<

  11. Mmm, it depends. I'm not a fan of frozen pizzas at all, but time to time when I see some digiorno's on sale I pick some (they usually end up lone and forgotten in my freezer until I get sick seeing them and trow them away).


    I think you cannot buy regular pizza here for $5, unless it is 1-topping joke or something. I'm not sure because I'm not big fan of ordering pizza anyway. I live in business district area condominum complex, and the only pizza place close by that is open past regular working hours is Premier Pizza - expensive place with prices of $15 and up, and they also want $5 flat rate delivery fee on top on that! :2up:

  12. Seriously, I always get a kick out of (because I am lame and have no life) the "heat before enjoying" blurb they put on frozen food boxes... do people really think "mmm, frozen pizza, must be meant to be enjoyed while still frozen!" or did some dumbass sue somebody for just that (like the "Caution: Contents Hot" warning they put on coffee cups these days...). <_<


    Probably the latter... I chatted with my neighbour the other day, she's planning to sue Savemart, she is convinced the small code stickers on grocery products are the cause of her degrading health :rolleyes:

  13. I will just mention the fact that I have enjoyed a second frozen pizza


    Just for the records, I went to my fridge and tried to sample frozen pizza - didnt enjoy it at all, couldnt even take a mouthful without using a chisel first... so I settled on sampling a bell-pepper strip I managed to chip out of the surface... still not impressed... how do you enjoy frozen pizzas? You must have very strong teeth!


    I think I'll eat a salad instead

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