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Posts posted by stormspell

  1. 3.) Is his name really 'Lonnie Holdaway'......? I would be surprised if it is, as this is an easy case to prosecute and it wouldn't take much to find him. There are phone records and physical adresses.....a trail.....


    Well, seems there is a person called Lonnie Holdaway in Blytheville, AR. There is an info on classmates.com he attended high school there in 1984-1988 which sounds about correct age.


    Also, this link: http://fuelmypain.com/modules.php?name=New...e=article&sid=3 , there is a "contact Lonnie" link in the text someplace in mid-page, which links to his e-mail address (lrc72315@sbcglobal.net).


    It is not clear from the page if this is a past, or upcoming event (there is a copyright©1998 note at the end, but it could indicate the establisment for this online service). In any case there are some phone #s in the bottom of the page that can be followed.

  2. There was no wreck, there was no hospital...there is however a knife in a lot of people's back.




    I understand and I have seen Lon/David logged in twice today already without leaving a posting, but still it is hard for me to accept this was a cold planned rip-off of such massive proportions... Yes, I admit all of the facts point so, but who in their right state of mind would rip-off people, many of which regard him as a friend, know his home address and have been talking to him on the phone etc. Just doesnt sound right to me - I'm not defending anyone at all, just trying to see any logic behind this...

  3. This is hard! In no particular order from top of my head on the moment:


    INFERNAL MAJESTY - None Shall Defy

    ANACRUSIS - Manic Impressions

    DESTRUCTION - Release From Agony

    MEKONG DELTA - Mekong delta

    SABBAT - Dreamweaver

    KREATOR - Pleasure to Kill

    HOLY MOSES - The New Machine of Liechtenstein

    FORBIDDEN - Forbidden Evil

    TARGET - Mission Executed

    EXUMER - Possessed By Fire

    S.D.I. - Sign of the Wicked

    TANKARD - Chemical Invasion

    PARADOX - Product of Imagination

    VENDETTA - Go and Live... Stay and die!

    LIVING DEATH - Vengeance of Hell

    ARTILLERY - By Inheritance

  4. So refund him and dont send anything.


    That will just result in negative feedback being left from the :loser:


    Priovided that in 99% of the cases Barf-whine get's NARUed within a week I'd not worry for the feedback.

    It will be removed automatically after his current incarnation is gone.


    Refunding him ASAP is vital, else he will drag you into dispute, guaranteed.

  5. I thought Jason was addicted to midget porn. When did he get hooked on platypus semen? Was the midget porn his "gateway drug" to the harder stuff? (Pun not intended, I swear)


    It's probably a mere coincidence, but I just got an e-mail with the subject "Attack Of The Monster Midget With A 10 Inch Cock" ...spooky :unsure:

  6. It's a huge difference in investment. 100 titles for $300 or 1,000 for $1300. Doesn't sound like much difference right?


    Yeah, but at retail price of $12.99 you need to sell only 100 CDs to completely offset the production cost for replicating, and still will have 900 CDs left to make profit from. While on duplicating you have to sell 1/4 of the entire run to cover the production cost alone.


    This is very crude calculation without considering any other costs and expenses of course, but still I think replication is the correct option for any title with a potential of selling over 200 CDs (Lorraine can easily fall into this category with some promotion).

  7. Sam, I have been very open minded about you because I am not perfect and no one else is. But the comments were way too broad. If you have a problem with a person in particular it doesn't mean the whole race is "typical". It would really show some class if you would apologize.




    I personally dont need Sam's apologies, but would be nice to see him offering them to ashen light and all Russians in general. If he doesnt want to do it personally to the people involved here, he may do it out of respect to the nation which is one of his major suppliers for his sales.


    And just to clarify one thing known to many on this forum already - I'm not a Russian. I'm Bulgarian.

  8. If you had any sense in your shit-for-brains you'd recognize his bidding patterns are for completely different cd's every week. And if you see that he has won a cd and is bidding on another then thats his buddy - their names are Billy and Allen and they both work in casinos here.


    That's very sweet, but once I've seen him/them bidding on 5 consecutive acuctions of the same title. And it wasnt like they were buying them cheaper and cheaper you know... and where is the logic of coming in person to your office to pick their CDs and not buy everything they need directly from you, and not for the crazy prices they often end on eBay?


    Anyway, I'll just ask you this: why did you suddenly stop leaving it/him/them feeback an year ago exactly at the time when this issue was brough for the first time here, eh? If they ARE real customers they do deserve the feedback, dont you think? ...actually, nevermind, this won't lead to anything positive as usual, case closed!

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