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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. I agree on the lyrics...I think that is my issue also. It just feels a little awkward or something in a few spots.


    Musically it sounds good though.



    Slightly awkward structure to the song in that some of the lyrics don't seem to fit nicely to the melody (esp in the verse) but its pretty good.


    The debut was a bit HEAT grade B type stuff, but they are worth checking out for sure.

  2. New clip posted from upcoming album.



    Probably not fair to judge after one quick listen but my initial thought is that it sounds decent but at the same time also kinda generic and not really standing out much for me.


    We'll see how it settles and hoping in this case they release another song or two before the album release.

  3. Good stuff...Appreciate the update.


    Wish I could be at that pre-party show....sounds fantastic.



    I think Station will be around for a while... Though they have been playing a couple new songs as of late.. It will still be some time before any of these are released on a new CD. They have a ton of great things going on at this time. The first full length release is still selling well and they will continue to work on promoting that one first. Look for not one.. but three new videos from the debut in the near future. Two will feature a guest appearance from someone who many of you will recognize. I can't really let the cat out of the bag on this one.


    Last year the played the whole first CD in its entirety at my annual "M-Pre Party" show in Maryland.. I believe they are going to play what will be the 2 full length in its entirety this year along with a bunch of other songs. They have asked to play for 1 hour and 40 mins...

  4. Anybody hearing anything about new material from these guys? I get the feeling there could be a new EP or album sooner rather than later....


    I follow them a bit and they've been playing 3 or 4 new songs in some of their live sets....one called All You Need Is A Heartbeat that I really like...


    And it sounds like they have a lot of other material from interviews...So hopefully something surfaces...

  5. LMAO reading this thread....


    I hadn't heard about it (or paid any attention to it) before seeing the news that Erik Martensson would be involved...


    This is just crazy. I suppose it could be good but mostly I think it's feel like some compilation CD if they actually have different guys singing lead on various tracks.


    Sounds like a very poor idea to me.

  6. Definitely with Nordic Union...


    I like probably 8 songs on that Nordic Union album more than any of these 3 Treat songs....I'll be shocked if that Nordic Union doesn't wind up being my favorite album this year.


    I'm not saying the Treat songs aren't good...They seem pretty decent to me. I just like Nordic Union that much :)






    Wow. Love that song. So far they've recorded the three best tunes of the year.

    No they havent.

    Have you heard Wigelius yet, Karpethead? There are several tracks on that one that are better than all 3 of these, as much as I love all 3 of these. I'm hoping these two albums will both be in my top 5, but they're defo not the best 3 songs of the year yet, imo.

    Plus both Defiant tracks and at least 3 off Nordic Union. There are some other random tracks i prefer too.


  7. Never heard of Maverick...will investigate it.



    Reporting back on this album and I just got it a little over a week ago...Yeah...I know I'm a little late on this one....Just never got around to it. It was only the new album coming out that made me think I finally needed to check it out.


    Well...after a few spins through the album, I'm kinda lukewarm on it. There are a handful of songs I really like quite a bit and I'd classify as pretty darn awesome (Paper Tiger, Roar, Tangled Up, Heaven Can Wait, We Own the Night). However, there is also quite a bit that feels kinda generic and isn't doing much for me. I pretty much find myself just wanting to skip through listening to the songs I mentioned.


    One thing though is that I'm sure if I had listened to this back in 2010 I'd be thinking much more of it and it probably wouldn't have sounded as generic in spots to me as it does now. I mean, there has just been a lot of good stuff that's come out since then that kinda overshadows it for me now.


    It's definitely a quality album though and was worth checking out. I don't know what kind of number I'd throw on it....Probably an 80 or something. I'm not even sure it's fair to put a rating on it 6 years after the fact though. Heck, back in 2010 it could've been a 95 compared to what was out back then.


    I'm pausing a bit on the new Ghost of Graceland album though as I've seen a couple comments saying it's more toward the lighter side of AOR than CDG. I'll need to give it a listen somewhere to decide on it.

    I agree mate, its a good album but I'll never understand the amount of praise it always seems to get, as you say a few great songs, i'd probably throw skies of Mongolia into your list personally

    Btw have you ever listened to Maverick's quid quo pro album, judging from your general comments, i'd reckon its one you might like if you haven't checked it out already that is

  8. Reporting back on this album and I just got it a little over a week ago...Yeah...I know I'm a little late on this one....Just never got around to it. It was only the new album coming out that made me think I finally needed to check it out.


    Well...after a few spins through the album, I'm kinda lukewarm on it. There are a handful of songs I really like quite a bit and I'd classify as pretty darn awesome (Paper Tiger, Roar, Tangled Up, Heaven Can Wait, We Own the Night). However, there is also quite a bit that feels kinda generic and isn't doing much for me. I pretty much find myself just wanting to skip through listening to the songs I mentioned.


    One thing though is that I'm sure if I had listened to this back in 2010 I'd be thinking much more of it and it probably wouldn't have sounded as generic in spots to me as it does now. I mean, there has just been a lot of good stuff that's come out since then that kinda overshadows it for me now.


    It's definitely a quality album though and was worth checking out. I don't know what kind of number I'd throw on it....Probably an 80 or something. I'm not even sure it's fair to put a rating on it 6 years after the fact though. Heck, back in 2010 it could've been a 95 compared to what was out back then.


    I'm pausing a bit on the new Ghost of Graceland album though as I've seen a couple comments saying it's more toward the lighter side of AOR than CDG. I'll need to give it a listen somewhere to decide on it.

  9. Fantastic if you ask me!


    I had read an interview with Erik saying this song was originally recorded with Ronnie Atkins for the Nordic Union album but they held it back and re-recorded for Eclipse to use for this contest. I think he had said the original song was quite a bit longer and they had to cut it down because 3:00 is the limit for the show. My only complaint would be that it is kinda short....Wish they would've put the longer version on the Armageddonize Deluxe album.


    Still good though and definitely does fit with the style and sound on Armageddonize.

  10. Apologize for digging up an old thread...


    Never really paid any attention to Treat before as I really didn't start paying closer attention to the Swedish rock scene until a little bit after CDG was released and just never got around to it for whatever reason.


    Well...after hearing the new song Inferno and quite liking it, I figured I'd go back and investigate Coup De Grace. I've listened to most of the album on You tube heard a handful of songs that sound pretty good so went ahead and ordered it. I'm not sure on my feelings on the album in general yet...Need to give it a few proper listens and see if it sinks in.


    Just wanted to say Thanks for all the thoughts in the thread and point out how useful these types of threads can be even years after the fact sometimes.

  11. Sounds pretty good to me.


    I hadn't been much into these guys until picking up their last album...And never got that until around 2012 or something. I think my hesitation was always that they just didn't have songs that knocked my socks off and wasn't quite as immediate for me as some other stuff. However, after giving the whole album a listen it finally won me over at some point for just being pretty solid from top to bottom and I find myself going back to it quite a bit.


    Kinda feel the same about this song....doesn't blow me away but it still sounds very good and easy to listen to. I'm not sure it's an instant pre-order for me yet but interested to hear more songs or samples.

  12. I always view ratings as guidelines more than anything else. Personally, I like to look at albums as more of a complete work and from an overall perspective when assigning ratings rather than rating each song and coming up with an average. I mean, a band could throw 12-13 songs on an album, have 9 or 10 absolutely outstanding tracks and a couple clunkers and they'd probably come out with an 80 overall or something because of those couple songs. I guess I just don't like holding 2-3 songs against albums for their ratings.


    I'd agree Andrew has had a lot of good reviews recently but I wonder if maybe he's being a little more selective in what he's looking at and not bothering with the complete crap? I mean, I know there have been plenty of poor reviews from him over the years. If I see something reviewed in the 90-100 range, it's usually just a good indicator that I might need to give an album a look if it's along my line of tastes. That said, I know stuff like Rick Springfield, Toto, Journey aren't in my wheelhouse so they will never be 100's (or probably even 70's) to me personally. That's doesn't mean they can't be 100's to somebody else though.


    I really don't care what system anybody uses to review. I think it all just comes down to getting to know a reviewer and figuring out how his tastes align with yours. An 80 might be a great score by some reviewer's standards like in the Def Leppard and Bon Jovi examples above. For a reviewer like Andrew through, if I see an 80 overall it really makes me pause as 75-80 for him is often a lukewarm endorsement. I kinda like Andrew's approach better in that I'm less likely to miss something good. If some reviewer is giving everything 70's or 80's and I don't really know the reviewer, then I don't know if I'd ever buy anything off their reviews. I just feels really odd to me reading a glowing review and seeing a score of 83 or something.


    All I want from reviews are some good recommendations and to get an idea how stuff separates and/or compares to previous works from an artist or from similar artists in it's genre. I think Andrew does a pretty good job at pointing out stuff that is well done and needs a look. I really don't care if it's assigned a 95 or 100.


    Ha ha you always pick those Maids songs and i always think really???

    For sure they are decent songs but for me no where near Maids best songs.


    Now if you said 'Hell on High Hells', 'INVU', 'Partners In Crime' or 'Dont Settle For Less' id probably be inclined to back your argument.



    Or 'Know it ain't easy,' 'Walk away,' 'With these eyes,' 'Wouldn't miss you' and 'It comes at night.' Doesn't really matter what selection you make, there's tunes around every corner. I find 'Spooked' is the easiest reference point as, imo, it has a large quantity of their best songs all in one place.



    Appreciate the suggestions on songs to check out with these guys. Love Nordic Union and never paid any attention to Pretty Maids before so been going through some of their stuff. Personally, I hadn't been finding much that sounded as melodic and as well put together as the Nordic Union CD which is just fantastic. I want stuff like Hypocrisy, Falling, Go.


    I started with the past couple albums from them but it doesn't feel quite like Nordic Union to me...Hard to explain why...Bit heavier, not quite as melodic. I hadn't went back as far as the Spooked album but listening to those songs, they are sounding interesting and more along the melodic lines. Maybe I'll give that album a try. Live Until It Hurts, Never To Late and Die With Your Dreams do sound good...


    Has Pretty Maids ever done a greatest hits album? It doesn't appear that they have. If they had one that would be a great place for someone like me who is new to them to start.

  14. LOL...Did the same thing :)


    This will be a pass for me...Not my cup of tea.



    Even with this massive Country vibe, Andrew still gave this one a 100% review over at MR.com. I'm sure it's good, but with the prices of cds and shipping, I'll most likely pass on it and play it online.



    This 100% review doesn't get me too excited, it seems pretty much all releases from Rick Springfield, Mr.Big, Journey, Toto and Eclipse get between 98% and 100% on MR.com...me thinks Andrew is a fanboy.


    I guessed the score before I even looked....i was correct ;)


  15. I see these guys are working on a new album...And have Erik Martensson helping them out :)


    From their FB page today:


    All the files are now sent to Erik Mårtensson for him to do his magic with it. Can't wait to hear the result and share it with you. We know it will be awesome!


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