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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. Bonus tracks are good. Will have to see if I can track down the Japan version of the Cd. I see the bonus tracks are on ITunes but I hate MP3's...Wish I Tunes sold stuff in FLAC or some other lossless format.


    Bonus tracks are absolutely essential.

  2. Sorry for digging up an old thread but I had never heard of these guys until they were mentioned in another thread recently. I found the album on Ebay for the bargain price of $3 so thought I'd give it a shot as I was just looking for something "new" to listen to.


    Overall, not too bad. The album really gives me a Crazy Lixx mixed with Skid Row vibe with some other influences sprinkled in.


    Showdown in Central Park is a decent opener with a cool gang chorus. This song has kinda grown on me after a few listens after not thinking much of it initially.


    Take Me For a Ride is filled with hooks and instantly grabbed me. This is easily my favorite song on the album and probably the song that got me to buy the album. The video isn't bad either :)


    Do You Believe In Rock N Roll is okay....Queen influences pretty obvious here.


    Wildlife....Don't really like this one after a couple listens. It's pretty much a skip for me to get to the next track.


    Fire In The Pouring Rain I'm quite digging....Pretty good ballad and needed a change of pace at this point in the album.


    Call Paul Stanley is one of the stronger tracks IMO....cool vibe.


    Heatwave is okay....It's doesn't really stand out at all but is "listenable" and might grow on me some.


    Look Out is a skip for me....Probably the weakest song IMO.


    Touch brings it back up a notch with some good hooks and is one of the better songs on the album IMO.


    The last song Straight to The Grave isn't too bad to close out the album....kinda like Heatwave for me....Just okay.


    Overall, the album doesn't blow me away or anything but is decent and worth the listen. I guess if I had to assign a rating it would be something around a 75-80.


    It's an album that sorta reminds me a bit of Roxy Blue's I Want Some in terms of a pretty good debut album from a band that had potential but fell apart and never did anything again.


    I'd say it's well worth the $3 I paid for it though :)


    Too bad the lead singer had to mess things up by getting tossed in the clink.

  3. Was doing a little research on these guys and came across Court records on the singer.


    Appears it was a situation where he was partying with a girl, both were drunk and he took more liberties than he should've....Happened in May 2011 which is obviously why they booted him out. Reading posts on FB it looks like they tried to keep it going with their original singer but it didn't work and they just disbanded.


    From what I saw he's still in jail somewhere in Illinois and expected release is in 2017.


    I guess I'd highly doubt we ever hear anything from these guys again but stranger things have happened. It's a shame to see talent wasted.


    And I've now learned more about Bad City than I'd ever thought I'd know :)




    Yeah they did reform with the original singer, who from memory used to sing all of the songs before they brought Josh in, but missed out on being on the album.
    Didn't work. They kinda didn't handle it too well, showing up without the singer the crowd expected etc.
    I think they realised that they wouldn't be able to recover.

    Initially when they fired Josh, the posted ion facebook "A few astute fans noticed that our singer is different than last time we came around. Say hello to Alec! He's been slaying it on this KISS tour and taking BadCity to a new level. BC kicked out Josh because he had a very serious personal conflict with the rest of the band, and we had to let him go. But let's not rain on the parade, the KISS shows are off to a BLAZING start, and we can't wait to see you people!"

    Then he was charged, and went to jail, for 7 years I believe.

    7 years? So he'll be out next year. Perhaps a reunion? ;}


  4. Been checking it out...kinda liking what I've heard...Take Me For A Ride is pretty awesome...couple other tunes sounding pretty good.


    I found a new, sealed CD on eBay for $5 shipped so gonna check it out.


    Shame they are no more but something different to listen to. Thanks.



    Appreciate the effort that went into the list....Seems like more weight is being given to "older" albums and not much to "newer" bands like Eclipse or H.e.a.t who have both provided some fantastic melodic hard rock over the past few years.


    I'll admit though....I've never even heard of Bad City, Hot Action Cop or Loud & Clear....For a million dollars right now I couldn't name you one song by any of them...Maybe I need to check them out :)


    Sometime I'll have to sit down and try to make a list like this...I don't think I'd have the patience to do 100. I'd be lucky if I could make it to 25.

    You really should listen to bad city , it's a brilliant album
  5. Appreciate the effort that went into the list....Seems like more weight is being given to "older" albums and not much to "newer" bands like Eclipse or H.e.a.t who have both provided some fantastic melodic hard rock over the past few years.


    I'll admit though....I've never even heard of Bad City, Hot Action Cop or Loud & Clear....For a million dollars right now I couldn't name you one song by any of them...Maybe I need to check them out :)


    Sometime I'll have to sit down and try to make a list like this...I don't think I'd have the patience to do 100. I'd be lucky if I could make it to 25.

  6. My thoughts as well.


    Really like these guys and the album....But this wouldn't have been my next choice for a single.


    Cool video, but the song is one of the mid-range ones on the album. Not bad, but there are better options for singles.

  7. I'll play along....


    1. Ghost Of Graceland 9
    2. I Don’t Miss The Misery 10
    3. Better The Devil You Know 8
    4. Do Your Own Stunts 9.0
    5. Endangered 9.5
    6. Inferno 10
    7. Alien Earthlings 7
    8. Nonstop Madness 9.5
    9. Too Late To Die Young 8.0
    10. House On Fire 7.0
    11. Together Alone 7.0
    12. Everything To Everyone 8.0


    85 for me on average which sounds just about right. I really like the first half but it tails off in the second half for me.

  8. Mildly interested in Sunstrike but I've been lukewarm on what I've heard so far and right now I'm not planning to pick it up.


    Somewhat interested in Wildness who may have something out before the end of the year...


    Not much else on my radar at the moment.


    The big releases I was looking forward to were Nordic Union, Defiants and Treat and they've been fantastic. I've got plenty of spins left in each of those :)

  9. LOL...I've done the same thing taking my favorites from both albums...


    Not that both albums aren't good....But that really makes for one fantastic album :)



    Agree. Those tracks kill the momentum in the second half.

    The 3 weak tracks on GoG:

    Alien Earthlings
    House On Fire
    Together Alone


    Love Alien Earthlings but the other two tracks are the ones I left off my GOG and CDG mix for the car.


  10. What the heck is Alien Earthlings even about?


    It reminds me of Skies of Mongolia from the last album where I just couldn't get into it even though musically it sounded good.


    Maybe it'll help when I get the liner notes out and read the lyrics....


    I think you will find that this will get better and better with each spin - it did for me.


    Admittedly House on Fire is one of the weaker tracks but I love Alien Earthlings and Better the Devil now


    I also have no issues with production - sounds great to me



  11. Well...finally got a chance to listen to this album...For me, it's just okay.


    To start with, I was only lukewarm on CDG. I liked some of the songs quite a bit like Paper Tiger, Roar, Tangled Up, Heaven Can Wait and We Own The Night. However, there was also a good portion of the album I didn't much care for. I have a hard time putting my finger on it exactly as to why that is....The music sounds great....I think sometimes it's just the vocals and lyrics I have a hard time connecting with. I'm not sure if it's the accent, song structures or what.


    As for GOG...I think I like it a little bit better than Coupe as it feels a little more consistent throughout to me. However, there are still 3-4 songs I think I'll be skipping regularly (Alien Earthlings, House On Fire, Together Alone and maybe Better The Devil You Know..although that one might grow on me). Again, those songs sound great musically but just don't seem to connect much with the songs or something.


    And one other thing that slightly bothers me on GOG is the production. Maybe it's just me but the vocals sound slightly low in the mix on some of these songs and at times I almost have to strain to hear/understand them in parts.


    Don't get me wrong though...I think it's pretty good and I really like Inferno, GOG, Endangered, I Don't Miss The Misery, Nonstop Madness and Stunts/Everything to Everyone are pretty decent.


    So I don't know...For me, CDG was probably somewhere around an 80 and if I were rating this, it would probably be about an 85. I like it but it just doesn't really "wow" me.


    Personally, I much prefer the Defiants release to this one as that one does "wow" me. For me, the Defiants is about a 95 if I were putting a number on it. Honestly, while listening to GOG I really had the urge at about midway through House on Fire to take the CD out and pop in the Defiants....But I finished it out.


    I don't know where this album will fall for me this year...It's good but it's quite a bit behind Nordic Union and the Defiants for me.

  12. I agree with that pop punk reference as well....I think I hear it in a few of the songs in the second half of the album.


    Although, I get a lot of different vibes on this album....Some Bon Jovi...Some Lynch Mob...Some Danger Danger....Some pop punk. I even get a bit of a Gotthard vibe from "That's When I'll Stop Loving You" with the way the vocals are presented in that song.


    I really like how this album meshes all that together and Paul Laine really can sing.


    Great album and been pretty much spinning it nonstop since the 15th. I'll be getting Treat tonight though so I'll finally be able to see how that stacks up. I have high hopes after seeing the comments in the Treat thread.


    Not much to say that hasn't already been said. This is a brilliant album and my favourite of 2016 so far. Still can't decide on my favourite tracks...more spins needed.

    As for the comments above re the pop/punk influence - I can definitely hear that as well - on some tracks much more than others but it's a good thing. I was more thinking 40 Ft Ringo type of thing rather than Blink 182, but I get what you're saying.

    I'll throw 88% at this one. Very nice!

  13. Agree. Falling is still my #1 song this year to this point and songs like Hypocrisy, Wide Awake and Go aren't far behind. I also really like Every Heartbeat.


    And as much as I like the Defiants I still think if I'm making a list, Nordic Union is #1 and the Defiants are #2.


    Nordic Union just fits my tastes perfectly.


    Easily in my top 5 of the year. I managed to score a Jap. copy for $10(used but with full armor). Go and falling are canidates for my ultimate playlist.

  14. Have spun this multiple times now...just fantastic. There really isn't a song I dislike....I even quite like Lil' Miss Rock N Roll for a change of pace.


    And I just can't seem to remove "Take Me Back" from my head!


    I thought it would be a one horse race for me for album of the year with Nordic Union....But this one is right there. I think what makes it so good for me is just how easy these songs are to relate to in a fun, retro kind of way.

  15. Good to hear...I'm looking forwards to it. It came in the mail on Friday but my wife snatched it and is holding it for my birthday present on the 25th :)


    i'm all right with that as it let's me wear out the Defiants and the Eclipse Armageddonize deluxe edition until then. Really digging this Defiants album....This is how a melodic rock album should be done. I'm not sure yet if it'll surpass Nordic Union for me but it's excellent. The songs are all pretty long but you don't even notice it because of how well they're put together.


    This album is basically exactly what I was hoping it would be.


    Good to hear I'll have more good stuff with Treat when I get to it. It'll be nice having another brand new album to listen to in 10 days :)


    Agree 100%. I like how the songs all have some "meat" to them.

    Take Me Back is my favorite tune...for me it's right with Falling by Nordic Union for song of the year.

    Great album...and haven't heard Treat yet :)

    On about spin 4 now.

    This is scarily good. Kind of what i imagined a Jovi album between the bubblegum of Slippery and the seriousness of New Jersey would have sounded.

    Production is top notch. Solos are outstanding.

    I was worried about the song length but the songs just breeze by....its almost like your at your own personal gig.

    Treat is bloody good.


  16. Agree 100%. I like how the songs all have some "meat" to them.


    Take Me Back is my favorite tune...for me it's right with Falling by Nordic Union for song of the year.


    Great album...and haven't heard Treat yet :)


    On about spin 4 now.


    This is scarily good. Kind of what i imagined a Jovi album between the bubblegum of Slippery and the seriousness of New Jersey would have sounded.


    Production is top notch. Solos are outstanding.


    I was worried about the song length but the songs just breeze by....its almost like your at your own personal gig.

  17. I was never a big Danger Danger fan...I think back then I sorta avoided them just because there was so much like them that I was on overload.


    All the sudden though, this is sounding good to me and better than whatever I remember of DD.


    I think part of it is that I hear so little of this style these days that it now almost sounds refreshing. I mean, it seems like 90% of what I listen to is scandi type stuff with H.e.a.t, Eclipse, Degreed, Treat, Crazy Lixx, etc ,etc.


    It's almost to the point now where this is kind of a "fun" departure for me so I think it's gotten my attention more than it might've at a different time.


    Just lost interest.

    Maybe people are so desperate for anything 80's they are suddenly able to put up with what would have been considered average actually in the 80's

    Maybe it's just too AOR for me.


    I just found it boring, syrupy and generic.

  18. I'm not sure yet which I prefer more. I think the Defiants might be a bit more "fun" in it's upbeat, retro style but there is a lot of quality in the Treat songs I've heard also.


    If I had to pick right now I'd probably be expecting to like the Defiants a little bit more but we'll see.






    Preoder done....Looking forward to the 15th to see which album wins the Treat/Defiants battle.

    I think i know the answer to that already ;)
    Defiants for you Glen? Probably will be for me

    I prefer all The Defiants tracks to the Treat ones. So unless the remainder of the Treat album is absolutely awesome i cant see it being better.


  19. Been sorta sleeping under a rock and haven't paid much attention to this...Been mostly focused on the new Treat album and I was never a huge Danger Danger fan so this just didn't have my attention.


    Gotta say these tunes are interesting....Kinda like Take Me Back best....Lots of "ear candy" in that song...I'm a sucker for "whoa oh's" :)


    Really like all the songs though with the only thing I don't like being the little kids in the beginning of Runaways.


    These songs all seem to ooze quality though and have read 4 or 5 reviews and all have been glowing on the album as a whole.


    Preoder done....Looking forward to the 15th to see which album wins the Treat/Defiants battle.

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