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Everything posted by SEYHEYKID

  1. Got mine today......WAHOOOO!!Can't wait to listen to my Big Cock,usually I sing to him.
  2. Canned Heat....Live 8/21/71 Going really well with the Crown On The Rocks.....
  3. We can't all have Big Cock. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sh'up..........dork. I WANT THE FREAKIN' CD........not that!!! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze. Seriously.......shouldn't it BE here by now? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought the same thing MJ but it does say on CD Baby that it was to ship in 3-5 days......I didn't see that at first either so hopefully we will have them soon.
  4. The Casanovas....S/T Kings X....Ogre Tones Sheryl Crow....Wildflower Bon Jovi.....Have A Nice Day
  5. Do you have a favorite on this one yet? Just curious as to what people are going for.. Spinnin' here......Train ~ 'Meet Virginia' <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice choice MJ...I really like Train..really good music.
  6. Ten Years After.....Live @The Filmore West 6/28/68 Been really getting into these old school boots I have...nice raw blues with smokin' solo's
  7. Black Sabbath.....Live 1983 W/Ian Gillian On Vocals(Born Again Tour) Very interesting to here these songs without Ozzy on vocals....I think I like them better without.
  8. Baseball for me....I was a 4 year starter and I was, at the time the only freshmen in the history of our high school to make the all-conference team.When I was a junior I tried out for the Pirates and then was called back my senior year to try out again.After my 2nd try out I was invited to spring training but decided to pursue college ball instead.The summer before I was supposed to leave to go to Florida to start school I was playing summer ball and I got a spike stuck on the infield grass and tore the hell out of my knee.It really sucked because I will never know how far I could have went.....but at least I have my beer and my music.
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