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Posts posted by AlphaMale

  1. Figured this deserved it's own album thread. I have heard a leaked copy of the album, and like I said in the Erik joins Skid Row thread, that the songs are the problem here. Erik sounds fantastic throughout and really lifts some mediocre songs. The sound like vintage STTG era Skid Row on this album only the songs seem to fall short. Everything else was pretty darn good.





    I uploaded this privately so it wouldn't get taken down. This is easily my favorite track on the album. Th elead track "Hell Or High Water"


  2. 28 minutes ago, tts42572 said:

    Well ...the venue I was at held 2,500 and it was packed pretty full.

    I'd agree with you pre-Erik.  Heck, I skipped a show 10 minutes from my house a few years ago when tickets were $20.  Not now though.  

    Last time I saw them with Johnny, I'd say they had maybe 100 people in a large club. It was kinda sad as they kicked ass. This was around the time of the Demolition 1 album. 

  3. 5 hours ago, tts42572 said:



    On the other hand, with Skid Row he's now getting the shot to tour the USA and the world and play in front of some large crowds.  I don't know where things go with Skid Row but the ceiling definitely feels higher for him with them.  I mean, I could realistically see a USA tour with something like Def Leppard, Tesla and Skid Row happening sometime in the future....Or something to that effect.  On the flip side, a Def Leppard, Tesla and H.E.A.T tour was never going to happen here.




    Haha... Skid Row isn't drawing crowds. They have a hard time filling a 50 to 100 capacity nightclub. 

  4. This feels like a record Sebastian Bach should be singing. The songs just seem to be about him. The Gang's All Here would've fit with Bach. Time Bomb seems to be a song about Baz's temper? Am I rerading too much into this?

    Like I said earlier, the songs just aren't that great. Erik sounds awesome. The music is pretty vintage Skid Row but there's still something missing/off.

  5. 10 hours ago, Glen said:

    this ^^^^ 😉

    Correct. Now The Fun Starts is terrible. Pussy Ain't Free is okay, Wasted Too Much Time is good, I Got What U Want sucks, Walk Of Shame sucks. The two bonus tracks should have replaced 2 of those turds. Red Headed Stepchild and Momentary Epiphany.

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