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Posts posted by exact3

  1. Yeah, that's dodgy as hell. Both good points about the album possibly sucking (just take a look at the last few albums they did actually record!) or more importantly if it does never get made. What does happen to that cash? I guess the local church?


    Other thing is, maybe they wouldn't be in such a predicament if the last few albums were not so f*cking terrible.


    CDs already cost more than enough money without having to start paying for the mofo's to actually be recorded...


    i agree. I normally base my buying habits on what an album sounds like, not what it may sound like. CDs are too expensive to blind buy most of the time.

  2. If I'm reading this right, the band wants to raise $30,000 to make this new record, but they only plan on pressing 1000 physical copies? Good grief. Are they planning to hire Mutt Lange to produce it or somethin'?



    30K? Wow. Thats a huge chunk of change for a band on that hasnt done anything in a long long time.

  3. Omen - Warning of Danger

    Scorpions - Lonesome Crow

    Scorpions - fly to the Rainbow

    Scorpions - Original classics (In Trance, Virgin Killer, Taken by Force)

    Orange Goblin - A Eulogy for the Damned

    Little Caesar - S/T

    Iron Savior - The Landing

    Gentle Giant - Free Hand

    Vega - Kiss of Life

    Nektar - A Tab in the Ocean

    Nektar - Remember the Future

    The Last Vegas - The Other Side EP

  4. I prefer the band's logo on the previous album, this one is more of a thrash band haha not to mention the gloomy cover, definitely like a thrash album, well lookin' forward to this, still kinda lazy to try the short samples, but probably we're lookin at a minimum of 80% type of album


    I like the older logo too. The samples sound excellent though!

  5. First "new" song I've heard since about the 10th of December 2011, and well, someone's got to be honest. It's total crap, but I'm still hopeful about the album. Sounds like a good band and let's just hope this is one of the album's only blatant fillers. ;)


    Hey Geoff, then you can't like Helloween Keeper era. I think this song is absolutely great (must have heard it 20 times by now). It's better than everything with Helloween since Keeper part 2 maybe except from the dark ride which is great IMO.

    Yeah, sorry mate. Tried a bit of Helloween in my days but never enjoyed any of it. :(


    btw Ali, if you think 'Dark Ride' is great, then you should also like 'Gambling With The Devil' and '7 Sinners', both are awesome albums and I guess they're better than 'Dark Ride'



    Better Than Raw is the best Helloween album with Deris IMO and I actually prefer the Deris years over the brief Kiske catalog. Sure I love the two Keepers discs but the two after that were shit and everything they've done with Deris is brilliant IMO. I love all 8 of them with Better Than Raw, Dark Ride, Time of the Oath and probably Gambling being my favs but I love them all.


    I still like Master of the Rings a lot. I think Deris is the voice of helloween. He has a slew of classic songs and albums in his tenure - Dark Ride, Gambling, 7 Sinners.

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