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Posts posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. Stop raping Slippery When Wet :yikes:


    you're all wanted dead or alive now, i swear the without love the album will just disappear, and i'd never say goodbye to such a fond memory of growing up!


    why cant you guys just let it rock, you're all a social disease, infact you're making me so angry im gonna go wild in the streets pretty soon, if you wanna beg for redemption you should raise your hands now!


    Dont worry Slippery, you know i'd die for you :wub:

  2. This is the version on the fantastic '25th Anniversary: Live In Amsterdam' CD and DVD. The studio version is on the covers album 'Through The Looking Glass'.


    now i have to hear this! i have a feeling itll be one of my favourite recordings of all time, i really love this song.....its so perfectly written


    not many songs move me the way this one does, the same goes for Something off of Abbey Road......George Harrison was so underrated when it came to writing :(



    25th Anniversary DVD & CD Double pack for less than a tenner. One of the best concert DVD's you will ever see. Buy it - NOW!





    well, not now, but maybe next month when i get paid :)


    i love Lukes playing, so worth it as a musician if not a music fan :tumbsup:

  3. This is the version on the fantastic '25th Anniversary: Live In Amsterdam' CD and DVD. The studio version is on the covers album 'Through The Looking Glass'.


    now i have to hear this! i have a feeling itll be one of my favourite recordings of all time, i really love this song.....its so perfectly written


    not many songs move me the way this one does, the same goes for Something off of Abbey Road......George Harrison was so underrated when it came to writing :(

  4. I once took all my cd inserts out, put them in a pile and went ... "why the hell did i do that?!"


    on a similar note i once turned all my CD inserts back to front so the front cover was actually the back page of the booklet.....i had the same thought as Matt afterwards :P


    although tbh some of them look pretty cool that way :D but others, such as New Jersey, looked pretty damn bland :(

  5. I hope to get promo of the full album sometime next month, the track listing has got me very excited :beerbang::beerbang::beerbang:


    i envy you :P


    although tbh, im already pretty bored of We Werent Born To Follow and i only heard it yesterday :unsure:


    yet im still listening to the new Creed and Kiss songs alot.....its a shame, i hope the rest of the new album wont be the same story :(

  6. I have alot of respect for Zakk as a guitarist, hes got a signature sound which to me defines a good guitarist from a bad one (which is personally what i'm tryin to achieve, individuality and that trademark sound)


    Paul Gilbert is a good example here, good songwriter, good technical player but his solos seem to lack any originality....with Zakk, hes got the technical part but he also has his sound....if that makes sense...


    of course the irony is that him having his own trademark sound got him fired in the end.....so maybe a signature sound isnt such a good thing...


    to be honest, im not sure, as a guitarist, what makes a better musician....a signature sound and style or the ability to "be water" and change to suit whatever you're playing to at the time...

  7. Alter Bridge>Creed.


    With that being said I'll still buy the new disc since Tremonti rules.


    Just played the single "Overcome" and I have say that it rocks.


    Yeah but it would be better with Kennedy singing!

    Or Kermit the frog.


    As I said in the other thread, this is a surprisingly good song, but it's still given me no desire to actually check out the album. I just plain and simply don't like these guys at all. Or Alter Bridge. Not my thing at all.


    What is your thing? Pacific Avenue? :P

    Honestly, put one of the poofters from that band on the microphone for Creed and you might have something worthwhile. :)


    Both Alter Bridge albums are miles better than Creed.


    Kennedy is a much better singer than Strapp...........why Tremonti went back to the Creed set up is beyond me. Cash orientated no doubt.


    i quite like Stapps singing, on this song especially :)

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