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Posts posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. I think he also was in one with his wife as well.....he will be missed! :crying::(



    I believe that this is the movie of which you speak:




    He must've really loved his wife if he agreed to be in this "Conan"/"Road Warrior" mish-mash piece of sh*t. It's a wonder his movie career survived it. :lol:


    Yep, that's the one, Keef! Man, I haven't thought of that movie in years.....they probably didn't either. :P:lol: Although, the same could be said for Madonna & Sean Penn with their catastrophe Shanghai Surprise........or whatever it was called! :rofl: There's probably a few more that would fit into this category as well. Perhaps someone will start a thread on that note/subject? :huhsign: Oh yeah......WOOOOOOLVERINES!


    never seen Shanghai Surprise, but i lvoe the song that was written for it :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  2. Kiss

    Ace Frehley


    It's about time you got some good taste in music. ;):drink:


    ive always liked Kiss :unsure:


    just cause i like Bon Jovi doesnt mean im completely lost :P


    I was just messing with you. :butt:


    Besides I didn't know you liked Kiss that much and Kiss and Ace are two of my favs of all time. :headbanger:


    i only own one of their albums tbh, but i have their greatest hits on CDR, just one of those bands ive never called a favourite but always liked :)


    this album sounds worth it though, the new stuff sounds great, the old stuff re-recorded will do me as a greatest hits thing and a DVD aswell....seems essential to me :D

  3. saw this about a month ago, its alright :unsure:


    i must say, its really weird to see my favourite band, or half of it, covering a song written by the guy my dad toured with for years.....suddenly its actually cool :lol: saying that, i did find a recording of JBJ singing Save The Last Dance For Me aswell as Def Leppard doing Stand By Me, so maybe i should give my dad more credit :unsure:


    always thought it was pretty lame because of that :P

  4. I want them.....


    actually ill rephrase, i need them, atleast Abbey Road, The White Album, Let It Be and Sgt Peppers...


    but i dont want to buy them individually cause the boxset has the DVD and it gives me something to house the CDs in so the digipacks stay nice and shiny :)


    so, im gonna take my college earnings, save up and treat myself to the stereo boxset in time for christmas :D luckily i only own two beatles CDs already (1 and Abbey Road) so its not like i just spent £120 on the boxset thats been around for years only to have to buy these nice new ones with the expanded booklets (which i had flicked through the Sgt Peppers one and not only does it have full lyrics, but all the details on the album and some nice photos too.....i love a decent booklet with my CDs :P)


    i heard a sample of Drive My Car and thought it sounded great, anyone else bought or heard the stereo remasters yet? the boxset i want is £170 for 16 CDs and a DVD, so a good price all things considered....just a lot to spend in one go :/ but itd be awesome to have every album including Past Masters :D

  5. Arrrgh! This is a disaster! Dave is such a great guy and along with Jez and Wotty one of the 1st people I got to know after a few months of joining!

    Answers need to be found!


    those were the first 3 people i got to know after joining aswell :(


    and Keef :)


    i dont get why it still happens with a different account if youre on a different computer??

  6. I completely disagree that making music solely for money, is selling out.

    If that was the case, then pretty much any session musician would be regarded as such, as they dont usually write with the bands they work with, and are just guns for hire.

    Doesnt mean that they have sold out, just that they know its the best way for them to earn a crust.


    I dont think their is anyone out their who learns to play music that doesnt like playing music.


    Going to work selling items over a counter is what people do just for money, as very few people have the desire to do that for a living, but professional musicians do it because they love music, and if they can earn some money out of that, then more power to them.


    what i meant by "making music for money" was "writing music 'a certain way' for money" would be considered selling out (assuming you're an originals band rather than a songwriter by trade obviously).....obviously i dont believe that making music period is selling out as ill play anything if theres money involved!


    besides, as long as the "sell-out" music is good i dont really care :P

  7. It is indeed sad that he has died after his battle with cancer. However, you'd of thought he was going to be the next Pope the way the media have reacted.


    He didnt get anywhere near as much coverage as Jade f**kin Goody did over here :/


    and i dont know if anyone else here has seen and remembers it, but my fave role of his was always Orry Maine in North and South back in the early 80s:




    good actor and a decent man by the sounds of things, R.I.P :(

  8. Surely at the end of the day a sellout is someone who makes music purely for money?


    so we have no way of knowing whos selling out and whos not, unless we're there when the decision is made to stick to their old sound, change their sound etc....i guess its just down to their reasoning, do you cant really call any band a sell out unless they actually say theymade whatever move they made for more money.......right? :unsure:

  9. that's why KISS did a disco and a grunge album


    while that does conflict with Gener8tors statement i wasnt really aiming at Kiss or Bon Jovi (specially since i like both)


    its just that alot of people are calling certain bands sellouts and certain other bands sellouts.....seems to me any band can be spun to look like a sellout :s

  10. As I've stated before, Paul Stanley is more about pleasing the fans (those of of who have stood by him and the band since the mid 70's and made him / them what they are) than trying to explore new musical horizons (ugg-hmmm Bon Jovi) by turning KISS into one of the 10,000 other bands out there who ALL sound the same now-a-days.


    No wonder KISS has kept me as a fan for more than 30 years now! LOVE THESE GUYS!


    i have a question.....is a sellout someone who plays the music that they know will sell because it has in the past or the band that tries something new without any solid idea of if anyone will buy it because its such a departure?

  11. How about when they turn country.


    how bout when they release the same album 20 times with different titles :lol:


    seriously, Lost Highway was over 2 years ago, get over it already -_-


    Hey man I just made a general statement not mentioning any names.


    theres only two bands i can think of that "went country" and one of them gets alot more shit than the other, so i made an educated guess :P


    and i was pissed off cause it was the 3rd time id read an anti-bon jovi comment on here in the space of 10 minutes :/



    so apologies for being so.....stern i guess :s

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