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Posts posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. and the Machine/Gun tour might be back on again, with a permanent job as bass player aswell if a couple of things work out (cross fingers) so things are looking up big time.


    that is the best lineup ever, purely because of the name if nothing else!!!


    havent a clue who Gun are tbh, but "The Machine Gun Tour"....could have alot of fun with that one :D


    The best line up ever, full stop ;)


    It will be a great gig to get, as Gun are a great band, surprised you have never heard of them. Nothing is definite yet, a few things need sorting before they definitely get the dates - they want all the Midlands/South East gigs (including The Pitz) and The London Academy. I may not know for a good few weeks yet of what is going on, but I'll keep people posted of what is happening, if anything.


    If the Pitz gig happens and its after i get paid i may have to go along :tumbsup:



    Friday November 27th.


    couldnt be better timing :D


    Ill buy ya a beer if you're up for it :drink:

  2. and the Machine/Gun tour might be back on again, with a permanent job as bass player aswell if a couple of things work out (cross fingers) so things are looking up big time.


    that is the best lineup ever, purely because of the name if nothing else!!!


    havent a clue who Gun are tbh, but "The Machine Gun Tour"....could have alot of fun with that one :D


    The best line up ever, full stop ;)


    It will be a great gig to get, as Gun are a great band, surprised you have never heard of them. Nothing is definite yet, a few things need sorting before they definitely get the dates - they want all the Midlands/South East gigs (including The Pitz) and The London Academy. I may not know for a good few weeks yet of what is going on, but I'll keep people posted of what is happening, if anything.


    If the Pitz gig happens and its after i get paid i may have to go along :tumbsup:

  3. and the Machine/Gun tour might be back on again, with a permanent job as bass player aswell if a couple of things work out (cross fingers) so things are looking up big time.


    that is the best lineup ever, purely because of the name if nothing else!!!


    havent a clue who Gun are tbh, but "The Machine Gun Tour"....could have alot of fun with that one :D

  4. Cant wait to get it over with -_-


    yknow its just been a year of bad luck for me, ever since i made that thread back in late july.....my life hasnt picked up since then, it just keeps geting worse -_-


    I'm really sorry to hear that, man. I hope things pick up for you. And don't worry. As a rhythm guitarist who is probably twice your age, I can tell you things always look a lot less dramatic when seen in twenty-years hindsight.


    Thanks :)


    tbh its all pretty trivial, the main thing thats ruined my summer for me was one of those friends i lost was my best friend, id known her for 10 years, since she was 10 and i was 8!


    she moved to London a couple of years ago and we just sorta grew apart, atleast she did....i didnt, i kept tryna keep our relationship together by texting her every now and then and visiting every few months but she got fed up of it, obviously wants to move on....so im still tryna get over that one because it came out of nowhere less than 2 months ago, and she didnt even tell me herself, her sister did! i only heard from her after 3 weeks of texting her to find out if her sis was telling the truth....its a shame because even tho its hard for us to be friends now, she could have given it a couple more years or something, i dont see any reason why we couldnt stay friends for much longer....unless i changed, and i really am that "arrogant c*nt" that everyone seems to refer to me as :unsure:


    todays a bad day for me on that front, mum found some old photos that we got developed yesterday and there were pics of us as kids in there....i dont miss her, cause the girl ive known for the last 2 years hasnt been all that interested in me, but i miss the old times, and just having someone to care for -_-


    saying that, it was only a few months ago that id wake up to hear the phone ringing and itd be her calling for a chat....i still dont really understand the whole thing, apparently i pressured her into being a best friend....but tbh, all i expected from her was to answer my texts if she had the time and visit when shes here in town :s


    i mean im 18, this isnt a huge deal when you look at the bigger picture i guess, i dont have to work, i dont have to pay rent....im relatively healthy..even still, none of that seems to matter right now.....stupid thing is no-one wants to hear an 18 year old crying into his beer about some girl he grew up with, but i had to tell somebody.....i only have one friend i trust left and she's heard it all from me already :P

  5. Cant wait to get it over with -_-


    im not gonna go into too much detail but ive lost every friend i had save for 1 or 2, all for reasons out of my control apparently.....of course i find this hard to believe that someone can lose so many friends in one go without doing something wrong so now im hating myself over it and trying to figure out what i need to change in order to be a better person because no-ones actually told me! (although the girl i was attracted to did say i was too boring :unsure:)


    other than that.....auditions, lots of auditions, no acceptances tho (for reasons such as "you're just not going in the same direction as we are" which i later found out from the bands singer who im working with that that actually meant "our rhythm guitarist wasnt comfortable with you being half his age")


    what else....oh yea, just learnt that im going to have to have surgery/surgeries on my foot next spring meaning im going to have to walk on one leg for god knows how long....which is gonna be a major pain in the ass in terms of gigging and college -_-


    and just when you think you can turn to someone to cheer you up, in this case a girl whos been attracted to me for the last year, you find that you cant even rely on that....in this case i learned she has no interest in me whatsoever now and that nothings ever going to happen between us....woudnt be such a pain cept that she was the only girl who found me attractive -_-


    theres more im sure, but ive probably chosen to forget it all, and i dont want to bore you with all of it :)


    yknow its just been a year of bad luck for me, ever since i made that thread back in late july.....my life hasnt picked up since then, it just keeps geting worse -_-

  6. I agree, you mention Skid Row to the commoner and theyll be thinking "another one of his rock bands"


    you mention GnR and most people will atleast know about Slash, Axl and possibly Duff, and most rock fans, regardless of if they listen to the band, will know about Steven, Izzy, Gilby, Matt etc depending on which era theyre more familiar with...


    i think Appetite For Destruction still holds the record for best selling debut, not sure, but if it does then thats a 20 year record! i dont think the Skid Row - S/T album even comes close to the sales of AFD...

  7. Say, he does look like a wax dummy :unsure:


    ya dont think the "Jon" that jammed with the band was infact an inanimate dummy to fool the bands into a false sense of security do ya?




    ......naw :unsure:



    One (potential) downside to this story is perhaps now the tribute band will perform the BJ songs with little or no respect, especially if they didn't like bein' sued! Con Joki? :wacko:;)


    I dont know....i mean if i were in their position id quit it all together and form a SKID ROW tribute, but the fact that theyre still doing it says to me that they dont care so much about what Jon says or does and that theyll still play with respect, just to the music rather than the artist...


    maybe thats why the old singer left tho? :unsure:

  8. Say, he does look like a wax dummy :unsure:


    ya dont think the "Jon" that jammed with the band was infact an inanimate dummy to fool the bands into a false sense of security do ya?




    ......naw :unsure:

  9. These "absolute hair metal" thingys are purely download compilations, right?

    Just a bunch of tracks soemone is putting together...?


    yep, theres about 150 of them and like i say, if i song like the one i did can get on there when i didnt even send it around then the lessar known bands could be real unknowns...


    and i really wanna hear those covers Leykis!!

  10. Heres proof that its not Jon whos doing this and if it is, then he's just being someone elses bitch...




    why would he get up and jam with a Jovi tribuet and then sue them 6 months later? :unsure:

  11. i was gonna post the definition of Racism and put up another counter but fuck it, you guys believe what you wanna believe and just hope you never need to rely on the Mexicans, Somalians and Middle Easterners for help in the future...ofcourse you wont because you're white so why does it matter? :)


    I'm done :)

  12. Can: open, Worms: everywhere.


    Has the potential, but I could not be fucked with it.....

    Whilst we continue to let these fucktards into Australia that are coming from lawless countries and have a geniune hate and disregard for Westeners, this will continue to happen.

    Have you ever heard the saying, "When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do?".....It means that if you don't want to live by that Countries beliefs, laws and way of life, then fuck off back to your own Country.

    This is Australia, this is "our" Country and if these fuckwits hate us so much, they can feel free to jump on the first plane out of Australia and hopefully that plane runs out of fuel half way across the ocean.

    I'm sick to death of these fuckin' :ahole: s.... :fu:

    Yeah, you can dance on flowers, try to love everyone and be a hippy all you like, but at the end of the day I agree with Dave and Matt.


    Plenty of "normal" people come to Australia because they like the idea of Australia and the lifestyle. And they embrace it. It's a lot of what appeals to people coming here.


    But no one wants these f*ckwits bringing their shit here and trying to force it upon us. That's what their countries are for. The fact is, you could do a survey amongst Australian citizens and I'm sure that 90% would agree. Of course every middle-eastener is not a bad person, but the trouble the dickheads in the pack bring (who are sadly not so obviously the minority) is constant and very obvious. To everyone.


    No one wants Muslim schools in Australia. No one wants mosques here. It's Australia and we don't need this muslim bullshit over here.


    but isnt it their right to live in Australia and go to mosques and much as it is yours to go to Church (if you so choose) and call yourself a citizen of Australia?


    ignoring the terrorists here, cause plenty of white people have done terrible things too....difference is the episodes that immediately spring to mind theyyve done it to their own people rather than someone they have opposing beliefs to (columbine for instance)


    why dont you tolerate muslims? why should the peaceful ones miss out because of something that someone else did?



    and just cause 30% of criminals are aliens doesnt mean 100% of aliens are criminals....

  13. Steel Panther's 'Feel The Steel'


    What's the concept?? Filth. Pure, unadulterated filth :D


    Are you serious? That is blasphemy even mentioning them in this post surrounded by loads of real bands.


    If that is the case, I will say anything by The River Bottom Nightmare Band from Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas. :crazy:


    im getting tired of this "real bands" crap in response to Steel Panther....has no-one listened to the lyrics of Unkinny Bop and (Flesh & Blood) Sacrifice?


    and dont tell me you think Poison are just as much of a joke, because the majority of this forum is made up of people who like that kinda music.....if you dont listen to atleast some music with stupid lyrics then why are you here? :unsure:

  14. The huge problem here in the U.S. that the feds don't wanna deal with are the Mara Salvatrucha mexican drug gangs (MS13) ...they're in every city now thanks to our government allowing illegal mexicans to liberally cross the southern border at will and not doing a d*mn thing about it.Yes sir if you're not already well armed you'd better get well armed.


    And Americans dont also get up to this stuff? surely not all of the Mexicans in California and the other 48 lower states are the same as that?


    thats what my question is....why do people feel they have the right to paint a whole race with one brush when they have just as much right, fundamentally, if not more to be in said country?


    am i completely off my rocker or do i have a point buried amongst my ramblings? :unsure:

  15. Can: open, Worms: everywhere.


    Has the potential, but I could not be fucked with it.....

    Whilst we continue to let these fucktards into Australia that are coming from lawless countries and have a geniune hate and disregard for Westeners, this will continue to happen.

    Have you ever heard the saying, "When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do?".....It means that if you don't want to live by that Countries beliefs, laws and way of life, then fuck off back to your own Country.

    This is Australia, this is "our" Country and if these fuckwits hate us so much, they can feel free to jump on the first plane out of Australia and hopefully that plane runs out of fuel half way across the ocean.

    I'm sick to death of these fuckin' :ahole: s.... :fu:


    thats fair enough for the ones that do hate the country and the people that run it, but Matts comment seemed a little more generalised than that....like you're supposed to know that they intend to blow you up when you let them into the country.....the reason you guys let them into the country is because emigration is nothing new, especially when the majority of Australians "Emigrated" to get there originally....theres no reason to discriminate against Somalian and Middle Easterners, the reason theyre in the country is because they have that right just as your ancestors did...

  16. And also... they were of Somalian and Middle Eastern decent correct? Then why are they in the country? im "assuming" we felt sorry for them and let them in as refugees and then gave them everything they now own for free...


    Am i the only one who finds this ironic? :P


    I'm just curious what makes it "your" country, and im not tryna pick a fight, i have a genuine question...


    werent your ancestors from England originally? chances are you're in the 90% of the population that descended from the European settlers , unless you're in the 10% thats made up of natives in which case i dont get why you're so close with Geoff who appears to be of European descent :P


    so if you're born in the country to parents who are legal citizens you consider it your country? what if some of these muslims were born there to parents who were legal citizens? is it any less their country?


    ive always had a bit of a problem with White Americans that discriminate against Native Americans or Californians that complain about Mexican "immigrants" aswell....and i know that people have their reasons for feeling like its their home, due to the fact that legally you guys own that country now, but it seems to me that White Man, wether they live in Australia or America, don't have much reason to look down on other ethnicities as foreigners or outsiders....because the way i see it, the only reason white men are in charge of things is cause they got there first...


    Can: open, Worms: everywhere.


    of course i should say that us English arent any better, if i remember right, most of us are of Italian descent from when the Britons were conquered by the Romans, but that was 2000 years ago, not 200 years..


    im just sayin is all, imagine in 200 years if Australia was owned and ran by the muslims and the European Australians were seen as the visitors....

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