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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I know one thing for sure, I'm getting sick and tired of anti-vax protests in Canada where they protest outside of hospitals and bully, intimidate and spit on nurses and doctors....the cops need to move in on these assholes and beat some sense into them..
  2. Since you've had Covid you probably do not need the vax... I worry more about the long term effects of getting Covid than I do about any long tern effects from getting vaccinated...
  3. The vax was never meant as a cure, it is supposed to help your body fight the virus so that you don't end up in the hospital or the morgue and it does this well...does it save everyone? no there will always be exceptions but taking the vax as a precaution just makes sense...just like wearing a condom or not wearing a condom is your choice and you take the chance of getting someone pregnant if you don't take any precautions......
  4. I liked Reagan, I liked Clinton, I liked Obama , I didn't care for the older Bush but I liked his son although he never had an original thought in his life and Cheney was the real president...... Climate change is a real thing whether people want to believe it or not ... it can be debated as to whether mankind has made it worse but it is happening...
  5. Dead Planet


    And another domino falls as it is becoming clear that we will have to live with Covid in one form or another indefinitely....
  6. Stop talking sense...it's messing with my head...
  7. For most of Trump's supporters I believe they see him as closer to the father than the son...
  8. I agree the withdrawal was a mess but even if the withdrawal had been slow the end result would have been the same as the Taliban were willing to make the sacrifices to win and the rest of the country was not willing to sacrifice anything but their freedom...I wonder if instead of invading, we had dropped 2 trillion worth of ordinance on the Taliban if they would have been so willing to host terrorists again.. Unfortunately we may have to find the hard way unless we are stupid enough to invade again...
  9. The truth is that after 20 years, the West gave them all the weaponry, training and help they should have ever needed to keep their country free.... but instead with 5-6 times the soldiers that the Taliban had, they ran away... any country that is unwilling to fight to be free does not deserve to be free...they are in this position because of their own actions and the West should not be at fault.... If we in the West ever start thinking that we know what is best for a non-democratic country again in the future, all we have to do is remember Afghanistan....
  10. What I would like to have seen is an adult, intelligent and common sense approach which would have closely examined the merits and any actual evidence instead of devolving into a partisan political shit show....if Watergate happened today, Nixon would have been called a saint and supported 100% by his party and never would have left office... Also I can't believe that there wouldn't have been a bipartisan investigation into Jan 6 if it had happened not that many years ago as politicians back then understood that it was country first party second....
  11. Unfortunately, the last several decades have shown that governments/politicians can't be trusted and now that mistrust has been (foolishly IMO) extended to health and science ....
  12. Are you sure that the magnet isn't picking up on the metal plates in your head?.....
  13. Dead Planet


    Here in Canada we have pretty much opened up everything although there are differing rules across the provinces....over 75% have had both jabs and 83% have had at least 1 jab....cases of covid are rising as we hit the 4th wave but deaths are pretty reasonable and most of the people dying and in hospital are the unvaccinated....
  14. Other than supporting Israel in the middle east. the West should stay out of that shithole...sell them the armaments they need to kill each other and stand back and watch except for maybe dropping a few bombs if it looks like it is needed.... the balance of power was fucked up when Saddam was removed and now Iran is taking over which is why Saudi Arabia gets our support but we don't need to send troops... The biggest issues these days are in Asia where China threatens Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.....the question is will we stand up to China and support those democracies....
  15. The only reason he didn't get impeached was because the senate was controlled by Trump sycophants...
  16. If you voted for them then they are your party and McConnell only leads the Reps in the senate and he still kisses Trump's ass before he makes a decision.....
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