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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I own the cd of the 2nd release and I didn't think it was as good as the first....
  2. Well she can still sing but the song does nothing for me.....
  3. I hear J.M. Straczynski is rebooting Babylon 5 and while I would love to see more B5 I am also concerned that this epidemic of wokeness will infect the new series....I'm not sure if it is even possible to get a series greenlit without bowing to the PC crowd...
  4. I have both releases as well and they are both really good IMO...here is one of my favs....
  5. Dead Planet


    Now there is a plan...I see a future in politics for you...
  6. Dead Planet


    Yeah the restrictions, lockdowns, masking, vaccinations etc have been a real pain in the ass for everyone. But I haven't heard a better option for dealing with this virus. Should we have done nothing and just let the virus rampage through the world killing off the weak and unfortunate among us? Yes our personal liberties have been fucked over but shouldn't we sometimes just think of others and not just ourselves and do the right thing.....or have we gone back in time to when the weak must perish so the strong can survive....
  7. If the majority of people aren't willing to change their entertainment habits then no nothing will change. Hopefully eventually people will tire of the bullshit and alter the way they spend money...obviously it will not be a quick change as most people seem to be oblivious to what is happening....there have been signs of a backlash but it is still in its infancy...
  8. The only way to stop or at least slow this woke shit is to stop supporting the people and companies who are doing it....so stop going to the movies, stop watching the tv shows, stop buying the books. comics, games etc....when they get hit financially these idiots will come to their senses...otherwise this is the future...
  9. If they let Taiwan go under then that would be like saying that democracy is not worth fighting for....not a good forecast for the rest of the century when things are going to get much worse when it comes to the availability of resources such as water...
  10. They put out When God Turned Away in 2003....is that the one you are referring to?...it was a decent release imo....
  11. Dead Planet


    I doubt that China deliberately released the virus however considering how secretive and nontransparent they have been over this issue, it is reasonable to think that it was accidentally released from a lab but I'm not sure it matters now if it came from a lab or a market....it is a fact of life that we all have to live with....although it would be nice to know that they have taken steps to prevent it from happening again....
  12. Dead Planet


    Everyone can be assured that the next pandemic will be much worse with no one doubting its severity let alone its existence.... I expect that we will not get a vaccine out quickly enough resulting in millions more deaths and everyone will be able to complain that science has let us all down....so there is that to look forward to for all the skeptics....
  13. Dead Planet


    Actually the world would probably be a better place if everyone was forced to get an enema....deal with that epidemic of constipation....maybe once people unloaded they would think more clearly...
  14. Before the idiot parties came along, there were 3 parties....NDP (socialist), Liberal (moderate leaning a bit to the left) and Conservative (moderate leaning a bit to the right)....the difference today is that the Liberal party figured out that to get power they had to move way left to get the NDP vote and it has worked since they have been in power for the last 6 years and counting.... The Conservative party got a higher percentage of the vote but less seats....so now I have to see that idiot Trudeau on tv for the next 2-4 years....ffs...
  15. Left and heading even further left every fucking day.....it is like the entire country is turning into California...without the nice weather...
  16. Dead Planet


    This pandemic is mother natures way of saying there are too many humans on the planet, killing off the weak so the strong can move forward....so the more idiots that die from this pandemic and the next pandemics the better for the rest of us...now to figure out how to remain strong lol...
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