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Dead Planet

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Posts posted by Dead Planet

  1. One of my favorite metal bands is Rage and since I can't find any previous polls for them I had to make one up.....I had to drop their EPs from the list since they wouldn't fit......



    They put out some excellent metal up to and including "Black in Mind"...then it went downhill until they reinvented themselves (all new band members except for Peavy) with "Unity" and "Soundchaser"......the 3 releases I've mentioned are my favorites and I can't at the moment pick one for this poll .... but I will...maybe after I listen to all 3 again.....

  2. I had forgotten about that scene with the bear.


    Yea, and the chick digging it up was the same English chick who parachuted onto the island, got stuck in a tree, and wound up hanging (against her will) with Locke's crew. When she found the remains of the Dharma collar at the dig site, she kinda got this "Mmm-HM!" look on her face. She didn't seem at all surprised that it was a polar bear either, despite the fact that they were zillions of miles from where any polar bears should be.


    I knew it was the same woman, I had just forgotten about the bear scene until you mentioned it.


    That psychic guy seems like a real winner.

    Going into a ladies house and finds some money and just helps himself.


    As of right now I think that that guy that's employing them that had talked to Hurley sent them to find Ben to either capture him or kill him for what he did to the original Dharma people. If that is the case it begs the question how he knew that Ben killed all of those people. Then again with this show I'm probably way off and it's something else that won't make any sense for at least another few episodes. If the man does in fact work for the airline does that mean that they had the plane crash on purpose?



    The story line has gotten so involved that I fully expect to have questions even after the series is dead and gone... :yikes:

  3. OVERKILL... none others close.



    P.S. - I still love the "I Hear Black" release. :whistle:


    The only thing I thought about when I heard that cd was "I hear Crap". :whistle:


    I hear nothing... because I never listen to that CD. :whistle:


    Methinks you people need to listen to "I Hear Black" again because it's quite good......although not as good as their best "W.F.O." ..... B)

  4. Bathtub Test



    It doesn't hurt to take a hard look at yourself from time to time, and this

    should help get you started. During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor

    asked the Director what the criterion was which defined whether or not

    a patient should be institutionalized.


    "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon,

    a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the



    "Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket

    because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."


    "No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want

    a bed near the window?"



  5. A little boy got on the bus, sat next to a man reading a book, and noticed

    he had his collar on backwards.


    The little boy asked why he wore his collar that way.


    The man, who was a priest, said, ' I am a Father.'


    The little boy replied, 'My Daddy doesn't wear his collar like that.'


    The priest looked up from his book and answered 'I am the Father of many.'


    The boy said, 'My Dad has 4 boys, 4 girls and two grandchildren and he

    doesn't wear his collar that way.'


    The priest, getting impatient, said, 'I am the Father of hundreds,' and went

    back to reading his book.


    The little boy sat quietly thinking for a while, then leaned over and said,


    'Maybe you should wear your pants backwards instead of your collar.'

  6. "Having said that, such mark ups idealy SHOULD be included in the item's price, but given the eBay's nature it has developed as a practice. As T-bone said it doesnt really mater if you buy a CD for $5 with $5 shipping, or for $2 with $8 shipping - it will cost you $10 either way. Nevertheless, the wast majority of the buyers WILL prefer to buy the $2 one, and this is exploited by the eBay sellers."



    The bottom line for most buyers: is the cost of shipping plus the item cost worth it or not....if not you don't bid.....but it still amazes me when I see ridiculous shipping costs and I can't help but think these sellers are NOT making much off their auctions when they scare off potential buyers with high shipping.... I just picked a PC game for $1 but the shipping was $19.80.....I bid $1 because the game was worth $20-$21 to me.....

  7. I rarely read the comments section anymore since many of the comments are in Spanish. This wouldn't bother me if the translation was accurate but instead I get a headache trying to figure out the broken English......Bottom line for me, I would prefer English only until the translation software (for all languages, to be fair) works properly....

  8. Haha! :lol: Did you see a post I made a week or so ago on the exact same thing? I agree 100%. I f*cking hate people.


    If normal people can charge just the cost for the envelope and postage, why are there motherf*ckers out there who feel thay have the right to charge us for the time it takes their precious little selves to write things, take time out of their perfect little days and walk places? Lazy f*cks. Why bother in the first place if you're that precious?


    I hadnt actually seen that post.


    I agree. If they are so precious why are they seeking money for their junk on ebay?



    I agree with you guys 100%...I'm also sick of some sellers trying to gouge me on shipping and handling costs....the range for 1 cd from the U.S. to Canada is $1.50 to $24.95.....now it's something else entirely if the package is hand delivered to me by Fedex but the reality is that no matter what price is quoted in the auction, the item always shows up with $1.50-$2.00 in stamps on it.....and many times they don't even bother to put it in a padded envelope, just wrapped in brown paper and held together with scotch tape....

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