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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Cancer sucks!...hopefully it was caught in time....
  2. Some of it didn't copy.... https://bravewords.com/news/joe-lynn-turner-talks-premonition-of-randy-rhoads-death-on-tour-we-saw-a-black-aura-around-the-driver
  3. From Bravewords... Joe Lynn Turner recently guested on WESU’s syndicated Noize In The Attic and spoke openly about ghosts, vaccines, Ukraine and foreseeing tragedy leading to guitar legend Randy Rhoads’ death. Turner: "We were on tour in the United States - Rainbow - and we were in Memphis. We were changing buses because our driver, Bill Miller, from Florida Coach, was taking a holiday. So Ritchie (Blackmore) and I came down a little bit late out of the hotel and everything was taken from one bus to the new bus. So, Ritchie and I were walking toward the new bus, and we looked at the driver, and he looked at me, and I looked at him, and he said 'Do you see it?' And I said, 'I see it.' We saw a black aura around the driver because we were really into this kind of stuff; energies and frequencies, and supernatural paranormal stuff. We had the road manager entice Bill Miller, our original driver, to stay on. We paid him double, I think, but he stayed on, because we wouldn’t get on the bus with this guy. Because when you get on a bus with your driver, you gotta be really safe because we were in Germany when Metallica’s bus turned over. We were about a half hour behind them, and you know what happened there. Anyway, this story is where the driver - we wouldn’t get on a bus with the driver; we felt it was unsafe. Well, that driver - I think his name was Aycoff (Aycock). He also had a small plane pilot's license, and he was the guy with Randy Rhoads. He was the actual pilot." Check out the full interview with Greg Schmitt below (starting at 73 minutes) plus new music from Ozzy, Sword, Vinnie Moore, Powerwolf and more. Randy Rhoads died in a plane crash while on tour with Ozzy Osbourne in Florida in March 1982. After driving much of the night, they stopped at Flying Baron Estates in Leesburg, Florida, to fix a malfunctioning air conditioning unit on the bus while Osbourne remained asleep. On the property, owned by the Calhoun Brothers tour bus company, there was an airstrip with helicopters and small planes. Without permission, tour bus driver and private pilot Andrew Aycock took a single-engine Beechcraft F35 plane. On the first flight, Aycock took keyboardist Don Airey and tour manager Jake Duncan with him as passengers. During this first flight, Duncan later revealed that Aycock "buzzed" the bus in an attempt to wake drummer Tommy Aldridge. The group then landed and a second flight soon took to the air with Rhoads and makeup artist Rachel Youngblood aboard. Though afraid of flying, Rhoads wanted to take some aerial photos of the countryside for his mother. During the second flight, more attempts were made to buzz the tour bus. Aycock succeeded in making two close passes, but botched the third attempt. At about 10 a.m., after being in the air for approximately five minutes, one of the plane's wings clipped the top of the tour bus, breaking the wing into two parts and sending the plane spiraling out of control. The plane then severed the top of a pine tree and crashed into the garage of a nearby mansion, bursting into flames. Rhoads, Aycock and Youngblood were killed instantly.
  4. If the 'big' bands/musicians are having issues with inflation etc... then the bands we love on HH must be seriously hurting considering they have a much smaller fanbase....
  5. I hope the Phillies win since the Astros don't deserve to win another World Series......ever....
  6. Holy shit!...the Phillies are in the World Series....it must be 'end of days'....I knew I should have built a doomsday bunker.....
  7. https://globalnews.ca/news/9214386/future-live-music-in-doubt/
  8. Really enjoyed Rock N Roll Animal so looking forward to a new release....
  9. It highlights the unfortunate fact that democracies seem to elect the biggest morons we can find to represent us politically....
  10. Dead Planet


    The unvaccinated should no longer be disadvantaged in any way now that the majority of people are vaccinated. I get the original panic from authorities and the general populace when they did not know enough about the virus and its transmission and went after those who refused the vax.....I get trying every avenue to convince people to get vaccinated since the health care system (at least in Canada) was overwhelmed and is in a bad way even today....personally I would never have cared if people got the vax but I do care about the health care system collapsing because of covid and the vax did lower the risk of serious illness by a huge margin which took some of the pressure off.... And let us not forget that hindsight is always 20/20 so looking back on the actions of the authorities who were in the middle of a bad situation that they were not prepared for and criticizing their every move may make people feel better but it does nothing to change the past.....the real criticism is that the idiots did not have a comprehensive plan in place to deal with a pandemic and probably still don't have one as politicians tend to react not act.... Obviously the Australian experience is very different from the Canadian or UK or US experience of covid......and I'm not in a position to judge what happened in Australia...
  11. Dead Planet


    The positions on this issue don't change....the same old points being made....trying to change anyone's opinion on covid, restrictions, masking and the vax is a waste of time.....as with most issues these days people believe what they want to believe and cherry pick the 'facts' or articles to support their position...it's starting to feel like a form of desperation tbh.... I started this latest flare up with an article about people refusing blood transfusions because of their unwarranted fears (imo) of the vax and that article was ignored to restart the usual arguments...
  12. You know it's a crazy season when the Giants are 5-1 and the Jets are 4-2.....
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