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Posts posted by JC_AOR

  1. HAREM SCAREM??? Where the fuck did you read that, i am about the biggest hater in the world of comparing bands to other bands, and this is exactly the reason why! dude they dont even sound like HS if HS decided to do Heavy Pop Rock, fuck, WTF?


    I was going to comment on one of your posts recently where you managed to write a whole sentence without using the word fuck. I was impressed. Not that I'm against the use of expletives or anything, not by any means, but you just seem to come across as one angry person when you post on this forum. As for the Harem Scarem link guys, click on the auction link in the first post and you will see that this is who the seller compared them to. It's not my comparison, I'm just trying to guage if it's correct.

  2. Yep, a great band. I picked up my copy of the CD from JB HiFi last week. 'Shout' is the best song on here but in fact the whole disc is pretty good. They sound a bit like Velvet Revolver crossed with Puddle Of Mudd and Juke Cartel if you can imagine that. I'm going to see them live on their album launch in Bris next week. Should be fun.



    yeah, those comparisons surprise me. I can see Juke Kartel in them, but definitely not as grungy as Velvet Revolver. I would think the opposite, a lot more towards the polished side of commercial rock. I can even hear a bit of def lep at times...


    hmm, will have to give it some more plays, didn't get any sort of a def lep vibe though. still, comparisons aside, this CD isn't mind blowing but has some really cool songs and is well worth the $18 it costs to buy.

  3. I didn't find anything about this album comparable to HAREM SCAREM :(

    It's a cool little obscure melodic album though


    Yeah, not too many bands do compare to them...I think that's a fair statement. Found a copy of this CD on-line for cheap so I'll comment further after I've heard it.

  4. Well after having a listen to this album I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. 'Reach Out' and 'Paradise' are both ok. and the title track 'Across the Sea' starts to pick up and become quite enjoyable at the 7:15 mark!!! The rest I probably wouldn't bother to play again. It's not a bad album...just very bland and non exciting. I certainly don't think it's worth more than $15-20.

  5. The Crash Dite tour finally gets announced yay LOL but not good timing for Firefest fans based in Australia.


    Yeah but those going to Firefest get to see Alien play their debut album, that should make up for any disappointment. Not to mention Unruly Child and Silent Rage.

  6. If there is a CD out there of that quality in that era, that no-one on this board has heard of.......


    Well IMO that is 'a zero in 45million rarity'


    Yeah you don't come across too many obscure bands anymore that (1) no one has heard of and (2) that live up to the standard of the best bands of the late 80's and early 90's. I'd like to be proven wrong on this though.

  7. Ok I see - there is a big concert announcement at midnight tonight and so far involves these bands:


    Virginia Killstyx

    Heaven the Axe

    Sunset Riot


    Diamond Sins


    Another band to be announced each hour til midnight.


    Have I got this right?

  8. The Psorce - Across the Sea (1993)




    Track Listing:

    1. Reach Out

    2. Coming Down

    3. Run

    4. When She Cries

    5. Last Night

    6. Paradise

    7. Love Chance

    8. Back Door

    9. Across the Sea


    Band Members:

    Chris Machart (voclas)

    Craig Allen


    Label: Janus Music

    Matrix Code: 123765-R1- * 9402 X 22* DTI / A&R


    I've had this album on my want list for a long time. I know I'm probably dreaming to think I'll find this at an affordable price but that hasn't stopped me looking. I've been searching for a download as well, but have only come across one dead link. Does anyone here actually own this album? Is it really as good as I've been led to believe? From looking at the cover you'd probably be forgiven for thinking this was a progressive rock album, however, apparently this is some very top quaity Melodic Rock/AOR. I'm not exactly sure where they're from but I've been led to believe they might be from Dallas TX or somewhere in that part of the world.


    From a google search I've found that one copy sold for $189 and another copy is on E-Bay right now for $500 Buy It Now.


    Here's a description that I found from endangeredcds auction (the one that sold for $189):


    "Sometimes a CD is so hard to find that it doesn’t even register on the trusted barometers of rarity (i.e. an appearance in the Metal Mayhem collection, a ranking on Heavy Harmonies’ top rarities etc.) Across The Sea by The Psorce can’t be found on either website, and is not among the 45 million listings featured on Musicstack and GEMM either. So this isn’t just a one-in-a-million CD… it’s a zero-in-45-million rarity! You have better chances of winning the lottery than finding this one. But the melodic perfection here will DEFINITELY make you feel like you’re holding a golden ticket… a golden ticket to AOR paradise! Listen to “Reach Out” (click title) for example. Have you ever heard a more perfect example of AOR from an indie/unknown band? I know I haven’t! This mid-tempo track is pure bliss for fans of Diving for Pearls and The Cauze (the U.S. band from 1987). Chris Machart’s voice reminds me of a more AOR James Labrie (maybe from his Winter Rose period) with a healthy dose of Danny Malone (Diving for Pearls) and even Hugo (Valentine, Open Skyz). The track is mid-tempo in that to-die-for “Waiting for Love” (Alias), “New Moon” (Diving for Pearls) and “Every Time You Cry” (Strangeways) style. But this track is merely foreplay for what’s to come. “Coming Down” is a commercial, high-energy rocker similar to Gary Hughes at the top of his game, while “Run” is a pure 80s Night Ranger/Loverboy adrenalin rush! Find me three songs on your favorite U.S. AOR indie and they will pale in comparison. Then comes “When She Cries”, a return to the mid-tempo AOR they do so well. If they say “fortune favors the bold”, then it will take nothing less than your boldest bid to secure this veritable fortune of breath-taking, melt-in-your-mouth AOR. Near MINT throughout… don’t miss one of the best and rarest AOR CDs you will see on eBay in 2008!"


    Anything with a comparison to Diving For Pearls gets my full attention, not to mention the other wonderful bands listed in there. So if anyone is feeling generous and would like to help me out with the MP3's - I'd be a very happy man and would be happy to return the favour. I'd love to hear any thoughts on the disc too.

  9. Thanks so much for your input. We've really been trying to put more effort into the booklets and such and I think the MAJORITY of what we have done in the last 2 years has been better than our "beginnings".


    I always thought PRETTY BOY 'Metro Sessions" was a freaking excellent album and yes , it's been sold out for a couple years now. Nobody had ever emailed me to ask if I was going to re-print it but I think it definitely is time.


    Friction / Rock Boulevard expanded editions is something I am working on....if those guys would ever email me back!!!


    Ummm... what else? Oh yes , so we are going to do this massive expansion in July which will include a mailing list (we've needed to do this forever) and a VIP members 'club' which will give members the opportunity at first dibs for new releases as well as coupons / discounts , for a small yearly fee.


    We are definitely going digital..so people will have the option to download cd's directly.


    And yes , the used cd section of the website is doing quite well but could do better - I hope many of you check it out periodically as the majority of what I am putting up is my private collection which is reasonably priced I think.


    What I haven't done yet is sold off my holy grail of the rarest indies on the planet...I've kept those as my nest egg but I have hundreds of rare cd's sitting here that will eventually go.


    Without a doubt , the rarest cd in my collection is a fantastic Christian AOR gem from 1987 called simply '7'. Yes , '7' self-titled. I have never seen it ANYWHERE , EVER and it's almost as good as the Mastedon material. I would be shocked if that didn't fetch $1000+ but maybe I'm too optimistic. Has anyone else ever heard of that or seen it around?


    I have hundreds of discs like that and I've been extremely reluctant to sell those off.


    Incidently , the website is now getting consistently between 800,000 to 1,000,000 hits per month (I know , not nearly as much as HH but respectable) and I have been considering allowing other private sellers to have their own page dedicated to selling their stuff. Do think this is a good or bad idea and would you consider paying say $50 per year to flog your discs?


    If anyone is interested in doing this , please let me know.


    You know , I don't give kudos enough sometimes where it is due , and I just want to say that although we had a rough start , DAN you are to be well-respected my friend. HH is one of the top sites in the world for OUR music and I don't nearly give you enough credit for your hard work and determination to keep it running...so just know , that even if I am flaky and have some flaws in my world...HH is just an amazing place to be and I'm glad we could put a lot of our B.S. behind us. I don't ever expect you or anyone to trust me 100% but you have always given me a second chance (or third) and I'm glad you did see the good in my intent.


    I would urge people reading this to donate $5 or more to the maintenance of this website as I will shortly. What's $5? For HH , COME ON GUYS!!


    Can you post a pic of the cover of the '7' CD? I'd be keen to see what it looks like.

  10. They were two albums that didn't really need a remaster in the first place. The originals sound great and as far I know are easy enough to get your hands on. I haven't heard the remaster so can't comment on the difference but like Howdy says, the remaster should be the cheaper option. Personally, I'd get the original discs.

  11. Hey Justin, another one for you:


    Amely - 'Hello World' ; another good one, in the stlye of Boys Like Girls mixed with There For Tomorrow, for example. Excellently produced 8 track album without a filler in sight. Not quite in the league of BLG, but a very good little album this one.


    FYI, I'll probably have a few more popping up. As I said in another thread, I went onto Last FM one night and made a list of about 50 bands that sounded like something I might like. I bought what physical copies I could from Secondspin and then downloaded most the download only ones and a few others. So, even though that's quite a list to get started above, I still have at least that many CDs to get through, and probably even more unheard downloads. ;) Who knows, maybe the rest is rubbish, but I'll find out... eventually, and let you know.


    Excellent, keep 'em coming... I've been tracking down everything you recommended so far (in one form or another). The few I have heard so far have been really catchy. I can't stop playing the two albums by The Maine at the moment so I'll try and listen to some of these new recommendations on my days off.

  12. Hey Lindsay, the Dixons Recycled stores are the best for 2nd hand stuff IMO. There is one in Fitzroy which is easy to get to on the trams and the one in Camberwell is easy to access by train from the city. I'd say they Camberwell one is slighty better as I normally find a lot of Frontiers Records CD's 2nd hand as well as other bits and pieces but I do recall the Fitzroy store having a lot more 2nd hand glam/punk stuff that would be more what you're after. I've been to the Blackburn store once as well which is probably the best of them, it's pretty huge, but it's a bit out of the way and a longer train ride to get there.

  13. This post is pretty much for Justin, Shamus and Night Train only... and if there's any other members out there with a hidden love for modern rock bands along the lines of Boys Like Girls and Forever The Sickest Kids etc. The more pop rock side of the spectrum is what I speak of.


    I recently did a bit of a search on Last FM to find some similar bands, and I must admit that - even only halfway through my results - I have been very successful. The bad news? A LOT of these are EPs. The worse news. A lot of them are digitial only. But not all of them. Check these doods out, doods. Stick with me too if my memory is a little dodgy:


    My Girl Friday - We are... ; this was superb! I think it had quite a few songs too, maybe 7 or so. Close to a full album. But these dudes are right up there with the real good 'uns. All the songs, I believe, were great.


    Out of Sight - Where do we go from here ; can't remember specifically, but this was a good one too.


    Parade the Day - To keep us moving EP ; very nice EP.


    Racing Kites - Be my runaway EP, Right here right now EP, We hold it all together EP ; only heard a couple of their songs but they sound very impressive too


    Runner Runner - s/t ; loved this one. They have a s/t album but also s/t demo or EP... got a few songs mixed up in terms of sound quality, but these guys are good.


    Save your Breath - Nothing worth having comes easy EP ; loved this one. A bit more balls with these guys, and it's only a short EP... but very impressive.


    Summerlin - So make your move EP ; probably my favourite of the lot. Looks like they have an album due soon, but these guys are killer.


    Valet Parking - Blackout ; another very good one. Not quite as dynamic as a few of these, but a real good feel to them if you like this style.


    Call the Cops - s/t ; a bit more of those pesky dance beat in this one. I have this album coming to me in the mail so I'll make a final call on just how significant the dance influence is... but songwise they sounded good.


    Late Night Habit - The single life EP ; another good one. Probably the least spectacular of the lot, but a good band. Worth checking out.


    Good luck doods, hope you find something good in this lot... there's some real good 'uns. Especially Summerlin and My Girl Friday.


    Cool, thanks for the recommendations. I've tracked down most of these now and will let you know what I think. You're right though, only three of these I could find on CD, the rest downloads only. With the band Sve Your Breath, I found a 2011 release called 'Vices' with 11 tracks. Playing it now.

  14. Yeah, I've got to agree with your comments above Geoff, I just picked up all three discs. The EP doesn't do much for me but the two albums are pretty damn good, especially 'Black & White'. There's nothing heavy about them, just good catchy modern pop rock tunes. Good stuff.

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