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Everything posted by Leykis101

  1. No I never once claimed I knew any of the answers, didnt you read what I said? I claim one thing, I dont know, read that, I dont know, but unlike most people I dont clip some wacky explanation to it, im fine not knowing, nobody on this planet knows, thats fact, and yes until I have proof my mind is closed, just as closed as yours is to the opposite being the case, I think if anyone is closed minded it's the religious, you dont see many atheists strapping dynamite to themselves and blowing themselves up in the name of nobody, do you?
  2. Perhaps that's cause you think about what we think wrong, an accident has nothing to do with anything, an accident requires there to be a preset intention behind it, no Atheists I know believe it's an accident, you know the only thing Atheists all have in common is we do not subscribe to the myth of the deity, god or higher power, of any kind, this is it, then we are worm food, not all Atheists subscribe to the same meaning or philosophy, we don't all believe in the same science, or anything, I personally feel as though (this might fly over your head even as simple as it is) I believe we are a mathematical equation, everything just happened to line up right and all the elements it took to kick start life, they all happened, look around, look at the universe, everything is dead, life only exists, here, that we know of, and I don't do hypothetical, I also believe life may not be as important as we believe it is, I mean of course we think it's the greatest thing around, cause without it then we don't exist, but you ever thought maybe in the big scheme of things, it's not that relevant, Ive also wondered if it's maybe antiquated in aspect of the universe, maybe life was something primitive, and we are the last, maybe we are the first, what I do know is as young as 5 yrs old i was dragged to the Mormon church, and I never ever ever believed in any of it, not once, I thought adults were fucking psychos, everything about it sounded suspect from day 1 to a 5 yr old boy, and Ive never seen or met anyone who was dead, lots of people have and they have places for those poor people, I believe it was made up by a bunch of guys, either to fill the vacuum not knowing about shit, or it was made to control the morons, watch Book of Eli, I still celebrate Xmas, it's a holiday, it's the winter solstice, it's a time to be with your family if you have any, if not then it's a time to hang out with friends, it's the biggest consumer spending day, you don't gotta believe in spaghetti monsters in the sky to have a great time at Xmas, just let yourself enjoy it for what it is and not hook some fairy tale to it.
  3. its hard to say what the best cast was, how many legends have come from that original cast, but just the same those 1988 to about 1995 years just saw a steady stream of legends as well, Phil Hartman, Dennis Miller, just as they left Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, all those guys, I think the last funny cast they had was Will Ferrels, though Andy Samberg does crack me up.
  4. Does anybody remember when SNL was actually funny? I was in the 7th grade and I'd record it every week, Ive looked for a long time for many of the truly funny skits from this time, and now ive started to find some, bet they couldnt get away with this again.
  5. Leykis101


    If you are on FB go to my profile in the pictures and look at my daughters mom, she's about the most Irish looking girl ive ever met who isnt straight ginger
  6. Leykis101


    I was referring to pussy
  7. At least you get it, I said that to show It was all good, business as usual.
  8. Leykis101


    The Aussies right, this is against the rules, this is a no crossover thread
  9. No he can push all he wants, he can bitch and fight and argue, and say the most insane liberal shit he can think of, but first this morning I had to fucking hear it from Karisa, then I get on here to escape her and Glens being a disrespectful motherfucker, we can talk shit, and insult each other, and clown and make fun, and be mean as we want, but when you start talking to me like im a fucking punk then my attitude will follow suit, Ive gone above and beyond to treat HH community with respect and I am about as laid back as your going to find me on here, but if we are gonna be mean, then just get it out in the open, cause I got zero problem with mean, but dont think for a second im not gonna be mean back, theres a huge line between trolling and talking to someone like their a bitch, trust me I know, I do both daily, this is the last im going to say about this, this is my position, so laugh it up, make your jokes, talk your shit, then drop it, fuckin liberals, lol
  10. Ya know Glen I'm pretty patient and have never been disrespectful to you in the least, I always just assumed you just like to argue, but your kind of getting a disrespectful tone lately, and now im getting a little bit salty, you don't have to fucking respond to anything, for somebody who doesn't give a fuck your on here arguing more then anybody, I don't give a fuck what you have to do on your phone, and I think you need to figure something else out, cause Ive been a part of this community just as long as you have, and until told other wise I have just as much respect with the fellow forum members as you do, and your the only one on here constantly battling me, your the only one, everyone else discusses it with me, now Dan never notified me that he made you the thread monitor, so until I get Dan's memo, how about I'll post whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, if you want to engage feel free, if not go fuck yourself, but this disrespectful attitude your starting to get with me aint gonna go well, if you want to get disrespectful I assure you I can be every bit of a cocksucker as you are, and Ive chose not to be up until right now, think long and hard before you go down this path with me, because you'll never post another thing on this board without me right behind it, making sure you know I don't give a fuck what your posting about but you keep posting so I have to keep responding, it's up to you, but im not your fucking bitch or your fucking punk, and you aint gonna fucking talk to me like one, fucking little bitch
  11. Bro, that's fucked up, Ants can take it no problem, bed bugs can barely get their jaws over it,
  12. Well then you just admitted to starting a thread, don't do it, because if you have any political opinions that aren't do as I say and fall in line, then your a conspiracy theorist, cause the government the cdc, and the msm would never lie to you or lead you astray, they are all on the up and up, I think im going to put together an indisputable montage of all the contradictions and lies that have been spouted, and then nobody can say a word, except damn!
  13. stop responding and i'll stop creating! for someone who cares nothing about the USA or anything going on it, you sure seem to know the climate around here, you been flying in for some demonstrations? you make it sound like I'm way out there, when Ive been pretty damn accurate on everything ive said, but I forgot your the guy who says just get vaxed, cause they say it works, whats it gonna harm, It kind of seems your a little bit deluded, kind of a yes man, or in the US Ight Massa
  14. I posted a a thread on them a little while back, their fucking ridiculous, their leader just went to prison, they claim to be ex military and so far 2 members have accidentally shot themselves, their almost comical, turns out like 2 of them were military, dishonorably discharged, the rest are just criminals, a bunch of them got popped carrying guns around as felons, their a fucking joke. Page 5 on the PBs thread, there's even a 19 second clip of one of the geniuses shooting themselves in the foot
  15. Do you Aussies have race baiters? or does your media brainwash the stupid in your country to believe everyones against them? what really sucks is the further the left go left, the more it pushes me right, because they lie about shit, like totally just make shit up, did you know more then half of the country who were involved in the shit with Kyle Rittenhouse had no clue he didnt kill black people? read that again, because of CNN and Msnbc they had no clue no black people were killed, think about that for a minute, thats fucking dangerous,, they are preying on stupid people, how hard is it to read the facts of the case,, this is why you havent seen more widespread violence over it, did you know theres a black armed militia in front of the Georgia courthouse who have called for and made violent threats if Ahmed Arbury's killers are found not guilty, but the garbage mouthpiece for the white house went out yesterday and called the Proud Boys by name as one of the most violent white supremacist militias in the world who are causing all the violence in the US? we are a beer drinking club, nothing more, and when stupid people hear that they believe it, what do you think would happen if the proud boys showed up in front of the Georgia courthouse armed in full combat gear, and threatened violence? dude this Government is going to start a civil war.
  16. and their appearance on the late late show
  17. I found a documentary and it's fucking awesome, IDK if theres even any fans on here but I fucking love these guys.
  18. Im sure you know by now, it is heartbreaking, youtube just gave me a strike for posting this video, what do you think about that?
  19. Well Glen, I talk about it on all kinds of forums, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, I don't use the music forums music boards to discuss it, I use the Flamefest board, isn't that what it's for? if im incorrect well just let me know, but as you can see most people who are not in the US are the ones who discuss it with me, some of them are sincerely interested in this shit, just cause your not doesn't mean nobody is, many of them only get one side of the news, like yourself I assume, Dusty posted a perfect example of just how fucking wack the MSM is, just because you don't care my country is about to break out into a civil war, or you don't want to believe that or whatever, doesn't make its untrue, and just cause you don't understand whats going on, don't mean it don't make no sense, and just cause you don't like it don't mean it aint no good, and b4 you take a walk in my world, you better take a look in the real world, cause this aint no Mr. rogers neighborhood, can you say feel like shit? yeah maybe sometimes I do feel shit, I aint happy about it but id rather feel like shit then be full of shit, and if I offend you well maybe you need to be offended, well heres my apology, and one more thing, FUCK YOU!!! LOL
  20. This is the greatest thing ive ever seen, it appears russian soccer hooligans go out in the forest and handle business, classic seriously go watch this, its awesome
  21. But you responded to it. Whats paranoid about it? burying my head in the sand and pretending life is going on? sorry we all dont sit back in our stable government and joke about and laugh off shit going on in other country's, hey isnt that the same thing you brits are always talking shit on Americans for doing??? interesting. BTW, why are you so upset, because everything im saying is right? that shouldnt be the reason to hate on someone, that should be your cue to wise up, I know what the fuck im talking about, you dont.
  22. What did I say about politics? I said it WASNT ABOUT POLITICS! sadly most everything here is politics, if you like it or not, this dude wasnt fleeing anything, I dont know where you got that, thats not the case, they dont know or their not saying, which means theres a reason their not, but see I know, he was fleeing white supremacy, you dont find it odd at all, Kyle Rittenhouse was white supremacy when it was a white guy, killing 2 white guys, with a white prosecutor, and a white judge, but it was racist and white supremacy, nothing about that makes you pause? probably not, you dont understand alot of the things I rail on, you almost act dismissive like Im just babbling on about shit that ive made up or something. like I just draw out scenarios and talk about them, and theres absolutely nothing to any of it, I find that very strange
  23. Fleeing Police? I don't see any police behind him, plus to get into this parade, he had to maneuver around several different barriers, and how many times do you see anyone flee from anything by driving their SUV directly into a gigantic crowd of people? BTW im not making it political, far as I'm concerned politics has nothing to do with it any longer, wouldn't you know my contact was right, this is black fucking trash, who bailed out of jail last Friday, so I guess it's still white supremacy right? BTW, wouldn't smart people who truly feared white supremacy be a little bit more careful about throwing that term around? I mean just common sense would say if white people are 70% of the population, then that makes me a huge minority, I mean I understand their aversion to math, but I'm not buying the bullshit anymore, they managed to make Kyle Rittenhouse's entire case about them, and there wasn't even a fucking black involved in it, it was all white, enough's enough.. or Enuff z Nuff
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