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Posts posted by PeterS

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

    Like I said, I have kidney failure, if I get it supposedly im a gonner, but I'm not going to spend the time I do have left in hiding, doesnt seem to be an even takeaway for me.

    My children’s maternal grandmother at 80 and with asthma got it and survived.

    Nothing is guaranteed but you can play with the odds. 




  2. 4 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Just putting a really quick thing out there. Firstly, I don't know why non-Americans are even posting in this thread, but oh well, it is what it is. But whilst on a subject above, a quick observation I've noticed in recent years;

    For me the "left" appear to be those who find fact in mainstream media and then repeat this alleged fact as fact and believe that anyone who disagrees is a moron. 

    And for me, the "right" is people who think for themselves. 

    That's not meant to be harsh or evil, and I'm not saying one side is "correct" or "wrong." It's just how I see it, and obviously you can't make a blanket statement to include everyone in such sweeping statements. But, based on the overwhelming majority of things I see and read from each side of the argument, this is very much how it comes across to me. 

    Interlude over.

    Continue your talk about an election in a country that less than half the people in this thread seem to actually be from. ;) Yep,  you guessed it, I give about as many fucks about a US election as I do about removing that 72nd hair from my ballsack. 

    My observation is the opposite about left and right but the definition of a fact seems unclear to many. ANY mainstream media’s not the place for fully verifiable facts though.


    If the US weren’t so powerful and have  such a big impact on the rest of

    the world we probably wouldn’t care . Take The EU UK relationship now . Boris is clearly waiting on the result to make his final decision about what he wants until after the US election is decided.


    Would be really nice to just ignore the US until they’ve sorted their shit out in 20 years but the world is truly small now.

  3. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    CNN is always been accused of being democrat but I've watched some of their reporting (Plus Fox & UK BBC) and found it to be pretty balanced actually.

    The numbers reporting is v insightful , the panel has had democrats & republicans plus the interviews were with a lot of republicans and they showed the whole of Trumps speech

    Embarrassing and disgraceful as it was. 

    Bias for many people actually means not reporting things with my bias.

    BBC is still my favorite as both the left and right complain about it so it’s probably mainly doing something well.




  4. 2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    What's more worrying and more of a danger to Democracy?

    A President who sometimes spouts idiotic rubbish or Major News Networks who have decided that they're the judges of what the American people hear?

    Cutting off the President's address because they didn't agree with him is beyond outrageous. The media should stick to reporting and let their viewers decide who's talking shit or not.

    Anybody who thinks the media has no influence is kidding themselves.



    Oh, he who controls the media controls the mind. Which is why Trump has loved Twitter and continues to use propaganda as well as anybody since the little mustached guy who wandered the streets here 80 years ago. 

    I actually agree about news v comment. The advent of 24 hour news has not helped the cause and 'news' standards are at a pretty low level right now. And though most of you won't agree Tucker Carlson and co are right at the head of that. And I do think there is a place for all that but it shoudn't be on something called 'News'. 

    News and politicians should also be kept as far apart as possible. The problem is we watch it and if we watch it those companies make money. It's certainly why I have deep concerns about people moving between journalism and politics without a blink of an eye. And that's bi-partisan. Media ownership also should not be held by politicians. 

    The information we get has always been bias but right now it seems we're at a low ebb. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Mafisen said:

    @Glen You're a beacon of light, sanity and intellect in this thread. Never realised this place was so full of Alex Jones clones. 

    Is it possible to delete ones account? If not, if an admin could do it for me, I'd be thankful. 


    That would be sad. 

    There's some really disappointing responses at times on here but it's about as close as I've seen to people from either side almost having a conversation.  If there is no conversation this situation will not get any better. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    be thankful

    yesterday we had over 35000 cases and nearly 400 deaths which could have been avoided if people had followed the rules.

    now we enter 4 weeks of lockdown again or else our ICU will be overrun and even more people will die.

    Plus other patients will cancer will miss out on operations leading to further tradegy behind the scenes

    And I called trump a dictator for good reason. If I go down the whole system goes down with me - recount for sure, calling fraud is a disgrace 

    Right. One of my best friend's has breast cancer. If anybody on Chemo gets it then it's a super high risk as the immune system is servery compromised. I'm super worried about her. 

  7. 35 minutes ago, Glen said:

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/election-us-2020-54786937?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=5fa5007549467302d61cf354%26Trump doubles down on unsubstantiated fraud claims%262020-11-06T08%3A02%3A33.909Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:0b51c3ce-b7ee-4968-98c0-c69313a5b3a5&pinned_post_asset_id=5fa5007549467302d61cf354&pinned_post_type=share


    utterly ridiculous claim. So every counter in every county of the affected states is in on the fraud.

    BUT only in those states lol. All the other states are fine.

    And Arizona where he is gaining votes is now miraculously ok despite asking for the count to stop when Biden was stretching his lead.

    The man has lost his mind 

    desperate and sad.

    ask for recounts by all means if it's close - say less than 1000 votes - but stop calling this fraud 

    He's not lost his mind. He knows exactly what he's doing. Which is why there are requests to stop the count where he's slightly ahead and it's the end of democracy if there isn't a recount where he's slightly behind. 

    Should be fairly simple. Complete the count and if it's really close do a recount to make sure. Keep the politicians and lawyers away. 


    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Glen said:

    he is wrong and desperate.

    I watched last night several of the attorney Generals describe the process and it seems virtually impossible to be fraudulent. 

    very clear process being carefully carried out.

    trump was aware of the mail in ballots and the parameters of acceptance for each state.

    rather than riling the populace with outrageous claims and pointless threats of legal action he should allow the counts to be completed and see where everything lands.

    whoever ends up the loser (and it could still go either way) should then either accept or move to recount.

    his speeches are not doing him or your country any favours.



    I smell gas. 

  9. You're soooo close but still have your right wing chip on the shoulder. 

    The problem isn't left wing media. It's all media and the politics being buyable. Politics is not about what the people want. It's all about what corporate interests want. And the way it's set up that's no surprise. The politicians have to go out and raise funds. Corporates aren't giving money for a warm fuzzy feeling. 


  10. 2 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    Strangely, I've never really thought of "Soundgarden" as Grunge.


    Lots and lots of classic rock influences in there like Sabbath. 

    There are two videos I remember seeing for the first time on MTV and then sitting and watching time and time again on tape. Guns and Roses - Welcome to the jungle and Soundgarden - Hands all over. To this day two songs I can still play on loop all day and not get bored. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Dead Planet said:

    Despite complaints of late mail in votes not being counted and voter suppression in some areas, the bottom line is that the American people will make their choice today and considering the amazing amount of votes that have already been cast (100 million or so) I expect a fair and reasonable outcome...so whether it is Trump or Biden, there should be no reason for anyone to lose their shit....

    I agree with a previous post about the US needing a third party ... a centrist party that takes the best from both the Dems and Reps ... I think such a party would have a good chance at power and the end result would be more common sense from the other 2 parties as they would hemorrhage votes to a centrist party.....


    When I moved to Germany I was totally confused by the political system here but it does something the UK and US don't. You have to gather consensus and make reasonable compromises. 

    The idea that a whole population's views are fairly covered by two parties is ridiculous but we continue to live with them because the parties in power don't want to lose that power. It's really not about the 'will of the people'. 


  12. Biden victory followed by peace , love and respect. 


    Only joking , it's going to be a shit show with violence never seen before in the US after an election. 

    If Trump loses we'll see a scorched earth policy and they'll see the smoke from the document burn in San Fransisco. 

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