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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 1 hour ago, lettard said:

    Without doubt, amore consistent band ,Shiraz had something going with Carnival Days/Vibration but for me didnt carry it on to the Shades album :( 

    Agree 100%.  That Shades album will go down as one of my most disappointing albums ever.  I had such high expectations after Carnival Days and Vibration but they were blown out of the water as i didn't like much about Shades at all outside of maybe Scream.

  2. My CD showed up today....loving it!!!

    Digging the overall sound...Chris Laney nailed it IMO!  Just has a bigger sound to me than their previous stuff and a cool, retro vibe to it all.

    Standout tracks for me so in addition to the singles are the opener Ready to Go and the closer Like There's No Tomorrow.

    Probably no surprise but easily slotting into my #1 spot so far this year ahead of the Defiants.


  3. 1 hour ago, Glen said:

    I like it all except Miracle 


    I don't hate Miracle...It's okay I guess.  But I've taken that song out of the Spotify playlist as it's pretty boring and a momentum killer.

    The album flows much better with that song removed IMO.

  4. 4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    I think it all boils down to this.

    The Republican Candidate will be Trump.

    The Election will be decided on whether you're pro Trump or anti Trump.

    It doesn't matter who the Democratic Candidate is.

    If you're a Trump supporter, you'll vote for him regardless. 

    If you're not, then even if the Democratic Candidate is Kim Kardashian, you'll still give her you're vote over Trump.

    I think the biggest boost to Trump's 2024 campaign has been the absolute shit show that is the Biden administration. 


    Absolutely no doubt that this Biden administration has been one of the worst Presidencies I can remember.  Honestly, the last 2 Presidencies have both been about as bad as I can ever remember....both absolute shit shows in different ways.

    Like you said though, the only reason Biden won was because he wasn't Trump.  People were just tired of the Trump circus.

    It's just sad what the Presidency has turned into in this Country and it's too bad no competent people are interested in the position.  It feel like it used to be something people strived to achieve and now nobody even wants the job.  


  5. 8 minutes ago, zacharyamelie said:

    I know people are excited about Nuno shredding it on the new Extreme…is it just me or is Rob bringing the shred to whole new level on this release compared the first two albums? 

    Agree.  Killer guitar work on this and basically every song has hooks of some kind.  Even Miracle, which is probably my least favorite song here, still has plenty of melodies and hooks in a Def Leppard kind of way which still keeps it somewhat interesting.

    For me this definitely betters their last album.

    • Like 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Always...but more reason to today :) 

    Got it on now...4 tracks in...excellent...but I won't dabble/spoil it for anyone...anyone interested should have it in a few hours as you said :drink:

    It's fantastic!  :drink:

    My initial favorites would be 19 Summertime, Go Big Or Go Home, Against The Grain, So Good and Love Don't Live Here Anymore.  But there's no bad songs here and I just dig the attention to detail these guys have in their songs.

    For me, this definitely reminds me much more of their debut than their second album style, theme & quality wise.  Listening to this reminds me of songs like Take Me Back, Last Kiss, Underneath The Stars, etc. 

    Very easily slots into my #1 spot so far this year.  We'll see if Midnite City can challenge it in a couple weeks. 


    • Like 2
  7. 30 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

    Just listened to this on YouTube after someone posted a topic in the AOR/hard rock forum ... I listened to these guys back in the day but gave up after second album as they were good but not great.

    This song though, holy shit its good. Defo moved away from metal to hard rock for this song at least.

    Agree.  Dig this tune.

    And have been playing the heck out of their When Legends Rise album lately after giving that album a chance recently.  That whole album is some excellent modern melodic hard rock that I never paid any attention to when it came out back in 2018.  I don't remember what my top 10 list looked like back in that year but that album should've been on it.

    I'm still struggling with a lot of their older stuff as it just has too much of that angry, modern metal vibe for me.  But their more commercial approach on their recent albums sounds good to me.

  8. On 6/3/2023 at 1:00 PM, nyoilers said:

    I probably have all their releases and have seen them live 3 times. Sully Erna is a very talented musician.

    When Legends Rise is closer to hard rock than their other releases. I think that their top releases are the self titled release9 which is their 1st) , and The Oracle. If you like instrumentals listen to the song The Oracle.

    I think I'm digging When Legends Rise so much probably because it's more hard rock than some of their other stuff.  Really good melodic hard rock album IMO.

    Slowly checking out some of their other stuff and finding some good songs but some of it gets too modern metalish for me.  The newest album isn't too bad but for my tastes the When Legends Rise album seems to be my favorite release of theirs.




  9. I know I'm 5 yeas late lol but just wanted to see what people thought about this album as I've been listening to it recently.

    First off, I was never into Godsmack.  I mostly thought they were just modern heavy metal and I never paid much attention to anything they did as a result as that' genre just mostly isn't my cup of tea.  However, I heard a couple songs from the When Legends Rise album on a local radio station that I liked (title track and Bulletproof) so thought I'd give the album a listen while I'm waiting for a barrage of new albums to start hitting.

    Anyways, I've been digging the album.  The first 5 tunes are some catchy modern hard rock and Under Your Scars is a well done ballad that really surprised me with the orchestration.  The album loses some steam after that but the first half is very good.

    In reading some reviews, it seems like this is probably their most "commercial" album and not sure I'll find much more in their catalog that will grab me.  I've tried their newest album and while there's a couple good tunes with Soul on Fire being my favorite, it's not grabbing me nearly as much as When Legends Rise.

    I'll probably investigate their catalog a little bit more but not sure I'll find much.  Either way, been digging this album for a change of pace.


    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, zacharyamelie said:

    The newest track has all the hallmarks of a hit. Great vocals!

    I like that song....good tune and nice contrast to the other singles released so far.  Reminds me a bit of the early 80's and sounds like something bands like Kansas or .38 Special might've done.

    I've never been much into Extreme but planning to check out the new album as the new songs all sound pretty good to me.


    • Like 1
  11. Appears the standard CD release of this is a digipak.  It's listed as a digi both on the bands web shop and on the Frontiers web site.

    Wonder why?  Frontiers generally always uses jewel cases unless it's a double CD release.

    I'm to the point where I'm passing on CD's that are in digipaks these days I dislike them so much.  Guess I'll have to look to Japan if I decide to buy this.  

  12. Gave this a listen jut so that I could say I did.  And basically dislike it as much as I thought I would.

    First the positive...There are maybe one or two songs I do like better than the originals....Goodbye For Good This Time and Angels (Can't Help You Now).  The both sound much improved to me, especially GFGTT.  Now granted, those two songs were among my least favorite songs on the last album but a lot of that was because I just thought they were very boring as piano ballads.  I feel like the orchestrated version suits those songs well and they probably would've been better off if they had been done that way to begin with.

    As for the rest, it mostly just feels like excessive sound to me and is just too busy.  I mean, if these were the first versions of Animal, Sugar, etc. that were released back in the day, would they have ever been massive hits?  I think not.  Nice novelty I guess but not something I'll revisit.


  13. 5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    It's a half decent album with a few solid tracks in the top half. Probably 4 or 5 make it to my annual playlist and I'll be 100% honest - they're pretty borderline and as is very rarely the instance, the band name probably gets the tracks over the line more than their individual excellence. 

    And I have to say it. I know it'll annoy people, but I can't un-hear it. It's not a bad production job, but I don't like it. I especially don't like the fact that their album from 30 years ago, sonically, sounds 100 times better than this. And so do the albums 33 and 35 years older than this. 

    It'd actually make a decent topic. Should an album with a big recording budget from 1988 sound better than an album in 2023, considering the advancements in those 35 years? And I don't know the actual answer. What I do know is that bands with much smaller budgets seem to be able to make albums that sound 10 times better than this. So why are Winger, who sounded amazing back in the day, so content to sound so "budget" these days? This album's half decent, but get Bruno Ravel or basically anyone half decent at their job to produce this and give it the punch it deserves, and you probably have a far better album on your hands immediately. Imagine 'Proud Desperado' with the production job of The Defiants. 

    Anyway, just my personal gripe. I know 99% of people haven't even thought about the production job yet, but for me, personally, it sticks out clear as day. Song-wise, the album is okay. 


    Agree with you on the production.  I had heard the same thing but thought it was just me.  It's not terrible production but it definitely lacks punch and kind of has a little bit of dullness or something.....Kind a hard to put a finger on it.   I'm hearing the same sort of thing on the new Extreme songs I've heard....Just kind of lacking punch and clarity.  Granted, maybe some of that is due to lower quality streams or something but the Defiants sound fine to me on the same streaming.  The Defiants is a nice example.  When I listen to their new songs, they just have a nice crisp, clear, vibrant sound to them.

    Overall though, don't feel like the production on Winger is swaying my opinion any.  I think it's just more that the songs just aren't that interesting and catchy. 


  14. Huge Def Leppard fan but I can't say I'm very interested in this and haven't cared for the songs I've heard so far.

    I think part of my problem is that the originals are just too ingrained in my mind.   To me the two songs I've heard sound like much lesser versions of the original.   I don't mind orchestration when it's tastefully inserted into a song to enhance it but the orchestration has taken over these songs too much for my liking.

    That said, some of the ballads might work better for me and it could be interesting to hear songs like Bringin' on the Heartbreak, Too Late For Love, Love Bites, etc.  Something tells me I'll still much prefer the original versions though.

    I think this would be more appealing if they had just done a live performance with the Orchestra and recorded it for a Live CD/DVD.  They'll probably still do that at some point though.

  15. Have listened through the new album a couple times....not mind blowing but pretty decent overall and feels like a nice comeback album for them at this stage.  The last couple singles released were mid tempo type songs but those are the only two like that on the album.  The rest of the album are rockers more in line with the first single Had Enough.

    I'd say my early favorites here are probably Nothing Left But Goodbye and When The Lights Go Down. 

    I do have to say it feels to me like the album has a nice sound and does a good job sort of staying true to their classic sound but at the same time having a modern touch to it.  And Mark Evans' vocals sound really good to me.

    The only thing maybe holding it back for me is I wish there were a couple big, catchy melodic rockers like Find Another Way or Come Play The Game here.  And maybe a lighters in the air ballad like Hold On To Tonight or Just Another Fire.    

    Either way though, decent stuff and definitely light years better than Roxy Blue's comeback album! :lol:

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