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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. On 6/18/2022 at 6:49 PM, Glen said:

    surely a digipak is more expense?? It usually has more artwork, sometimes opens 2 ways and still has the standard booklet.

    The plastic case is manufactured for peanuts, and then they just tuck the same booklet in it??? 

    even though you might not like them I would say more effort and cost goes into a digipak

    Agree.  I think I read somewhere that they're a little more costly to manufacture than traditional jewel cases which baffles me even more as to why labels use them.

    On 6/19/2022 at 7:16 AM, nyoilers said:

    A digipak is the same form and size as a standard CD Jewel Case, however it is made mostly from environmentally friendly board. The difference with a digipak is that the CD wallet/jacket has a plastic tray which the disc snaps into – overall it is a sturdier product. 

    Yeah, I can see that they're more durable in the short term as they won't crack if you drop them.  But if I crack a CD case, it's easy enough to replace it and have a brand new CD again.  Once those digipak spines start cracking and showing wear though....or those corners get bent, it's over and there's no replacing it.

    Granted, much of my disdain comes from the days when I was grabbing 3-4 CD's and chucking them in my car's glove compartment or something while I listened to them in the car.  I'm not doing that anymore so I'm sure digi's would hold up better for me.

    Still don't like them though and there's been plenty of CD's I've skipped buying solely because they were a digipak.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, auslander said:

    Personally I much prefer jewel cases over the often flimsy and easily damaged digipaks.

    I pretty much refuse to buy digipaks.  I just mainly stream these days anyways so the CD's I do buy are more of just a collectible than anything else.  

    I'd rather pay $30-$40 for a japan CD in a jewel case than $15-$20 for a crappy digipak.

    For the most part, if a band label can't bother with jewel cases, then I can't bother with buying it.


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  3. On 6/15/2022 at 2:55 AM, Glen said:

    that's about it. Leaning towards the 2nd record rather than the debut so it's not doing much for me 

    Kind of where I'm at too.

    Basically, sounds fine and the heaviness is cool but at the same time just not all that catchy and not sure it has much replay value for me.  And that's basically exactly how I ended up feeling about their second album.

    I hate to say it knowing Ronnie's situation but I think part of my problem also might be that I'm just a bit saturated on his stuff.  I mean, there was plenty of Pretty Maids music, 2 solo albums recently, the 2 Nordic Union albums...and now another Nordic Union album. 

    I'll definitely still check the album out though and I'm sure there will be some good stuff on it but it's not overly exciting me at the moment.  

  4. 14 hours ago, lecko said:

    For me it is still to early for full review. I would say that the top songs here are not so good as the top 4-5 songs on self titled. But I think the less good songs here are more interesitng and demand more effort then the less good songs on prevoious one. But I just dont get reviews that say...Allison Kraus songs I just skip ? Back in the day when you waited months to buy just one LP or CD, there was no skipping. You listned to the songs you didnt like for days, weeks until you hopefully liked them more. So if you have an open mind and listen to song  like Lifeless, it has one of the more catchy pop choruses they wrote recently. I struggle more with piano ballads, not because of arrangments or piano but because they have not really memorale verses or choruses.I like rockers more, all are nice listen but almost nothin stands really special. Top tracks maybe Kick, and then From here to Eternity.

    It's kind of the opposite for me lol.  I honestly struggle to pick 5 songs combined from their last 2 albums that I like as much as my top 5 songs here.  

    My top 5 here are Take What You Want, Kick, SOS Emergency, Gimme A Kiss and Fire It Up.  I just really dig these tunes and they're exactly what I want from Def Leppard....just fun, catchy, melodic tunes with some Def Leppard sounding harmonies and guitars.....They all just work for me and really like all these songs.

    On their last album, I had Dangerous and Wings of An Angel that I loved and that was it.  In fact, those are the only 2 songs that have survived into my playlists.  And from Sparkle, I have the Joe only version of Nine Lives and Tomorrow in my playlist currently.  I kind of like Go too but that's really about it. 

    I'm struggling with the piano ballads mightily though for the same reasons as you.  I just basically find the songs boring and they're definitely missing something.  First of all, only need 1 piano ballad like that on an album.  And I wish they would've just expanded one of those songs into something like a November Rain from GNR where it sort of explodes a bit more.

    As for the Krauss tunes, they just aren't for me.  It's not her that I don't care for as I think she sounds perfectly fine in the songs and she does add to the tunes.  But the arrangements are just too Country for me and turn me off almost immediately. There's decent tunes there but they both needed to be "rocked" up a bit with more electric stuff going on or something for me.

    Overall, I'm enjoying the album though and IMO it still feels like some combination of the Slang, Euphoria and X albums to me.  



    • Like 2
  5. 50 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Out of curiosity, is this over for everyone else, or is it just a common acceptance that the misery is permanent? 

    I actually want to slice people's throats when I hear people say that everything is back to normal, which to me just means they've accepted everything that is not at all "back to normal" because they're already so conditioned to it that it just seems normal now. 

    It is June 2022 and from the moment I arrive at the train station in the morning, it is mandatory that I must wear a face mask for the next nine and a half hours of my day, in June 2022. For what reason the maggots are still trying to press, I will leave up to you. I honestly believe they don't even need a reason anymore and their reason honestly is, "well they're all just fucking idiots so they'll just do it anyway, so why change anything?" It's the only way I can see how this continues. 

    To me, as someone with half a mind, I look at Australia and to me it looks like covid was the best time in Australian history, and most mindless maggots want to keep it alive as much as possible because it was such a good time. Where masks are not mandatory, the braindead idiots of Australia have made them mandatory. I still see people checking into places. People recoiling when I am near them without my stupid fucking mask. Countless pieces of shit driving alone in their car with a mask, or walking alone on empty streets with one on. 

    Is it like this elsewhere... are there actually places on earth that have moved on from this, properly, or is everywhere still like this shithole of a country? 

    At least around me here in the USA, I'd say most everybody I see just doesn't care anymore.

    I mean, everybody is either vaccinated and knows they've done what they can do and most likely this Covid thing will amount to nothing more than a cold for them even if they do get it.  Or they're unvaccinated and still don't care and just want to go about their business and let the chips fall where they may.

    It all adds up to basically a bunch of we've had enough.  Personally, my feelings are that I'll get my annual booster or whatever I need to try and protect myself but otherwise I want to live my life free of restrictions and cancellations for something now that doesn't feel much different than a common cold or annual flu.

    If you ask me, there are much bigger problems here in the US than Covid.  There's social unrest with senseless violence everywhere you look and the economy is in shambles.  Gas prices are killing people's disposable income and we've watched our savings and retirement accounts plummet in the past 6 months or so with the downturn in the economy.  Basically, everybody I talk to is just unhappy and complaining and it's downright depressing.


  6. Have heard the album and like it.  Basically for me there's 5 excellent catchy, melodic, Leppard sounding tunes (Take What You Want, Kick, Fire It Up, SOS Emergency, Gimme A Kiss), then maybe a couple others that are pretty good depending on your tastes.  Then there's probably 4 tunes that are going to be skips for me (This Guitar, Gone for Good, Lifeless, From Here to Eternity).  I'd say This Guitar might be one of my least favorite songs they've ever done lol.

    Still though, at least for me there's a decent "normal" album of material in this album (10 tracks or so) if you didn't mind the Slang through X era of the band.  I say that only because a lot of these tunes just seem to remind me of different songs from those albums.

    I definitely like it more than the past couple albums they've done but if somebody hasn't cared for what they've done the past 20 years or so then they should just skip this and move on as they won't like this either. 

  7. New single out - Fire It Up!

    Have to say I've really like the first 2 singles and like this one plenty too.  If you're one of those that only want to hear Pyro or HND sounding stuff, best just skip it lol.  But for me this is a fun, catchy tune.

    It's a solid 3 for 3 for me so far.


  8. 5 hours ago, auslander said:

    I just love the track "Crazy". I think it is "crazy" they didn't release that as a single.

    Good tune.

    It's funny how I listened to this album when it came out and it never grabbed me at all.  Then Automaton grabs my attention and I come back to this one and suddenly dig it.  Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood back in 2019 when this came out.

    I had to go back and edit my 2019 list lol.  I slid this into my #4 spot for that year.

    Digging almost the whole thing outside of maybe that Waiting on Love tune and Filth and Flowers isn't doing much for me.


  9. I have to say I've went back and been giving Rust a solid listen after digging Automaton so much...

    It never clicked with me in the past but it's clicking with me now.....been spinning this a lot.

    I've been trying their earlier stuff too but so far I prefer these last 2 albums to the earlier stuff.

    • Like 1
  10. Swedish Heavy Rock ladies THUNDERMOTHER announce new album "Black And Gold"!

    Hardly any hard rock act has seen a rise recent years like the all-female rock band THUNDERMOTHER. Following their latest, chart-breaking album "Heat Wave" (2020), that has been lauded by both fans and the international music press alike, August 19, 2022 will see the Swedish rock band release their hotly anticipated, new album, "Black And Gold", via AFM Records!

    After previously-released, first single "Watch Out", today THUNDERMOTHER are premiering a brand new music video for "I Don't Know You"! Guitarist Filippa Nässil reveals: "Everyone has met someone in their lives that brings out the worst in you. This is our cheeky way to tell that story. We hope and believe that this song could be the theme of the summer 2022!"

    Twelve new, adrenaline-fuelled songs will take you on a wild, high voltage and powerful ride into the  filthy yet catchy rock ‘n’ roll sound THUNDERMOTHER is known and loved for: Creating infectious party rock songs with an irresistible feelgood appeal! Without any doubt, Black And Gold looks set to be a real landmark and next level for the charismatic and ambitious band, as new single "I Don't Know You" and exciting tour plans prove.

  11. 9 minutes ago, tobi is an animal said:

    Erik's change of scenery is basically gonna result in two average albums.  His presence in Skid Row will elevate the mediocre material to average; and his absence in H.e.a.t will bring that material down to average. 

    Neither the 2 new H.e.a.t songs nor the 1 new Skid Row song are up to the level of the H.e.a.t albums with Erik.

    I'd agree with the second part of that for sure!

    I'm not sure about the first part though.  I do agree that Skid Row was terrible and well below average before Erik.  I think they can do better than a run of the mill average album with him though as he's just that damn good.  And while I agree that H.E.A.T with Kenny isn't as good as it was with Erik, I feel like H.E.A.T with Kenny can still be pretty good and better than average. 

    We'll see.  I do wish Erik were still in H.E.A.T but I'd much rather have the current situation with Erik in Skid Row and Kenny in H.E.A.T than Erik not doing music at all and H.E.A.T tossing in the towel and giving up after Erik left ;)


  12. Gave this album a listen and don't really think I have much desire to listen to it again.

    It's heavy which is cool.  But what's missing for me is that it's just not melodic and catchy enough for my tastes.  It's like the chorus of every song is just Lizzy screaming.

    It's a shame as Lizzy has a phenomenal voice.  But it's like the rest of the guys in the band can't sing a lick or something.  Why can't they work in some harmonies, backing vocals, bigger choruses, etc.  Or I'm even thinking of a song like I Miss The Misery.  That was a catchy tune with whoa's, oh's and the way it was put together.  I just heard nothing like that on this album. 

    For me the first couple albums were great but stuff after that has been very hit and miss for me and this one is mostly a miss.  

  13. Yeah, I don't know if I'm really that excited about this.

    I dig listen to the debut quite a bit but the second album didn't get much play from me at all.  And I don't really find myself having a whole lot of desire to listen to either now.  I've got a few songs in my main playlist that come up once in awhile and that's about it.

    I think I've just had a lot of saturation the past 4-5 years on Pretty Maids, Ronnie's Solo stuff, Eclipse, WET, etc. 

    Don't get me wrong, I'll still check it out and I'm sure it'll have some good tunes.  And it's great that Ronnie is making more music.  But I'm not really expecting to be that taken by it.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Glen said:

    I just hope the new music is good, cos Erik singing tired old Skid Row songs from 30 years ago is a waste of talent imho

    I'd agree with that.

    I could care less about him singing the back catalog.  Sure, it's nice to hear some of those hits if I'm seeing a show but it's the new music I'm most looking forward to.

    It's a shame it took him going to Skid Row to get some recognition.  I mean, I keep seeing and reading stuff about this "new guy" in Skid Row who sounds excellent and has some pipes or whatever.  I just have to laugh knowing we've all known that for the past 10 years ;)

  15. 6 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

    I would say though that I am a big fan of Erik, so I hope for his sake it works out for him.

    And for me, more music featuring Erik is a good thing, even if it is with Douche Bag Central.


    Hey, they might be douches, I have no idea.  I will say that from interviews I've watched recently, they seem like good enough guys and they don't come off as ego maniacs or something to me.  They say all the right things.....even if they've said it all before lol. 

    Either way, the fact is they've been irrelevant since Bach left.  Before the pandemic, they played a venue about 10 minutes from my house and tickets were selling for $15.  I had zero interest in going and probably wouldn't have went if it were free.  I know somebody that went and he said there were literally probably 50-75 people there.

    So I guess I'm going to reserve judgement for a bit because frankly, they sucked and they figured that out.  So not sure I can blame them for wanting more and wanting to become relevant again.  I'd assume they know their time is getting limited and this is probably their last shot.  If they can't some momentum with Erik, then they're definitely done.

    I don't care about their past as there isn't much there worth even talking about since about 1992.  I'm  just happy seeing Erik getting some much deserved recognition and looking forward to hearing some new melodic rock music with him.

  16. On 5/2/2022 at 5:25 PM, Glen said:

    I listened to it again today and was actually getting a bit of a Skid Row vibe.

    It still pretty much a sleaze album for me though. 

    And it still sounds more like Crashdiet than anything else if I'm honest.

    Debut will always be the best for me, then Generation Wild and then this one third.

    I mean let's not forget the 2 or 3 pretty average fillers on this ;) Big ballsy sound yeah but there's a bit of lull here and there 

    Agree with the Skid Row vibe in spots.

    I'm not really getting much of a lull in this though.  I'd say maybe Powerline is probably the lowest point for me but that's still okay.  Enjoying all the rest.  I'd say the first 4 songs are probably my highlights but I dig Resurrection of the Damned quite a bit too.  I get a big Guns N Roses vibe from that one.   

    I'll have to spend more time listening to the debut and Generation Wild.  I know I remember sampling them at one point very briefly and nothing ever grabbed me for whatever reason.

    Either way, really nice surprise here as this wasn't on my radar at all.


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