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Posts posted by Doggy

  1. On 1/24/2021 at 2:29 PM, Darkstone said:

    Spy vs. Spy - A.O. Mod.

    An Aussie track from '86.

    At the time these guys were touted as the next big thing down here, but they achieved nothing. I was never into them, but I did love this basically instrumental track, which was probably their biggest hit and catchy as fuck.

    I'm sure Doggy remembers these guys.

    On a side note regarding their name, I used to have a collection of around 200 "MAD" magazines that I'd started collecting from when I was about 10, including vintage 60s and early 70s stuff.

    I regrettably sold them in my early twenties for fuck all.




    I remember them, I think saw them with Midnight Oil.

    It haven't  I listen to them for a few years, I remember they were answer to the Clash

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