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Posts posted by AlphaMale

  1. Just now, Glen said:

    we've got no restrictions at all. You don't have to isolate if you've got it and they've binned flow tests 😳

    we are like the complete opposite of Australia lol 😆 

    Damn. That's crazy! 

    They've completed done a 180 on it here. Numbers way down.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Glen said:

    Not fit to lace Steel Panthers boots I'm afraid.

    Look, musically this is spot on but there are 2 glaring issues imo :

    1. The vocalist is pretty weak (and accented?)

    2. It's not funny

    Well She's Got a Dick raised a wry smile but that was it.

    What this does make you realise though is how amazingly awesome Steel Panther were at the height of their powers. Its not easy to write this stuff and make it work and be lol funny without coming across as crude. 

    Just think songs like Asian Hooker, Tiger Woods, Tomorrow Night, I want your Tits, Bukkake Tears etc are just classic and unbeatable imo. 

    Pretty much agree. Music is pretty good but aside from a few lines, just not that funny or creative. 

    And yes, the vocalist is the weak link. 

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  3. THE MOTHER ROCKERS – Kobra (2022)



    THE MOTHER ROCKERS - Kobra (2022) full

    The funnily named THE MOTHER ROCKERS ’80s-inspired glam rock band from Quebec City are releasing their debut album “Kobra“, a 10-tracker recreating the sound & style of the Sunset Strip glory days.

    There’s a lot of bands right now doing this kind of revival, and two type of them: the ones whom take seriously this genre as the music of their life, and the ones aiming for fun, parody, presenting a complete show including costumes, fireworks, et all. Since their name, you know THE MOTHER ROCKERS belongs to the latter.

    However, and while lyrics are ridiculous, laughlable on purpose, and the guitarist looks like Ben Stiller in Zoolander wearing a wig (check video below), musically THE MOTHER ROCKERS are very good at their glam metal / sleazy / hair metal game.

    Yeah, Steel Panther have been doing this for over a decade, well, THE MOTHER ROCKERS are the Canadian’s answer. And the guys are good at it.

    All cliches are here, from the flashy cover art (which is darn good by the way) or the album title, the the Parental Advisory sticker. And then the guitar riffs / solos, the melodic refrains and the catchy choruses. All complete with cowbell et all.

    “Kobra” is entertaining, catchy, and very, very fun. It’s all about a good time and put a smile on your face. And worth it.

    Highly Recommended


    01 – I Can’t Wait
    02 – Hot Mom
    03 – Rivers of Slobber
    04 – Y.M.B.B.
    05 – Runnin’ Away
    06 – Since You’re Gone
    07 – Lady Mary-Ann
    08 – She’s Got a Dick
    09 – Too Hot to Fuck
    10 – Late Nite Struggle

    Billie Ballz – vocals
    Max Shaft – guitar
    Johnny Bucket – guitar
    Zac Vegas – bass
    Bobby Coxx – drums



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