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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. and sorry, but i love the last track from dark knight. so personal and easily distinguishable from tons of other similar stuff.....with a heroic bass line in the chorus that always drives me insane....fekk, i could eat 50 thrashers for breakfast when listening to it.... :lol:


    Yep George, I didn't wanna say that this stuff like DARK KNIGHT is really bad (btw, still love "Cabin Fever" and "Return of the Dark Knight" :bowdown: ), but I think it's musically not worth to pay so many bucks (remembering PARADOXX sold for 1800 Euros a few years ago - got mine for 800 ;)) for them. But to say for any collector, they are real nice goodies for any collection...



    here's one for ya....courtesy of "auntie beckie" from the chicago suburbans....



  2. blind guardian's cover is better....i have to laugh loudly for the "ripped by warlordy"....ahahahahaha...oups,i spilled my frappe....


    As I can see all metalheads are posers & they have big idea for themselves so why Warlordy should be an exception? :rolleyes:


    perhaps he wants "royalties" for his uploads? like the ones he pays in t-mag in order to download stuff? :christmas:

  3. And back to Villan the guitarist Skotty is still around Gig Harbor and still claims to have some copies...






    Terry , Thats who i got my 3 original Villans from, also wasnt the Villan vocalist fronting some well known cover/originals band with in the last 3 years?


    SUS I believe, very AIC like...


    And as Danny mentions and as the rumor goes if you want one of these bad enough get with Skotty and he will get one to you at a premium. Apparently they pressed 3,000 of these Ep's, that's right 3,000! So getting one should be pretty easy. :)


    Of note obtaining the 2 cassette only releases would be an amazing feet. And no I don't have them, but will soon have cdr's and J cards...


    I'm not sure how many were pressed, but the bass player himself told me he threw away an entire shitload of them before moving a long time ago. So they may have pressed 3000, but a LOT of them were thrown in the crapper many years ago.


    And all this talk about the Dancyr CD, I found it for 99 cents about 3 years ago and traded it away without a second thought. It was one of the most God awful CDs I've heard in my life! If anyone wants to hear it I'll gladly send them a copy. It has to be one of the worse high priced indies out there!!!!!!!!


    I love hearing stuff like this and the big question still remains, "what makes this cd (and so many others) so wanted and valuable?"


    I think especially collectors from Germany and Austria would die for any VILLAN or DANCYR :lol: But it's a really good question what makes several cds so wanted and valuable!?! For my opinion, I collect also stuff which didn't sound very good (if I would collecting only very good stuff - I think I would only have 100 - 200 Cds in my collection :lol: ), and go especially for stuff which no other buddy have, hehe


    This was also for collecting Vinyl stuff! Do we need musically any DARK KNIGHT, PARADOX or ZEN VENOM??? No, but they are lookin great in any collection :lol:



    if you put it this way, i have to tell that as godly as the releases from manowar(olde), fates warning(when jimmy was "immature"), heavy load, warlord,gargoyle, heir apparent, savage grace, helstar, omen, first liege lord, cirith ungol, heathens rage etc etc etc, it would be boring to listen to them all the time...fekk, i have to spin manowar or manilla road or omen in my turntable for at least 5 years. their music lives on my mind. i just got burnt. so always ready to listen to new stuff. otherwise life would be even more boring.....



    and sorry, but i love the last track from dark knight. so personal and easily distinguishable from tons of other similar stuff.....with a heroic bass line in the chorus that always drives me insane....fekk, i could eat 50 thrashers for breakfast when listening to it.... :lol:

  4. I picked up a couple Penna. bands that I have looking for awhile yesterday



    1) Hybrid Ice s/t


    2) Harpo s/t



    how bad's that h.ice? :tumbsup:

    If you want buddy, I'm still looking for a trade to get "Tantrum" Trenton City Murders..



    tantrum was my first ever experience of ordering stuff abroad when i was 18-19. i got 5 copies of it from their label+ 5 heathens rage(they're still there but now are selling audio/video stuff) after listening to them in a buddy's place in athens. then i got 3 copies from their myspace for $25 each(shipping included in the price) with the help of another greek buddy and then i traded them. i felt that i was putting my hands in the treasure chest of "collecting mafia",hehehe. still some of them are for sale but for almost $200. now i have only 2 copies, one with sticker(sealed) and one without for my listening pleasure. sorry but not for trade. i think i told ya to try their myspace page or you could easily visit the singer's place.he still has a box or boxes of them.


    knights of fire is one of the best moments of US metal!

  5. And back to Villan the guitarist Skotty is still around Gig Harbor and still claims to have some copies...






    Terry , Thats who i got my 3 original Villans from, also wasnt the Villan vocalist fronting some well known cover/originals band with in the last 3 years?


    SUS I believe, very AIC like...


    And as Danny mentions and as the rumor goes if you want one of these bad enough get with Skotty and he will get one to you at a premium. Apparently they pressed 3,000 of these Ep's, that's right 3,000! So getting one should be pretty easy. :)


    Of note obtaining the 2 cassette only releases would be an amazing feet. And no I don't have them, but will soon have cdr's and J cards...


    I'm not sure how many were pressed, but the bass player himself told me he threw away an entire shitload of them before moving a long time ago. So they may have pressed 3000, but a LOT of them were thrown in the crapper many years ago.


    And all this talk about the Dancyr CD, I found it for 99 cents about 3 years ago and traded it away without a second thought. It was one of the most God awful CDs I've heard in my life! If anyone wants to hear it I'll gladly send them a copy. It has to be one of the worse high priced indies out there!!!!!!!!


    I love hearing stuff like this and the big question still remains, "what makes this cd (and so many others) so wanted and valuable?"




    because there are a lot of people who are paying big cashos for them. it's a post modern apply of the marshal plan :christmas: (don't ask me how i came with this,hehehe). some people think that every US hard rock/metal/indie/ whatever release is the best of all.


    also just think it a little bit more. there are many titles availiable in mailorders over the world for very normal prices and yet going in ebay for big $$$. it's what i like to call nowadays: google metal, ebay shield and paypal steel. hell, if i had time perhaps i could write a master thesis about this.

  6. your favorite band? only one name of coz. had to think it(among 2 others) and i ended with: heavy load(i know 4 buddies who agree with me, not on HH obviously)...


    I have heard excellent things about Heavy Load and I love their cover art, but have never heard anything by them. Do they have anything on CD, George? Or is everything vinyl only?



    ha, bill peters of auburn records is a huge heavy load fan. cds of them are around but all are bootlegs. even the japanese ones. heavy load licenced their stuff in japan, but in 1985 and only for vinyl pressings. the japanese never asked for permission when they released them on cd 10 years later. so in my book the japanese cd pressings are bootlegs.


    here are some samples+ videos(from their famous videotape):




    if you see the related videos there you will find more



    edit: ha, still found funny the fact that when i first made my hotmail adress, i tried for heavyload, then hload, then heavyload 73, heavyload74 and finally heavyload75 wasn;'t taken.

  7. According to the band it was a press of 1000 units not 3000...


    So I've heard, still 1,000 units is a pretty good run for a cd no-one cared for or about up until about a month ago. :)


    I would hazard a guess that a good number of the cd's are rotting into oblivion in a local landfill.



    down the nails,man!




    It's funny I was going to start a thread/debate about what drives peoples collecting and what makes the masses get all lathered up for one particular cd over another...

    I mean, I know that I have and I am sure many other folks here too, cd's that are amazing releases, much more limited releases and that have no Ebay rarity/$$$$$$ value.

    I mean when I bought/found that Villan cd in alocal pawn shop 3 years ago thier were 2 people on the board that new of it, posted comments about it and then *poof* nothing? I added the disc to the data base...*crickets chirping*.


    Let's discuss...



    i told mr. charly 'bout that dancyr...don't want to write it again...but to sum up: if a copy of dancyr of villan is going for $$$ these days, then riot's thundersteel should cost 777's factory in everett....

  8. portrait found(some big cashos for this one, a lesson well learned or just bad luck.it was listed for almost 10 years in a mailorder-the guys had 200 copies, and it was gone when i asked for it, obviously after downloading it to witness its glory. another one reason why mp3s could be harm for your health and pocket. of course a great self excuse these days is the cheap dollar. it cost me like a new japanese cd version)


    i'm looking now for 4 cds(i'll exclude vinyls+singles). but they'll remain secret for the moment(although i'm looking for them for more than 10 years, have them on the usual maxell tape :lol: ), except from one that is known to my buddy,terry.

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