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Posts posted by exact3

  1. W.A.S.P. - Live... in the Raw +4

    Electric Light Orchestra - Secret Messages +3

    Wintersun - Time I

    Sleeze Beez - Powertool

    Manitou - No Signs of Wisdom

    Ensiferum - Unsung Heroes

    Sieges Even - The Art of Navigating by the Stars

    Overkill - Ironbound

    October 31 - No Survivors

    Bullet - Full Pull

    Black SAbbath - technical Ecstasy

  2. America made it through 8 years of George W. Bush... I think we'll be ok.


    Bush started all this shit...what do you think it will look like when Obama gets done? Lets not pick the guy who can fix the economy...lets let this idiot destroy what's left of America...


    I'm no expert, but just how it looks to me:


    Kind of amazed at the vitriol aimed at Obama. It's not just the US in recession, lots of other countries are in the same boat. He may not have got you out of it, but many of us are in a bad way with no light at the end of the tunnel yet.


    It also appears to me that Obama has improved the reputation of the US globally; certainly compared to GWB. I could be wrong though...


    Just sayin'. :)


    After 4 years of this, its Obama's policies and Obama's actions that have not moved the US out of the rescession. He called Bush unpatriotic for Bush running up 4 Trillion in debt in 8 years, only to run up 6 Trillion himself in 4 years. By the time he is out of office, the CBO projects Obama to have run the US national debt to over 20 Trillion. He is promising all these things to people for votes but he cannot pay for them.


    Personally, I am not spending money on anything but life's requirements. I normally contribute to various charities to help with food/clothing/education but I stopped all the contributions this week and going forward. I am stopping buying cds. I can listen to the music on-line for nothing. After all, these groups make cash hand over foot so who is really getting hurt? I also found out that I qualify for state aid. I can provide food for myself but I would rather save my cash and let the government pay for my needs. It seems to be what Obama wants.


    When the government taxes the highest wage earners to extinction, what remains in the middle class is next. What people fail to get is taxes impact economic activity. My dentist is a great example. He has his own practice and employs 10 people. He said the increased taxes on his income led him to close his office on Fridays. He doesnt want to earn more to break the $250K threshold. He gets to play golf an extra day and do what he wants. Who suffers? The 10 people who no longer get paid for Fridays, no longer are full-time for benefits and have to find a way to make up the shortfall. Unfortunately the media doesnt cover things like this that has real life impact - they prefer to paint the picture of taxing evil rich people is akin to Robin Hood taking for the poor.

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