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Posts posted by nyoilers

  1. 10 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    I thought they were all doing a little corner of it, since he left apparently huge amounts of finished music, I mean I heard it would take something like 10 years to release it all??

    I think that it has to do with the live shows.Ahmet is the one who started the hologram shows 

  2. 15 hours ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    I guess I'm not understanding your state laws, but that sounds like bullshit. 

    What's really crazy is if you buy a brand new car you still have to pay to have it inspected !

  3. 7 hours ago, Glen said:

    ah, I just googled it. is it about car registration or something??

    It's about inspection-basically state inspection.

    There was no connection with the OBDII port in my car.

    It could be something minor or something major but after spending $250 I decided to pack it in.

    I got $1,500 for trading in my car so the reality of spending money  on the car didn't make sense.

  4. Not that it's related to what you want but it's nice not to see the grifter family every day.Has any of Trump's kids got a job on their own? Jared Kushner a senior advisor ??:lol:

    Plus the other minions are gone like Peter Navarro and Larry Kudlow to name a couple.

  5. I'm not certain what you expect Biden to do in 60 days but he did pass a nice piece of legislation.

    One of the aspects of it is that the first $20,400 a married couple received in unemployment will not be taxed.

    Since both me and my wife received benefits that will be a big plus when we file our taxes(which we have until May 17 now,which is another plus for us !

  6. Let me go back to my original comment.

    Historically when the 3 branches of government are under the democrats ruling the stock market has gone up 14.5 %

    Yes,I have some money invested in stocks,mostly mutual funds.

    While I do hate the fact that 10% of the population own 80% of the stocks at this stage of my life it seems to be the only game in town.

    Or do you think that I should make a large wager on the Jazz being the NBA Champions ???

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