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2023 Gold Donors
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Posts posted by nyoilers

  1. 21 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

    That said, I like the thinking out of the box. If anyone has suggestions on how to make the annual donation drive more fun or appealing (that don't involve extensive coding overhauls or other manually laborious tasks), by all means feel free to throw them out there.

    I'm full of ideas.

    How about anyone who donates gets put into a raffle .

    The winner gets an autographed copy of the new ,soon to be released,CD by FarCry 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    Just keep doing what you're doing mate. You've been smashing the posts out lately. It won't take long to build up that total.

    Just remember, Quantity vs Quality? It's an interesting question.  :whistle:

    One man's garbage is another man's treasures.

    I like to think that people treasure my posts.

  3. 5 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    whats funny is you knew how many posts I had and I wouldnt have even noticed had you not called it out, bro thats chump change, go look at how many Wes and them have, fuck look at Dans, I used to believe Dan doctored all their post counts cause there was no way they could have that many, dude I've been on here damn near 20 years, in like 3 years it will be 20, and i'm at 4000, Dans got like 35,9349, 39382 posts, I quit paying attention back in 78

    I just happened to notice that you were at 4,002 when I saw this post.

    When do you think I will pass you ?

  4. Anthrax-Live The Island Years

    Thomas Dolby-The Golden Age of Wireless

    Gnarls Barkley-St. Elsewhere

    Howard Jones-Cross That Line

    Judas Priest-Point of Entry

    Maroon 5-Overexposed

    Dave Matthews Band-Crash

    Katy Perry-Witness

    Robert Plant-The Princilpe of Moments

    Poison-The Poison Collection

    Britney Spears-Essential

  5. On 3/26/2021 at 1:27 PM, Leykis101 said:

    think I'm just over reacting? or being a conspiracy theorist? Im sure we will see, because thats exactly where this is heading,

    I'm not into this type of thinking at all..It's like finding a solution for a problem that isn't there.The state of Georgia is reacting to voter fraud when there was none so they're going to make new laws to prevent something that never happened.That's wacky to me.

    • Like 1
  6. In 2020 the republican party had a convention with no platform.It was basically whatever Trump wanted.And he's the master of whining and fear mongering.Biden's gonna hurt God,Your 401's are going in the shitter blah blah blah.The first debate is where he lost the election.They had Biden as this senile old fart  but he actually made it through the 2 hour debacle.But it's over and I could give a shit about discussing it.

    I'm totally not focused at all on race relations or whatever.Yes Black people as a majority support democrats and that makes sense to me but I don't over analyze it.Where I went to high school probably 30% of the students were black.At the PO there were black people and they worked hard like everyone else .I don't know what else to tell you about this.I will say that I'm 2nd generation Polish.All 4 of my grandparents were born in Poland and my last surviving grandparent died on my 4th birthday so I really don't know anything about them and have no interest in ever going to Poland.What I can gather from my parents was that they came to America after WWI because they wanted to leave Europe because it was unsafe.

  7. I'll try to answer you but it'll take more than one post.

    But to start I'm a registered independent-I have no party affiliation.But I said nationally I would never vote republican-locally I'll vote for anyone and my town supervisor is a republican and I voted for him and he's doing a great job.But those 535 members of Congress have control of my pension and I want friendly people in there.Why would I vote against my best interest? Trump's last proposed budget would eliminate COLA for retirees in the PO,which is the cost of living.You take money from me means that you're fucking with my family so that's what's most important to me.And even though I'm out of the PO I still support them 100% .

    I'm certain if my father was alive he would have very harsh words for Trump ,who never served in the military, saying that John McCain wasn't a hero because he was captured.

  8. On 3/23/2021 at 9:43 AM, Leykis101 said:

    I am also a Nihilist, so there really is no conceptual thinking behind it,

    Just some basic background from me-my father was a career government worker.Went from WWII,to working at army depot,navy depot and post office.I'm a career postal employee.So I'm pro-government worker  and pro union.

    I don't want anyone messing with my pension and healthcare so I'll never vote republican in a national election.While I do have opinions on gun control,climate change,immigration,abortion,etc... those issues all take a back seat to anyone who wants to hurt me or my family.Seeing this bozo that Trump put as postmaster because he donated over a million dollars to trumps campaign is sickening.And for certain,both political parties put their own political hacks into government positions.

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