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Posts posted by nyoilers

  1. On 3/19/2021 at 8:18 PM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    Just another example of why I fucking hate government. 

    It's all about the money.We had to get a building permit to put up a small shed on our property.You want a swimming pool-get a building permit.

  2. 36 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

    That's rich. I don't recall the Left giving Trump the same benefit of the doubt. It was fearmongering all the time on CNN.

    The media is all about fear mongering but we as individuals shouldn't be.

    Biden didn't get elected to continue Trump's policies so nobody should be surprised.

  3. 6 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

    "I refuse to watch anything from someone I don't like... LALALALALALALALA... I can't HEAR you!... LALALALA!!"

    On January 20,2021 I stopped all the political bullshit on social media.The election is over and I moved on.We can all go on youtube and find someone that supports our position-who cares?? But on this site I'll make an exception.

    But anyways I believe Leykis said it best that we're here for the music !


  4. 10 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    So now it appears ti's anyone making $200,000 is going to be heavily taxed, I dont give a fuck who you are, unless your high on crack, you know this is hardly rich, this is getting into the class of people it will hurt, but Bidens killin it guys, good call, and Dead Planet, I guess when you look at Covid for what it is, it really is a wonder why you still push a leftist agenda when as you said yourself, lots of people out of work, out of homes, their lives are now fucked, over a fake ass pandemic, that originated in a Chinese lab, or are we still not taking accountability cause it's all a right wing conspiracy, isnt that what you guys told me when I first started saying this? why is it the most left wing states in my country, who all imposed commie lock downs, have the most covid cases? yet peoples lives have basically been turned disposable and some people still cannot accept that, so what will it take b4 some of you realize, all this is really over nothing??

    Don't believe all the fear mongering.Until something happens don't panic.I don't know about any tax plan yet so let's see what happens.Why speculate,it does no good.As for saying someone making $200,000 a year is not rich,you might be right but still that person makes more than 90% of the population that does work.

  5. 21 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    So if everyone is so worried about getting Covid contained, how does letting hundreds of thousands of 3rd world citizens into our country, how does that help it get contained? are we to assume none of these people have it??

    It seems that a good portion of republicans aren't concerned about getting covid contained because they have no interest in getting vaccinated.The Biden administration has this under control-don't worry !

  6. 3 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

    Everything that occurs over the next 4 years will still be Trump's fault. Got it.

    I gotta get back to work so I can't properly reply to everything but I can't agree with you.

    Now if you said everything bad that occurs in the next 4 years will be Trump's fault .....:lol:

  7. 14 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    It kind of seems like Bidens taking credit for the vaccine, when it was left to him by Trump!!!

    It does sound that way but Biden should get credit for distributing it quickly.

    Trump is stuck between a rock and a hard place because many of his supporters don't want to get vaccinated.

  8. 14 hours ago, Crazysam said:

    I'm curious to know what is different about the Biden administration's "plan" compared to that of the Trump administration with regards to distributing the vaccine?  The only difference I've heard about was that the feds established some sites in which FEMA and the National Guard are managing directly and have provided aide and staffing to some community run locations to help reach those in underserved areas.  But those sites still coordinate with the states and the doses still get allocated to the states first.  The majority of vaccines are sent out by the federal government to the states who in turn send to the local health departments, just like when this started in December.  And of course the Trump administration's actions helped reduce the red tape and provide funding to the pharmaceutical companies for the development and initial production costs.  Those actions helped pave the way for having vaccines available much faster than most experts believed was possible.  The Trump administration made the agreements to purchase the vaccines that have been distributed to the U.S. citizens so far.  And made arrangements with national pharmacy chains to help the state and local governments with getting the shots into arms, including at long term care facilities.  Meanwhile last summer President Biden, along with Vice-President Harris and others helped create some of the public skepticism and feed conspiracy theories about the safety of the vaccines making it political and telling the public we may not be able to trust the safety of the vaccine simply because Trump was involved.  I'm far from a fan of Trump, and I don't have any objection to people claiming the current administration helped build on what the prior administration started, but all this nonsense from the Biden administration, the mainstream media and many on the left claiming the Biden administration deserves all this credit for the vaccination distribution program in the U.S. is preposterous, in my opinion.  

     Trump failing to acknowledge his defeat caused a major delay in the transfer of power from one administration to the next.He focused on trying to overturn the election more than anything.While he gets credit for getting the vaccine much quicker than thought of ,the actual distribution was slow.In December he promised 20 million people would get their first dose and the actual number was about 10% of that.So I agree that Biden shouldn't be taking all the credit but one thing he did was opening big places that could get many shots of the vaccine in peoples arms.Near where I live we have a casino that was able to do 1,100 shots in one day,I got my shot at a community college.It's somewhat chaotic at these pharmacies that are doing it because people are also shopping so it's just a mass gathering of people in a smaller area.

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  9. One more comment before I go back to March Madness-

    While it's true some restaurants have gone out of business and/or struggling,there are also restaurants who are thriving.There's a few near me who are actually doing better with their take out orders and might not go back to having inside customers.They make the food and the customers pick it up at the reastaurant.The owners need less employees because there's nobody to wait on,no one uses the bathroom,etc...They also have a smaller sized menu which helps them be more profitable

  10. 16 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    Whats he supposed to do in 60 days, let me think, OH! damn I almost forgot, the little get together going on at the border, he managed to start a human crisis at our southern border in 60 days, and nobody can blame that shit on trump, not even the goons in the media, thats purely on old Joe, and it is a very big fucking deal, now their catching people from Yemen, Syria, etc trying to get in, you know those countrys who are all so fond of us and our lifestyle, so I'm a pretty socially liberal dude, but not a left wing wack job, the best analogy i ever heard was , do you have locks on your front door? of course you do, so what are those locks for? BTW that was a great trip he had on the stairs up to AF1, he fell upstairs, dont believe ive seen someone fall up a flight of stairs before, if that were Trump, the media would have gone ape shit.But I know your so fucking far away from the border, this doesnt effect you, but like I said, im 1 state away from the border, where do you think they go? not New York, not many your way up there.

    You cover a wide range of things.

    I delivered mail for many years and falling down going up stairs happens.We all saw Trump's heel to toe walk while holding on to an escort so it's no big deal.Both guys are old and shouldn't be president but it is what it is,2024 81 year old Biden vs. 78 year old Trump.Makes me sick to even think it.I'd rather watch Clint Eastwood fight Robert DeNiro.

    You're correct-the border has no impact on my life.Some people say but your taxes ...Like the government is gonna cut my taxes-I'm not rich enough.My concern pre-Covid and post Covid is people who overstay their visas.The immigration debate is used by both sides and I don't see where either side wants it to go away.

    What Biden did in 60 days is get out 100 million vaccine shots.Maybe it means nothing to you but at least there was a plan.Not the let's wing it and leave it up to the states.If the states do a great job take credit and if they do a shitty job then blame them.

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  11. 10 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    I thought they were all doing a little corner of it, since he left apparently huge amounts of finished music, I mean I heard it would take something like 10 years to release it all??

    I think that it has to do with the live shows.Ahmet is the one who started the hologram shows 

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