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Everything posted by lettard

  1. what gives? just checked and this available on amazon us for preorder but not amazon uk? why i ask?
  2. sounds fantatstic and i will definately be purchasing this,both eonian and retrospect are basically single(twin) handedly keeping this melodic rock fan from days gone by very very happy,with fantastic releases from lorraine,eli,mariah,shake city,murder bay and rattleshake released and this type of sound to follow...excellent,although this is the only news ive seen on youngblood,it aint featured much on steves site,can i preorder it yet? oh it feels like 89 again
  3. does anyone know where i can buy i can actually buy this cd? been after it for years,even when it was reissued back in 2008 i still coul not find it,would gladly pay the going rate(according to HH is $19odds) and a bit more if i could track this down,info on it on the net is few and far between,any help would be great,thankyou
  4. check out the live cd called under the hood from kivel back in 2001,if only for the excellent studio only track "stealin' hearts" brilliant and should be included on any future best of imho
  5. sound like a harder edged HARDLINE to me guys,most of the time anyway
  6. ive choosen afraid of love,i know it was on the four the hardway album also but its a great song,couldve went for when shes good shes good,oh i dunno its a great album,FULL of great songs
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