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Everything posted by SamboraRocks86

  1. umm nope. never heard of them any good? Danzig - she rides Pretty cheesy tbh, but the answer was The Lost Boys soundtrack its one of those things tho, like the Breakfast Club, thats its so 80s it doesnt matter that its covered in cheese
  2. Power Play - Eddie & The Tide can anyone guess what album im listening to?
  3. Cry Little Sister - Gerard McMann didnt Sisters of Mercy do this song too? or was it both of them, im actually quite confused :s
  4. If the next album is shit, we will demand that you do I have high hopes that thisll be their Saints Of Los Angeles, Good To Be Bad, Songs from The Sparkle Lounge, Death Magnetic kinda thing...
  5. The Breakfast Club not bad for a 20+ old movie, still had some LOL moments
  6. I wanna go but the closest one to me is Birmingham and im broke, i bought way too many comics and useless junk this past month
  7. that old chestnut. I never get why no one believes this statement. I used to joke around back when I was on 1000 and maybe when I hit something like 10,000 but other than obvious hilarious jokes here and there, I never have any idea in the world what post count I'm on... ... until Ian tells me! Its true, i stopped counting when i beat my old record (3000 posts) see i have this habit of starting fights on the interwebs and getting banned from forums in succession (this is my 4th main forum in the last 3 and a half years....) so once i beat my record for post to argument ratio (which is actually lower here than anywhere else!) then i dont bother counting anymore.....now 10,000, thats something worth keeping an eye out for I think i deserve a medal! actually no, infact i gotta thank you guys for not kicking me off in the last 2 years and giving me time to work out the kinks to be honest, i think that talking on here for 2 years has made me grow up finally But ill probably never stop defending Jon and Richie
  8. Saves you having to assemble the older albums (via the scans they offered on the website years ago), means i can buy these two albums and get most of my favourite songs (i think there are still some missing though :s) but Got To Get You Trapped Under Ice is a personal fave
  9. Friday the 13th (09) I liked it, but ive never seen a Jason film other than Freddy vs Jason so i have nothing to compare it to....
  10. Oh You HAVE to watch the Originial texas Chainsaw Massacre!! From 1974.. Just a Classic!!! And it STILL creeps Me out to this day.. Not very bloody, but it's what you don't see that gets you...... i saw the scene with the Hitchhiker in the van and that guy, to me atleast, is scarier than Leatherface!! might watch II and III after that, but im really wary of part IV :/ II is pretty cheesy, but that's what's GOOD about it... As for the Next Generation, or whatever part IV is called?? I have heard horrible reviews for that one, so I have avoided it like the plague.. I MAY pick it up just to complete My TCM Collection though..... Part IV had two names apparently, Next Generation was one of them, i cant remember the other atm :s but i heard that Leatherface (or Leather as hes called in this film) is a tranvestite that kills because he's a member of the Illuminati :/ although i havent even seen the original TCM yet, i wanna buy the action fgures from it already in terms of last movie watched.....the beginning of The Crow: Salvation.....no i didnt turn it off, part 4 of the movie was missing on youtube
  11. both Slipknot and Poison are awesome bands LEAVE BRET ALONE!!!
  12. Frightening thought of the day: there are probably people walking around out there whose entire "CD Collection" consists of nothing but a complete set of those compilations (all 71 in your case, all 31 in my case)... and I dearly hope those people never breed. there are actually people who collect them, and so chances are there are people out there that have BOTH UK and US catalogues 102 Quality Quanity Silver Pressed NOW CDs!
  13. Thanks for the warning. I will inform my niece that from here on, no further volumes of this series are allowed in my home. She'll probably cry, of course, and 20 years from now she'll be telling her therapist all about how mean Unca Keef was to her when she was little and that'll make it awkward at family gatherings, but I can live with that. It's funny, back in my younger days when MTV was in its infancy I'd see vids by pop bands like ABC, Flock of Seagulls, Haircut 100, etc, and think "What the f**k is this crap?" but compared to the pop music of today, I'll take "I Ran" or "Love Plus One" any day of the week. I didn't know how good I had it heh heh, same here....ill take I Ran over Black Eyed Peas ANY day!! and we have 71 volumes here
  14. Oh and count yourself lucky, in England theyre DOUBLE DISC!!! but to be fair, they started here in 83 or something, so i guess the first 10 years worth of albums werent too bad....i dont know what was on them tho
  15. Bon Jovi were on the one that came out in 06, that was about the only decent song on it tho :/ goddan Boom Boom Pow, how sucky is that song?!?! i generally hate anything where the backing music was made via synths and drum machines....i can deal with synthesised music ala Vince DiCola, infact id call myself a fan of 80s synth like Jan Hammer and DiCola....but this is completely different :s
  16. I love these threads, only time anyone congratulates me on here
  17. well, not 3500....i mean 1000 of those were in the "JBJ wont play Rhode Island Benefit Gig" thread
  18. i hadnt even noticed thanks guys and yeah thats ironic isnt it Matt?
  19. Oh You HAVE to watch the Originial texas Chainsaw Massacre!! From 1974.. Just a Classic!!! And it STILL creeps Me out to this day.. Not very bloody, but it's what you don't see that gets you...... i saw the scene with the Hitchhiker in the van and that guy, to me atleast, is scarier than Leatherface!! might watch II and III after that, but im really wary of part IV :/
  20. i still like MJs music and its sad that i wont have the chance to see him live because thats something i would have considered in the future because the stuff off of Thriller and Dangerous is still just as good and he used to put on a great show....also there was the chance that he'd release more music thatd actually be decent, i liked Scream and that was in the last 20 years Nirvana however, and im speaking as if i was a music fan when he died.....while i do like some songs (Sliver, In Bloom, You Know You're Right etc) i wouldnt have been too bothered about not seeing them live or them not releasing anymore music...
  21. Blast From The Past - Izzy Ryder yeah so what, its new and the pride hasnt worn off yet
  22. guess the ole pot legalization thread influenced you
  23. exactly, look at Amsterdam....did you know that Amsterdam has one of the lowest crime rates due to pot being legal in Hash Bars and Prostitution also being legal? they use to say that Pot Smokers (or drug addicts as they were called in the 70s) could be found out by the semen stains on their trousers left from the rape they had committed that day (wtf :s) but Amsterdam also has one of the lowest rape rates... If you can get drunk and start a fight and possibly end up killing someone because of the agression it causes (either through a drunken fist fight or drunk driving or whatever) then why cant you smoke a doobie, chill out and just relax? man, some of my good friends are stoners and theyre awesomely mellow....you cant piss them off, theres no arguments with them, theyre just chilled out all the time and that doesnt mean theyre not productive either, for the record these guys are musicians and theyre constantly recording new songs every day almost....and gigging all the time, teaching aswell.....they get alot done, theyre making a decent amount of money for 17/18 year olds and stil have time to chill out with a spliff im kinda curious to hear what Whiplash's (i think :/ Metalmaniacs brother....) view on this is being a correctional officer and all...
  24. I have the soundtrack to Death Row, which is disappointingly rather techno based :s however, it has an awesome track on it called "I'd Die For You" havent heard it in awhile but i used to love it thats all i know wait for Geoff or Colin, theyll know
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